Class inheritance diagram in JavaScript

In this post we will show how to use the JavaScript diagram library to generate a class inheritance diagram. The complete example is available here:

and a live version here:

Let’s start by creating shortcuts to some classes from the diagram model:

var Diagram = MindFusion.Diagramming.Diagram;

var DiagramItem = MindFusion.Diagramming.DiagramItem;
var DiagramLink = MindFusion.Diagramming.DiagramLink;
var DiagramNode = MindFusion.Diagramming.DiagramNode;
var ShapeNode = MindFusion.Diagramming.ShapeNode;
var TableNode = MindFusion.Diagramming.TableNode;
var ContainerNode = MindFusion.Diagramming.ContainerNode;
var FreeFormNode = MindFusion.Diagramming.FreeFormNode;
var SvgNode = MindFusion.Diagramming.SvgNode;

var ScrollBar = MindFusion.Diagramming.ScrollBar;
var Rect = MindFusion.Drawing.Rect;
var Font = MindFusion.Drawing.Font;
var TreeLayout = MindFusion.Graphs.TreeLayout;

Next, create a function that takes a Diagram instance and a list of class names as parameters. It will create a TableNode for each class. Each property of the class prototype is listed in a TableNode cell. If the getBaseType function detects a class inherits another one from the list, we’ll create a link between their nodes. Finally, the diagram is arranged using the TreeLayout algorithm.

function createClassDiagram(diagram, classes)
    var classConstructors = [];

    // create a table node for each class
    for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++)
        var className = classes[i];
        var node = diagram.getFactory().createTableNode(20, 20, 42, 42);
        node.redimTable(1, 0);
            new Font("sans-serif", 3, true /*bold*/, true /*italic*/));

        var ctor = eval(className);
        for (var property in ctor.prototype)
            node.getCell(0, node.rows.length - 1).setText(property);
        ctor.classNode = node;
    // create a diagram link for each prototype inheritance
        var base = getBaseType(ctor);
        if (base && base.classNode)
            var link = diagram.factory.createDiagramLink(

    // arrange as a tree
    var treeLayout = new TreeLayout();
    treeLayout.linkType = MindFusion.Graphs.TreeLayoutLinkType.Cascading;

The getBaseType implementation checks if a class was registered as a base for the argument using MindFusion.registerClass method or the common prototype inheritance pattern.

function getBaseType(ctor)
    // if class registered using MindFusion.registerClass
    if (ctor.__baseType)
        return ctor.__baseType;

    // if  prototypical inheritance with Child.prototype = new Parent()
    if (ctor.prototype && ctor.prototype.constructor != ctor)
        return ctor.prototype.constructor;
    return null;

The ready handler creates a Diagram instance binding it to a #diagram canvas element. It then calls createClassDiagram with a list of DiagramItem -derived classes as argument:

$(document).ready(function ()
    TableNode.prototype.useScrollBars = true;
    ScrollBar.prototype.background = "Lavender";
    ScrollBar.prototype.foreground = "DarkGray";

    // create a Diagram component that wraps the "diagram" canvas
    var diagram = Diagram.create($("#diagram")[0]);


If you run the sample now, you should see this nice visualization of MindFusion classes 🙂

JavaScript class inheritance diagram

For more information on MindFusion JavaScript diagram library, see its help reference and overview page.


Node.js diagram module

MindFusion.Diagramming for JavaScript is now also available as a Node.js module, and you can use the diagram API you know and love in server code 🙂 A sample server application and the module script are available here:

For example, you can submit to server a diagram drawn interactively by the user and examine its contents there by iterating over the nodes and links members of the Diagram class:

// on client side
	type: "post",
	url: "http://localhost:1234/diagram", 
	contentType: "application/json",
	data: diagram.toJson(),
	success: function(data)
	error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, err)

// on server side'/diagram', function(req, res)
    // won't be required in final release
    var dummyCanvas = { parentNode:{} };

    // create Diagram instance
    var diagram = new Diagram(dummyCanvas);

    // load diagram elements drawn by user

    // examine diagram contents
    console.log(diagram.nodes.length + " nodes");
    console.log(diagram.links.length + " links");
    diagram.nodes.forEach(function (node, index)
        console.log("node " + index + ": " + node.getText());

    // send some response

Or you could build the diagram on server side and send it to the browser to render in client-side Diagram control:

// on server side
app.get('/diagram', function(req, res)
    // won't be required in final release
    var dummyCanvas = { parentNode:{} };

