Collaborative drawing with MindFusion.Diagramming and SignalR

In this post we’ll show how to use the ASP.NET MVC diagram library and SignalR to implement collaborative drawing of diagrams. This can be useful in visual planning tools where users work together on a task, such as project management or mind-mapping applications.

The complete sample project is available here –

Start by creating an ASP.NET MVC application in Visual Studio. Open Tools -> Library Package Manager -> Package Manager Console and install the MindFusion.Diagramming.Mvc package –

Install-Package MindFusion.Diagramming.Mvc 

While we are there, also install the SignalR package –

install-package Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR

From the project’s context menu, Add submenu, select OWIN startup class and add SignalR to the OWIN pipeline by calling –


Now lets add a diagram view to the home page at Views/Home/Index.cshtml, load the necessary script files and wire up diagram event handlers that will send change notifications to the hub –

@using MindFusion.Diagramming
@using MindFusion.Diagramming.Mvc

    var diagView = new DiagramView("diagramView")

    diagView.Diagram.DefaultShape = Shapes.Ellipse;

@Html.DiagramView(diagView, new { style = "width:700px; height:600px;" })

@section scripts

The hub will synchronize operations done on the diagram by one client by sending a notification to all other connected clients. From the project context menu add a SignalR hub class, naming it DiagramHub. The model class we’ll use to describe node changes looks like this –

public class NodeModel
    public double X { get; set; }

    public double Y { get; set; }

    public double Width { get; set; }

    public double Height { get; set; }

    public string Id { get; set; }

    public string Text { get; set; }

Add these three methods to the hub class to synchronize node creation, move, resize and edit-text operations –

public void NodeCreated(NodeModel clientModel)
public void NodeModified(NodeModel clientModel)
public void NodeTextEdited(NodeModel clientModel)

The diagram event handlers in MindMap.js fill in the model objects and call respective hub methods –

function onNodeCreated(s, e)
    var hubId = $; = hubId + s.getItems().length;

    var r = e.node.bounds;
    var model =
        x: r.x,
        y: r.y,
        width: r.width,
        height: r.height

function onNodeModified(s, e)
    var r = e.node.bounds;
    var model =
        x: r.x,
        y: r.y,
        width: r.width,
        height: r.height

function onNodeTextEdited(s, e)
    var model =
        text: e.getNewText()

Handle notifications sent from server to clients by updating the diagram from received model objects –

$(function ()
    diagramHub = $.connection.diagramHub;
    diagramHub.client.nodeCreated = function (model)
        var node = diagram.factory.createShapeNode(
            model.x, model.y, model.width, model.height); =;
    diagramHub.client.nodeModified = function (model)
        var node = findNode(;
            new MindFusion.Drawing.Rect(
                model.x, model.y, model.width, model.height),
    diagramHub.client.nodeTextEdited = function (model)
        var node = findNode(;

Finally add these helper functions for finding items and storing a global diagram reference –

function onDiagramLoaded(s, e)
    diagram = s;

function findNode(id)
    for (var i = 0; i < diagram.nodes.length; i++)
        var node = diagram.nodes[i];
        if (id ==
            return node;
    return null;

function findLink(id)
    for (var i = 0; i < diagram.links.length; i++)
        var link = diagram.links[i];
        if (id ==
            return link;
    return null;

Start several copies of the application in separate browser instances on your system (or even on different machines if you publish it on IIS or Azure). Now start drawing nodes, moving them or editing their text – changes done on the diagram in one browser will be immediately reflected in all other browsers connected to the hub. However we aren’t yet synchronizing link operations; lets fix that –

public class LinkModel
    public string Id { get; set; }

    public string OriginId { get; set; }

    public string DestinationId { get; set; }

    public string Text { get; set; }

Add following hub methods in server class –

public void LinkCreated(LinkModel clientModel)
public void LinkModified(LinkModel clientModel)
public void LinkTextEdited(LinkModel clientModel)

Call them from respective JavaScript handlers of diagram link events –

function onLinkCreated(s, e)
    var hubId = $; = hubId + s.getItems().length;

    var model =

function onLinkModified(s, e)
    var hubId = $;
    var model =

function onLinkTextEdited(s, e)
    var model =
        text: e.getNewText()

Handle link-related client notifications by creating or modifying links –

diagramHub.client.linkCreated = function (model)
    var link = diagram.factory.createDiagramLink(
        findNode(model.originId), findNode(model.destinationId)); =;
diagramHub.client.linkModified = function (model)
    var link = findLink(;
diagramHub.client.linkTextEdited = function (model)
    var link = findLink(;

Now the application will also synchronize link operations across all connected clients. Here’s a small diagram synchronized between three different browsers –
collaborative mind map

The sample above uses MindFusion’s ASP.NET MVC API. Code for other frameworks will look similar as MindFusion maintains same diagramming model for multiple platforms. You can download the trial version of any MindFusion.Diagramming component from this page.


