Custom diagram canvas pagination

In this post we’ll show how to implement Visio-like dynamic pagination of the diagram canvas, expanding or shrinking it while users draw nodes interactively, and rendering custom page borders. This is demonstrated using MindFusion Windows Forms Diagram control, but equivalent APIs are provided by MindFusion diagramming libraries for other platforms.

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MindFusion.Diagramming for Blazor preview

We are soon releasing Blazor / WebAssembly flow diagramming library. First version implements most of the features of core MindFusion.Diagramming namespace from our WinForms desktop component, including layout and link routing algorithms. The library also includes NodeListView component for creating nodes via drag-and-drop. Import/export classes and other UI controls such as Ruler/Overview will be added with future releases.

If anyone is interested in trying out the beta version, please download this archive containing assemblies and sample projects:

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