    // create Diagram instance
    var diagram = new Diagram(dummyCanvas);

    // create some diagram items
    var node1 = diagram.getFactory().createShapeNode(10, 10, 40, 30);
    var node2 = diagram.getFactory().createShapeNode(60, 10, 40, 30);
    var link = diagram.getFactory().createDiagramLink(node1, node2);

    // set nodes' content
    node2.setText("hello there");

    // send diagram json

// on client side
	type: "get",
	url: "http://localhost:1234/diagram", 
	success: function(data)
	error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, err)

To run the sample Node.js application, run “node server.js” from command line and open http://localhost:1234/client.html in your browser. Draw some nodes and links, edit their text and click Post to see them enumerated in Node’s console. Clicking the Get button will show this diagram built on server side:

diagram built in node.js

For more information on MindFusion’s JavaScript Diagram API, see MindFusion.Diagramming online help


MindFusion.WinForms Pack, 2016.R2

MindFusion suite of WinForms controls has just been released and boasts a variety of new features to make you build WinForms applications faster and easier. Here is a review of the new version:

MindFusion Chart Control MindFusion.Charting

New data model

Data that should be drawn in charts is read through an interface called Series, whose instances can be assigned to the Series properties of Chart and SeriesRenderer classes. You can implement this interface in your own model classes to avoid duplicating data. The library includes several pre-defined series classes that let you specify data via IList or array objects.

Different series types in a single plot

The new data model allows adding different series types to a single plot

New rendering model

Chart graphics are drawn inside Plot components by SeriesRenderer-derived objects. Each plot can contain multiple series renderers from same or different types. For example, you can draw area, line and bar graphics in same plot by adding AreaRenderer, LineRenderer and BarRenderer objects to its SeriesRenderers collection. Chart controls automatically generate a series renderer of appropriate type for their Series.


The Dashboard control can contain multiple plots, axes, legends, images, gauges and text blocks arranged in dynamic layout. Individual components can be added to dashboard’s default RootPanel or LayoutPanel containers, or for more complex layouts add intermediary panels such as GridPanel and StackPanel to the default ones. To show different types of chart graphics, add Plot2D to draw in 2D Cartesian coordinate system, Plot3D for 3D Cartesian system, and PolarPlot for polar coordinate system. To draw horizontal or vertical axes, add respectively XAxisRenderer and YAxisRenderer objects. To show gauges, add LinearGaugeRenderer or OvalGaugeRenderer, whose Gauge property contains the gauge model definition.

The new WinForms Chart has a built-in dashboard control.

The new WinForms Chart has a built-in dashboard control.

Print and export

The Dashboard control and Chart controls that derive from it expose Print and PrintPreview methods for printing on paper. Call the ExportImage and CreateImage methods to generate bitmap image of the dashboard. The ExportPdf method exports the chart to a PDF (Portable Document Format) file. The ExportSvg method exports the chart to an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) file.


Values of appearance properties can come from several places in the component hierarchy. SeriesRenderer-derived objects can use attributes from their local SeriesStyle, from plot’s SeriesStyle, or from the *Series properties in current Theme. Component classes use either their local properties or ones defined in the theme. By default, appearance properties in SeriesRenderer > and Component > classes have null values, which makes the drawing code use values from the theme.

A rich choice of styling options are available

A rich choice of styling options are available

MindFusion WebForms Diagrammer MindFusion.Diagramming

Free-form nodes

A FreeFormNode collects all points from users’ mouse or touch input and displays them as node’s outline. To let users draw free-form nodes interactively, set Behavior to DrawFreeForms or LinkFreeForms. Use the Points property of FreeFormNode to get or set outline points programmatically. If the Closed property is set, the node is drawn as a closed shape and its interior filled, or otherwise the node is drawn as a poly-line. If the distance between first and last points drawn by user is shorter than AutoCloseDistance, the node’s Closed property is automatically set to true.

Free form nodes are drawn with the mouse

Free form nodes: just draw the node with the mouse and the control understands the shape you want

LinkLabel edit events

LinkTextEditing and LinkTextEdited events are now raised also when the user edits a LinkLabel. The Label property of the respective event-arguments class identifies the LinkLabel that is being edited. Label is a null reference if the user is editing link’s Text value.

keyboard16x16MindFusion Virtual Keyboard

MindFusion Virtual Keyboard has been initially added to MindFusion Pack for WinForms.

