MindFusion.Diagramming for Blazor preview

We are soon releasing Blazor / WebAssembly flow diagramming library. First version implements most of the features of core MindFusion.Diagramming namespace from our WinForms desktop component, including layout and link routing algorithms. The library also includes NodeListView component for creating nodes via drag-and-drop. Import/export classes and other UI controls such as Ruler/Overview will be added with future releases.

If anyone is interested in trying out the beta version, please download this archive containing assemblies and sample projects:


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MindFusion Releases Xamarin Charts

MindFusion Xamarin Chart has been released with the complete set of features needed to create and customize a wide selection of charts. The control boasts a variety of chart types like radar, polar, line, bubble, bar, column, doughnut, step, scatter etc. Part of the library are also a dashboard component and a component for financial charts.

3D Xamarin Chart

3D Xamarin Chart

Each chart type exposes numerous options to be customized in order to answer fully the requirements of the user. The control is packed with many samples that demonstrate different aspects of a chart type and offer ready-to-use code. The API is documented in details, with helpful tutorials and guides.

The chart component supports flexible data interface, which allows any data source to be used as a provider of chart data as long as it implements the Series interface. Predefined are a set of the most common data sources like XML, numeric lists, DateTime values, SQL database fields.

The innovative approach to styling lets developers control each aspect of the chart’s looks. They can alter the styling on the tiniest elements or concentrate on the bigger picture and create a global theme which can be reused.

Xamarin Bubble Chart

Xamarin Bubble Chart

The component is free to try without feature restrictions for a period of 60 days. Each license includes 12 month upgrade subscription. You can find out more about MindFusion Xamarin chart component at http://mindfusion.eu/xamarin-chart.html

About MindFusion: MindFusion has provided quality software tools for thousands of organizations and individuals for over a decade. With focus on lean software design and excellent technical support, MindFusion has been preferred by many Fortune 500 companies and world-known names from all industries and fields of business. MindFusion programming components are easy to use, with plenty of options to be customized and make development much faster and successful.

Diagramming for WinForms, V6.3.4 Released

MindFusion popular diagram control for WinForms has a new version. Here is a list of the new features:

Street maps

MapNodes can render street maps in OpenStreetMap format. Call FromXml method of MapContent to load an .osm file. The pens and brushes used for drawing the map are stored within the StreetMapPens and StreetMapBrushes collections in the static StreetMapFeatures class. You can define additional pens and brushes for drawing and painting certain map features by using MapContent’s AddPen and AddBrush methods.

Diagramming for WinForms: Map Nodes

Diagramming for WinForms: Map Nodes


  • Support for .NET 2 has been dropped; the minimum supported .NET framework version now is 3.5.
  • Distribution now includes a set of digitally-signed assemblies.
  • Undo/redo records for in-place edit operations are now created automatically. They are represented by instances of the EditTextCmd class.
  • CompositeNode supports vertical scrolling in EditComponent (only via keyboard).
  • Support for FromPage and ToPage properties of PrinterSettings.
  • CreateBarcodeNode methods added to the Factory class.
  • The BarcodeNodeStyle property of Diagram defines the default appearance of BarcodeNodes.
  • Improved speed when dragging large hierarchies of grouped nodes.
  • Fix for not restoring ColumnStyle value when cancelling or undoing TableNode column resize operations.

The trial version is available for direct download from the link below:

Diagramming for WinForms, V6.3.4 Trial Version Download

Your comments and feedback about the new version is welcomed. You can use the Diagramming for WinForms forum, the help desk or write us at support@mindfusion.eu. Our support team will be pleased to help you.

About MindFusion.Diagramming for WinForms: A programming component that provides any WinForms application with a full set of features for creating and customizing all types of diagrams, flowcharts, schemes, hierarchies, trees, graphs etc. The control provides numerous ways to save and load a diagram, six auxiliary controls and more than 12 automatic graph layout algorithms. Diagram elements include scrollable tables, container nodes, multi-segment arrows, custom diagram item types and many more. Further details here.

Diagramming for WinForms is a royalty-free component, clients get 12 month upgrade subscription when buying a license. The source code is also available for purchase. Visit the buy page for a list with the current license prices.

