LayeredLayout.TimeLimit Property
See Also

Gets or sets the maximum time to spend in the path searching phase, expressed in milliseconds.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get TimeLimit() As Long
Public Property Let TimeLimit( _
    ByVal value As Long _

C++  Copy Code

int get_TimeLimit ()
void put_TimeLimit (
    int value

 Property Value

A long value. The default is 10000.


The layered layout algorithm arranges graph nodes and links along the longest path in the graph. Large graphs with many links could contain hundreds of thousands of possible paths, so finding the longest one would be very time-consuming. When the time-out set with this property occurs, the path-finding routine stops and the layout algorithm uses the longest path known at that moment. Usually, for graphs containing several hundreds of nodes, 1-2 seconds are enough to find a long-enough path to produce nice layered layouts.

 See Also