The WinForms virtual keyboard control: extended layout

The WinForms virtual keyboard control: extended layout

WPF Reporting ToolMindFusion.Reporting

Improved charts
MindFusion.Reporting now uses the new MindFusion charting engine to display charts in reports. The presentation of the charts has been greatly improved (particularly when resizing the charts).

Pie charts in a WinForms report

Pie charts in a WinForms report


New and improved charts
MindFusion.Spreadsheet now uses the new MindFusion charting engine to display charts in worksheets. Along with the improved appearance (particularly when resizing the charts), the following new features have been added:

  • New Candlestick chart type;
  • New BarOverlayed and ColumnOverlayed chart types;
  • Several new legend position types;

The worksheets can now be zoomed in and out through the new Zoom property.

Charts in a spreadsheet

The new chart engine makes spreadsheets even more appealing

MindFusion clients can download the installer for the latest version from the clients area on MindFusion website.

A direct link to download the WinForms pack is available from here:

Download MindFusion WinForms Pack 2016.R2

Updated assemblies are also available as MindFusion.Pack NuGet package.

About MindFusion.WinForms Pack: A rich set of programming components that provide WinForms developers with the complete list of features to build even the most complicated business applications fast and easy. The components integrate seamlessly and provide with a mouse click functionality that takes months to develop. Each control boasts various samples and tutorials, extensive documentation and numerous customization options that make it suitable for every type of software and scenario.

Further details about each component in the pack are available from MindFusion website:

Use this link to buy a license online. All components are royalty-free.

Creating custom CompositeNode components

In this post we’ll examine how CompositeNode components work in MindFusion.Diagramming for Windows Forms, and in the process create a custom radio button component. You can find the completed sample project here:

CompositeNode was created as alternative of the ControlNode class, which lets you present any Windows Forms control as a diagram node. ControlNode has many advantages, such as letting you design the hosted user controls using Visual Studio designer, reusing them in other parts of the user interface, and including complex framework or third-party controls as their children. From the fact that each user control creates a hierarchy of Win32 windows come some disadvantages too:

  • ControlNodes cannot mix with other diagram elements in the Z order but are always drawn on top
  • performance deteriorates if showing hundreds of nodes
  • mouse events might not reach the diagram if hosted controls capture mouse input
  • print and export might not be able to reproduce the appearance of hosted controls without additional work (handling PaintControl event)

On the other hand, CompositeNode does all its drawing in DiagramView control’s canvas and is not affected by the issues listed above. CompositeNode lets you build node’s UI by composing hierarchy of components derived from ComponentBase class. Pre-defined components include layout panels, read-only or editable text fields, images, borders, buttons, check-boxes and sliders. If the UI component you need isn’t provided out of the box, you could still implement it as a custom class that derives from ComponentBase or more specific type and overriding the GetDesiredSize, ArrangeComponents and Draw methods. Lets see how that works using a RadioButtonComponent as an example.

Derive RadioButtonComponent from CheckBoxComponent so we reuse its IsChecked and Content properties:

class RadioButtonComponent : CheckBoxComponent

CompositeNode relies on a dynamic layout system that lets components determine their size by overriding GetDesiredSize method, and arranging children in allocated size by means of ArrangeComponents method. For radio button we’ll call its base class to measure content size and add enough space for drawing the radio graphics element (a circle) horizontally, while fitting it in measured height:

float RadioSize(SizeF size)
	return Math.Min(size.Width, size.Height);

public override SizeF GetDesiredSize(SizeF availableSize, IGraphics graphics)
	var s = base.GetDesiredSize(availableSize, graphics);
	s.Width += RadioSize(s);
	return s;

ArrangeComponents calls the base class to arrange its content on the right side of available space:

public override void ArrangeComponents(RectangleF availableSpace, IGraphics graphics)
	var radioSize = RadioSize(availableSpace.Size);
	availableSpace.X += radioSize;
	availableSpace.Width -= radioSize;
	base.ArrangeComponents(availableSpace, graphics);

Now override Draw and render standard radio button graphics on the left side of the component, and content on the right side:

public override void Draw(IGraphics graphics, RenderOptions options)
	var radioSize = RadioSize(Bounds.Size);
	var r = radioSize / 2 - 1;
	var cr = r - 1;

	graphics.FillEllipse(Brushes.White, Bounds.X + 1, Bounds.Y + 1, 2 * r, 2 * r);
	using (var pen = new System.Drawing.Pen(Color.Black, 0.1f))
		graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, Bounds.X + 1, Bounds.Y + 1, 2 * r, 2 * r);
	if (IsChecked)
		graphics.FillEllipse(Brushes.Black, Bounds.X + 2, Bounds.Y + 2, 2 * cr, 2 * cr);