WPF Diagram Control, V3.3.1 and WinForms Diagram Control, V6.3.3

MindFusion is pleased to announce the new releases of two of its popular flowchart control: Diagramming for WinForms, V6.3.3 and Diagramming for WPF, V3.3.1. Both releases have similar new features, which are listed below:

Resize table columns and rows
Columns and rows of a TableNode can now be resized interactively if its AllowResizeColumns or AllowResizeRows properties are enabled. In order to resize, move the mouse pointer to the border line on column’s right side or row’s bottom side until it shows resize cursor and start dragging. The control raises TableColumnResizing and TableRowResizing events to let you validate new size or prevent resizing some elements. The TableColumnResized and TableRowResized events are raised after the operation completes.

Barcode nodes
The BarcodeNode class displays EAN, UPC or QR barcodes as node’s content. In-place edit operations let users enter new numeric codes for 1D codes or text strings for QR codes. The barcode format is specified via the Format property, the encoded number or text is set via Content, and color of 1D bars / 2D modules via BarColor.

Barcode diagram nodes

Barcode diagram nodes

New Features in Diagramming for WPF, V3.3.1

ShapeDesigner improvements

  • The ShapeDesigner control supports undo. Call its Undo or Redo methods to respectively undo or redo a change done to the designed shape.
  • ZoomFactor property added to ShapeDesigner. It also supports interactive zoom in/out via mouse wheel.
  • The SelectedElement property exposes the graphic element currently selected in ShapeDesigner canvas. You can bind to its stroke and brush properties to create alternative user interface for editing element attributes.


  • NodeConstraints.KeepInsideDiagram prevents a node from leaving diagram boundaries during user interaction (the older RestrictItemsToBounds property does not stop nodes from leaving diagram area but returns them to original position if dropped outside).
  • dashed selection frames are now drawn in two colors and should be visible on both the default white background and custom darker backgrounds. You can change the second dash color via HandlesVisualStyle.DashBackground property.
  • set the WhileModifying flag in RoutingOptions.TriggerRerouting to reroute links while users drag their end points.
  • custom connection point classes can now override ConnectionPoint.NearestAnchorPoint to implement custom anchor point selection logic; the method is now also called at the beginning of interactive link creation.

New in Diagramming for WinForms, V6.3.3


  • the component now selects better end points for auto-routed links when using WhileCreating and WhileModifying routing modes;
  • custom connection point classes can now override ConnectionPoint.NearestAnchorPoint to implement custom anchor point selection logic; the method is now also called at the beginning of interactive link creation.
  • NodeConstraints.KeepInsideDiagram prevents a node from leaving diagram boundaries during user interaction (the older RestrictItemsToBounds property does not stop nodes from leaving diagram area but returns them to original position if dropped outside).
  • SvgNode supports SVG images with vector-effect=’non-scaling-stroke’ stroke attributes.
  • improved default Pen for dash-frame selection handles style. Dashed frames should now be visible on both the default white background and custom darker backgrounds.
  • ZoomControl can now be used with other components by MindFusion and has been moved to MindFusion.Common.WinForms assembly and namespace.

You are welcome to download the trial version for each control from the following links:

Diagramming for WinForms, V6.3.3 Trial Version Download

Diagramming for WPF, V3.3.1 Trial Version Download

If you have questions or run into problems using the components you can use the Diagramming components forum, the help desk or write us at support@mindfusion.eu. Our support team will be pleased to help you.

About MindFusion.Diagramming for WinForms: A programming component that provides any WinForms application with a full set of features for creating and customizing all types of diagrams, flowcharts, schemes, hierarchies, trees, graphs etc. The control provides numerous ways to save and load a diagram, six auxiliary controls and more than 10 automatic graph layout algorithms. Diagram elements include scrollable tables, container nodes, multi-segment arrows, custom diagram item types and many more. Further details here.

Diagramming for WinForms is a royalty-free component, clients get 12 month upgrade subscription when buying a license. The source code is also available for purchase. Visit the buy page for a list with the current license prices.

About MindFusion.Diagramming for Wpf: Designed and developed to be easy to integrate, use, and customize, this native WPF flowchart component places at your disposal every single feature you would ever need to create diagrams, graphs, schemes, org charts, DB relationships, genealogy trees, class hierarchies and many more. Its long list of style options gives you complete control over the appearance of the diagram. With a set of eight automatic layouts you are sure to find the arrangement that suits perfectly your WPF application.

The diagram control boasts a long list of events, properties and methods for user interaction, item creation, data input and output. You can read the full features list here. The online demo shows samples that demonstrate various capabilities of the control. The licensing scheme and prices are uploaded at the buy page. Source code is also available.