A Class Diagram Tool in Java with the Flowchart Library – I

This blog post is a step-by-step guide on how to create a tool that parses *.jar files and builds the class hierarchy. The visualization of the diagram is performed by MindFusion Java Swing Diagram library.

Here is an image of the final application:

Class Library Tool in Java

Class Library Tool in Java

In part one we will take a look at the controls that build the user interface for the application.

I. UI Controls

We will use three controls from the diagram library:

    private Diagram diagram;
    private DiagramView diagramView;
    private ZoomControl zoomer;

One JScrollPane:

private JScrollPane _scrollPane;

and a JPanel for the legend and a JMenuBar.

    JPanel controlsPanel = new JPanel();
    JMenuBar menuBar;

Those controls build the user interface. At the top is the menu bar with menus for handling the *.jar files. In the center is a scrollable area that contains the diagram. Right to it is a zoom control. At the bottom is the panel with the legend – images and text that explain the colors and symbols on the class diagram.

II. The Diagram Controls

The three diagram controls are the Diagram, the DiagramView and the ZoomControl. The diagram needs a diagramView to render itself onto. The diagramView users a scrollPane to provide scroll functionality for the flowchart. The zoomControl is a typical Java Swing control, we set a few customization options on it to make it pass the layout of our application.

       //diagram initialization
        diagram = new Diagram();

We set auto resize for the diagram and assign it to the diagramView:

        //initialize a diagramView that will render the diagram.
        diagramView = new DiagramView(diagram);

The scrollPane is initialized with the diagramView and scrolls automatically when the view is bigger than the available size:

         //use a scroll pane to host large diagrams
        _scrollPane = new JScrollPane(diagramView);

The zoomControl is also attached to the diagramView. It’s important that we set its Dimension, the width will be used by the Java layout manager to calculate the available space for it on the application.

        //provide a zoomer for the diagram
        zoomer = new ZoomControl();
        zoomer.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(70, 50));

The arrangement of the controls in the JFrame is done with the BorderLayout. It’s important that we set the layout before we start adding the controls:

     getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
     this.add(zoomer, BorderLayout.EAST);
     this.add(createLegendPanel(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);

The zoomer is to the right, the legend panel is at the bottom. The last control that we add is the scrollPane with the diagram, we align it to the center, which means that all the available space would be allocated to her.

     this.add(_scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);

Finally, we create the menu bar.


III. The Legend Panel

The legend panel is a JPanel with BoxLayout of type “LINE_AXIS”.

        JPanel controlsPanel = new JPanel();
        controlsPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(controlsPanel, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));
        controlsPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 10, 10, 10));

The legend items are ImageIcon-s – for each symbol in the diagram there’s an icon. We have also created images for the colors of the diagram. Each icon is rendered with explanation label.

Generally, each item on the LegendPanel is initialized like this:

        //create labels for each item on the legend
        JLabel label = new JLabel("Constructor", constructorIcon, JLabel.CENTER);
        controlsPanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(10, 0)));

The layout distributes evenly the available space between the items and we get an easy-to-read legend at the bottom of the application.

IV. The Menu

The menu at the top is implemented as a JMenuBar, which uses mnemonic keys and accelerators to grant access to the menu items with keyboard shortcuts. The only menu item and submenu items currently present are File -> Open jar.

        //Build the first menu.
        menu = new JMenu("File");
                "File operations");

The “Open jar” command uses action listener, which brings up the Open File diagolg. This is a JFileChooser, which filters all files except *.jar files.