	GraphicsState s = graphics.Save();
	graphics.TranslateTransform(radioSize - 1 + Bounds.X, Bounds.Y);
	Content.Draw(graphics, options);

We’ll want only one radio from a group to be selected. For our purposes we can count all radio buttons placed inside same stack panel as part of same group. Override the OnClick method to unselect all buttons in parent panel and select the clicked one:

protected override void OnClicked(EventArgs e)
	var parentStack = Parent as StackPanel;
	if (parentStack != null)
		foreach (var child in parentStack.Components)
			var radio = child as RadioButtonComponent;
			if (radio != null)
				radio.IsChecked = false;
	this.IsChecked = true;

That’s it, the radio button component is ready with just a screenful of code 🙂 Let’s check how it works by creating an OptionNode class that shows a group of radio buttons and exposes a property to access or change selected one:

class OptionNode : CompositeNode

You could create the stack panel and radio buttons from code if you need more dynamic configuration, e.g. one with variable number of radio buttons. For this example we’ll just load a fixed template consisting of four buttons from XML:

const string Template = @"

        <shape name="" shape""="" shape="" roundrect""="">

		<border padding="" 2""="">

			<stackpanel name="" radiogroup""="" orientation="" vertical""="" spacing="" 1""="" horizontalalignment="" center""="">
				<radiobuttoncomponent padding="" 2""="">
						<text text="" option="" 1""="" font="" verdana,="" 3world,="" style="Bold&quot;&quot;">
				<radiobuttoncomponent padding="" 2""="">
						<text text="" option="" 2""="" font="" verdana,="" 3world,="" style="Bold&quot;&quot;">
				<radiobuttoncomponent padding="" 2""="">
						<text text="" option="" 3""="" font="" verdana,="" 3world,="" style="Bold&quot;&quot;">
				<radiobuttoncomponent padding="" 2""="">
						<text text="" option="" 4""="" font="" verdana,="" 3world,="" style="Bold&quot;&quot;">



The template can be loaded using the XmlLoader class. We’ll also store a reference to the stack panel so we can access its child radio buttons:

public OptionNode()

public OptionNode(Diagram d)
	: base(d)

private void Load()
	Components.Add(XmlLoader.Load(Template, this, null));

	radioGroup = FindComponent("RadioGroup") as StackPanel;

StackPanel radioGroup;

Now implement a SelectedOption property that lets us select a radio button by its index. Define it as nullable integer so we can represent missing select too:

public int? SelectedOption
		for (int i = 0; i < radioGroup.Components.Count; i++)
			var radioButton = (RadioButtonComponent)radioGroup.Components[i];
			if (radioButton.IsChecked)
				return i;
		return null;
		for (int i = 0; i < radioGroup.Components.Count; i++)
			var radioButton = (RadioButtonComponent)radioGroup.Components[i];
			radioButton.IsChecked = value == i;

Let’s try it – create a few nodes and run the application, you’ll see the screen shown below:

var node1 = new OptionNode();
node1.Bounds = new RectangleF(20, 20, 30, 40);
node1.SelectedOption = 0;

var node2 = new OptionNode();
node2.Bounds = new RectangleF(90, 20, 30, 40);
node2.SelectedOption = 1;

var node3 = new OptionNode();
node3.Bounds = new RectangleF(20, 80, 30, 40);
node3.SelectedOption = null;

var node4 = new OptionNode();
node4.Bounds = new RectangleF(90, 80, 30, 40);
node4.SelectedOption = 3;

for (int i = 0; i < diagram.Nodes.Count - 1; i++)
		diagram.Nodes[i], diagram.Nodes[i + 1]);

Radio buttons in MindFusion diagram nodes

To be fair, this kind of nodes is simple enough to implement using standard TableNode class where radio button graphics are either custom drawn or set as Image inside table cells in first column, and text displayed in second column. However the radio buttons can be mixed with other components in CompositeNodes to implement more complex user interfaces than ones possible with tables.

For more information on MindFusion flow diagramming libraries for various desktop, web and mobile platforms, see MindFusion.Diagramming Pack page.