Diagramming for ASP.NET, V5.4.1 & Diagramming for ASP.NET MVC, V2.4

MindFusion is pleased to announce the new releases of its Diagramming components for ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET. We have added the following new useful features:

Styled text
The ShapeNode.EnableStyledText property allows using HTML-like formatting tags to apply various attributes to the node’s text. At this time the components support the following formatting tags:

  • <b> specifies bold text
  • <i> specifies italic text
  • <u> specifies underlined text
  • <color=value> specifies text color
  • <br /> specifies line break

Styled text in an ASP.NET/ASP.NET MVC diagram

Styled text in an ASP.NET/ASP.NET MVC diagram

Improved text rendering

  • We have gratly improved the general text rendering quality. The components now remove scale transformations applied for MeasureUnit and ZoomFactor before drawing text on the canvas, and instead specify a scaled font size, which helps improve text appearance in Firefox and older versions of Chrome.
  • You can draw the items’ text underlined. To enable this, set the underline attribute of the Font class.
  • Font styles can be specified via Style instance by setting its FontStyle property.

License keys

MindFusion no longer provides separate trial and licensed versions of its components. Instead, you should set the LicenseKey property to disable a component’s evaluation mode and stop displaying trial messages. If your application has more than one Diagram instance or other controls by MindFusion, a single call to MindFusion.Licensing.LicenseManager.AddLicense(key) is enough to specify the key for all the controls. You can find your license key strings listed on the Keys & Downloads page at your http://clientsarea.eu account.


  • You can draw items using dashed lines in browsers that support the setLineDash function. To enable this, set the Pen.DashStyle property of DiagramItem or the StrokeDashStyle property of Style.
  • Client-side TreeLayout supports organizational charts with assistant nodes as in Microsoft Office diagrams. You can mark nodes as assistants if you set node.LayoutTraits[TreeLayout.Assistant] to a member of the AssistantType enumeration. Set
    TreeLayout.enableAssistants = true; 

    to arrange assistant nodes in a separate branch between the main node levels.

  • Specify if separate connected components of a graph should be arranged horizontally or vertically relatively to each other by setting the multipleGraphsPlacement attribute of layout classes.
  • The type of LinkLabel.Margin property has been changed from number to Thickness, letting you specify different margin sizes at each side of the label.
  • Masters for Start and Arrow7 shapes are added to VisioExporter template file.
  • VisioImporter now tries to preserve ShapeNode.Shape when importing from files created by VisioExporter.

The trial versions of the controls are available for download from the links below:

Download MindFusion.Diagramming for ASP.NET, V5.4.1

Download MindFusion.Diagramming for ASP.NET MVC, V2.4

MindFusion support team is happy to assist you with any questions you might have about Diagramming for ASP.NET MVC, Diagramming for ASP.NET or any other of our products. You can leave a message at the discussion board, use the help desk or e-mail support@mindfusion.eu.. We strive to provide competent and detailed answers to your questions within hours of receiving them.

About Diagramming for ASP.NET Component: An advanced WebForms programming component that offers all the functionality that is needed for creating, styling and presenting attractive flowcharts, hierarchies, trees, graphs, schemes, diagrams and many more. The control offers numerous utility methods, path finding and cycle detection, rich event set and many useful user interaction features like tool tips, multiple selection, copy/paste to/from Windows clipboard and many more.

NetDiagram offers over 100 predefined node shapes, scrollable tables, 13 automatic layouts and many more. You can check the online demo to see some of the features in action. The control includes many samples, detailed documentation and step-by-step tutorials. Every features is duly documented and there’s plenty of code to copy. The component is not only powerful and scalable, but easy to learn and fun to use.

About Diagramming for ASP.NET MVC Control: It is a multi-purpose diagramming tool that consists of two parts: a .NET class library running on the server and a client side control implemented in JavaScript. The server side .NET library implements a flow-diagramming object model that lets you define structures such as trees, flowcharts and graphs. Every element in the diagram is easily accessible and the whole diagram is rendered as part of an HTML page by just calling the DiagramView extension method.

On the client the diagram is rendered by a DiagramView JavaScript control that draws its content on an HTML Canvas. The user is able to add nodes and links simply by drawing them with the mouse. There is also a NodeListView control, which lets users create new nodes via drag and drop.

MvcDiagram also supports various automatic layout algorithms that will make every diagram easy to understand and nice to look at. The diagram can also be easily serialized in binary or XML format. Exporting is done in a variety of formats including Pdf, Svg, Visio and more. You can read details about the components at the MvcDiagram features page.