     //the method that handles events
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        //identify the command
        if ("open_jar".equals(e.getActionCommand())) {

            //a list with MemberInfo objects that hold class info
            ArrayList membersList = new ArrayList();
            fileChooser = new JFileChooser();

            //set the default directory to this file's directory

            //filter only *.jar files
            FileFilter filter = new FileNameExtensionFilter(null, "jar");

If the method confirms that the user has selected a valid jar, the path to the file is provided to the method that reads and parses the jar, which will be topic for the second part of this tutorial.

The whole sample is available for direct download from this link:

Download the Class Diagram Tool in Java Application

MindFusion support team welcomes your questions about the Java diagram library or any other of our programming tools at the discussion board or per e-mail at

About Diagramming for Java Swing: MindFusion.Diagramming for Java Swing provides your Java application with all necessary functionality to create and customize a diagram. The library is very easy to integrate and program. There are numerous utility methods, rich event set, more than 100 predefined shapes. The tool supports a variety of ways to render or export the diagram, advanced node types like TreeView nodes, hierarchical nodes, tables, container nodes and many more. There are 15 automatic layouts, various input / output options and fully customizable appearance. A detailed list with JDiagram’s features is uploaded here. You can check the online demo to see some of the functionality implemented.

Diagramming for Java Swing is royalty free, there are no distribution fees. Licenses depend on the count of developers using the tool – check here the prices.

JavaScript Diagram Library, V2.8 Released

The new JavaScript library has been released with the following new features:

Fluent API

Builder objects with property setters and shortcut methods for font and brush creation add support for fluent programming style. Static With and instance init methods in DiagramItem, Style and Layout -derived classes return a builder instance that can be used to set up respective new or existing objects.

DiagramLink improvements

  • HeadStroke, HeadStrokeThickness and HeadStrokeDashStyle properties let you customize arrowhead strokes independently of line segments strokes.
  • The AllowSelfLoops property of Diagram class controls whether users are allowed to draw self-loop links.
  • The new Spline element of LinkShape enumeration draws links as interpolating splines that pass through all of their control points.
The new JS Diagram boasts improved DiagramLink-s.

The new JS Diagram boasts improved DiagramLink-s.


A trial version is available for download here:

Download MindFusion Diagram Library for JavaScript, V2.8

About Diagramming for JavaScript Library: Written 100% in JavaScript, this tool is a dynamic, browser based visualization library that uses HTML5 Canvas to draw impressive diagrams, schemes, flowcharts, trees and many more. It is browser independent, easy to use and allows you to integrate interactive diagrams for JavaScript and HTML into any web application. This MindFusion graphing library supports a variety of predefined node shapes, customizable links, rich event set and many appearance options.

The user interaction model includes resizing / moving / selecting and modifying any diagram element. The library boasts an elegant API, which is documented in details, numerous step-by-step guides and tutorials. The Diagramming API also provides TypeScript definitions. Various samples are provided to let you learn quickly how to use the most important features of the library – check them here. The JavaScript diagram builder is not only the perfect choice for creating any type of diagram in the browser – it can also arrange it the way you wish with a mouse click using one of its automatic graph layout algorithms. For more details about the features of the component, please visit the Diagram for JavaScript page.

Database Schema with the Java Diagram Library – Part II

The first part of this tutorial is uploaded here. Click here to watch the video that goes with these tutorials.

I. Table Relationships

Now that we have the DB tables from the sakila metadata, it’s time to connect them in a way that mirrors their relationship in the actual MySQL database.

We read the relationships metadata with the helper method in the DBMetaData class:

 ArrayList relations = DBMetaData.getRelationsMetadata(tables);

The method returns a list of our custom DBRelation objects, where each one contains data about two related tables and their fields.

TableNode source = (TableNode)diagram.findNodeById(relation.pk_table);
TableNode destination = (TableNode)diagram.findNodeById(relation.fk_table);

The DBRelation object provides the fields that enter into relation as strings. Since the Diagram.Factor.createDiagramLink method requires the indices of the DB rows we must identify them:

 for(int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
         Cell cell = source.getCell(1, i);

         if(cell.getText().equals("" + relation.pk_key + ""))
               pk_index = i;

Now that we have identified the indexes of the fields that actually relate to each other in both the source and destination tables, we can connect them:

DiagramLink link = diagram.getFactory().createDiagramLink(source, pk_index, destination, fk_index);

We use the capability of the Java diagram library to connect table nodes not generally but a specific row to another specific row.