ContainerNode fold / unfold animations

In this post we’ll show how to animate container’s fold and unfold operations using some event handling and custom drawing. You can download the complete project here:

The sample code will demonstrate several features of the Diagram control and .NET:

  • use LINQ to collect contained items
  • handle fold/unfold events
  • custom draw from DrawForeground event
  • draw items from custom drawing code

Let’s start by creating some items and containers when the form loads:

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var ctr = diagram.Factory.CreateContainerNode(20, 20, 100, 100, true);
    var node1 = diagram.Factory.CreateShapeNode(30, 35, 15, 15);
    var node2 = diagram.Factory.CreateShapeNode(80, 45, 15, 15);
    diagram.Factory.CreateDiagramLink(node1, node2);


    var ctr2 = diagram.Factory.CreateContainerNode(20, 20, 100, 100, true);

We’ll use LINQ extensions methods to find all items within a ContainerNode, including ones contained recursively in child containers:

List GetDescendents(ContainerNode container)
    var nodes = diagram.Nodes.Where(

    var links = diagram.Links.Where(l =>
        nodes.Contains(l.Origin) ||


Add handlers for ContainerFolded and ContainerUnfolded events that will start animation for the container:

void OnContainerFolded(object sender, NodeEventArgs e)
    var container = (ContainerNode)e.Node;
    StartAnimation(container, true);

void OnContainerUnfolded(object sender, NodeEventArgs e)
    var container = (ContainerNode)e.Node;
    StartAnimation(container, false);

The StartAnimation method stores a list of items that should be redrawn during animation and a few other animation attributes:

void StartAnimation(ContainerNode container, bool fold)
    var bounds = container.Bounds;
    var scaleCenter = new PointF(
        (bounds.Left + bounds.Right) / 2, bounds.Top);

    // collect items that will be unfolded
    animatedItems = GetDescendents(container);

    // animation will also draw this rectangle as background
    ctrBounds = bounds;
    ctrBounds.Size = container.UnfoldedSize;
    ctrBounds.Y += container.CaptionHeight;
    ctrBounds.Height -= container.CaptionHeight;

    // start animation timers
    Animate(scaleCenter, fold);

    if (!fold)
        // temporarily fold back when animating unfold operation
        // so that contained items stay invisible
        container.Folded = true;
        toUnfold = container;

The Animate method starts a timer whose Tick event invalidates the DiagramView and stops the timer when final frame has been reached:

void Animate(PointF scaleCenter, bool scaleDown)
    if (scaleDown)
        frameCounter = maxFrames;
        frameIncrement = -1;
        frameCounter = 0;
        frameIncrement = +1;
    this.scaleCenter = scaleCenter;

    animationTimer = new Timer();
    animationTimer.Tick += OnAnimationTimer;
    animationTimer.Interval = duration / maxFrames;

void OnAnimationTimer(object sender, EventArgs e)
    frameCounter += frameIncrement;
    if (frameCounter == 0 || frameCounter == maxFrames)
        animationTimer = null;
        animatedItems = null;

        if (toUnfold != null)
            toUnfold.Folded = false;
            toUnfold = null;

Add a DrawForeground event handler that applies scale transform proportional to current frame of animation and draws the container’s descendants stored in animatedItems list:

void OnDrawForeground(object sender, DiagramEventArgs e)
    if (animatedItems != null && frameCounter > 0)
        var options = new RenderOptions();
        var g = e.Graphics;

        // apply scale corresponding to current frame
        var scale = (float)frameCounter / maxFrames;
        g.TranslateTransform(scaleCenter.X, scaleCenter.Y);
        g.ScaleTransform(scale, scale);
        g.TranslateTransform(-scaleCenter.X, -scaleCenter.Y);

        // draw container background
        g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, ctrBounds);
        g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, ctrBounds);

        // draw contained items
        foreach (var item in animatedItems)
            item.Draw(e.Graphics, options);

Same technique can be applied to animate collapse and expand operations on tree branches. To implement that, handle NodeExpanded and NodeCollapsed events instead, and collect items reachable recursively from the branch’ root by following outgoing links.

The code above uses MindFusion’s .NET API and can be used with Windows Forms, WPF, Silverlight and ASP.NET diagramming components. The Java API for Android and desktop Swing application will look similar, with setter method calls instead of property assignments.

You can download the trial version of any MindFusion.Diagramming component from this page.