We also make some visual customizations to make the connectors look more DB-like:


For those rows, that are foreign keys but are not primary keys we add an icon:

try {
    File pathToFile = new File("res/fkey.png");
    Image image =;
    if(fk_index > -1 && destination.getCell(0,fk_index).getImage() == null)
    } catch (IOException ex) {

Here is what we have achieved so far:

The diagram is ready but needs a proper layout

The diagram is ready but needs a proper layout

II. Layout

Arranging such DB schema might be a challenging task when done manually but we’ll combine the impressive layout algorithms and arrangement features of the library to arrange the diagram 100% automatically.

A horizontal LayeredLayout provides a nice start. We specify the distance between the layers in the diagram and the nodes – the first two parameters. The last two are the left and top offset of the diagram from the edge of the document.

The diagram links can be arranged by a separate algorithm and we use this feature to polish the way they go around the tables.

 //re-route all links
 diagram.setLinkRouter(new GridRouter());

Another useful option is to render link crossings with arcs, which makes them much easier to follow.

//customize the links

Finally, the diagram must be updated:

//redraw the control

With that our diagram is finished and it looks great:

The final version of the diagram.

The final version of the diagram.

You can download the complete sample from this link. The sample contains the sakila MySQL database with a PDF file with instructions how to install it if you haven’t already. You will need to have an installed and running MySQL server. Remember to change the login data in the file to match your login credentials.

About Diagramming for Java Swing: MindFusion.Diagramming for Java Swing provides your Java application with all necessary functionality to create and customize a diagram. The library is very easy to integrate and program. There are numerous utility methods, rich event set, more than 100 predefined shapes. The tool supports a variety of ways to render or export the diagram, advanced node types like TreeView nodes, hierarchical nodes, tables, container nodes and many more. There are 15 automatic layouts, various input / output options and fully customizable appearance. A detailed list with JDiagram’s features is uploaded here. You can check the online demo to see some of the functionality implemented.

Diagramming for Java Swing is royalty free, there are no distribution fees. Licenses depend on the count of developers using the tool – check here the prices.

Database Schema with the Java Diagram Library – Part I

In this blog post we’ll build a database diagram reading the metadata of the sample MySQL database sakila.

Click here to watch the video that goes with these tutorials.

I. Configuration

For our sample to work we need to add the JDiagram.jar package to the project and a JDBC driver for MySQL. We download the JDBC driver from and we add mysql-connector-java-5.1.40.jar to the libs folder of our project where we have placed JDiagram.jar.

The structure of the Class Diagram Java project.

The structure of the Class Diagram Java project.

II. Helper Classes

We create several helper classes that will handle the connection to the database and re-creation of the database metadata in a format which we can use to build the DB diagram.

1. We have created two classes for connecting to the sakila MySql database and reading the metadata. For the tables. In general we are interested in the names of the tables, the columns in them with column name, column data type and column data size. We also want the relationships in the database, with the primary and foreign keys. The classes that provide us with this information are DBConnection, which binds to the database and DBMetaData, which reads the database with the help of the DatabaseMetaData and ResultSet classes of the Java platform.
2. For the purpose of our project we have created two more classes. The first one represents a column in the database – DBColumn. It has just a few fields:

public class DBColumn {

    public String name;
    public String type;
    public String size;
    public boolean primaryKey;

The other class describes a relation in the database. It is equally simple:

public class DBRelation {

    public String pk_key;
    public String pk_table;

    public String fk_key;
    public String fk_table;

3. We have defined an ArrayList tables variable for the table names. We call the respective method of the DBMetaData class that reads the table names and populates the tables list.

III. UI Controls

We will use an instance of the Diagram class, a DiagramView control, a JScrollPane and a zoom control. What we want to show is a diagram pane that is scrollable both horizontally and vertically and a zoom control next to it.

We create the diagram and make sure it will resize itself when needed:

//diagram initialization
diagram = new Diagram();

The diagram needs a diagramView to render itself onto. We create one and add it to a JScrollPane. The scroll pane provides the necessary scrollbars if the flowchart gets too big.

//initialize a diagramView that will render the diagram.
diagramView = new DiagramView(diagram);

//use a scroll pane to host large diagrams
_scrollPane = new JScrollPane(diagramView);

The Java Diagram library provides a handful of auxiliary controls and in our sample we’ll use the Zoom control:

//provide a zoomer for the diagram
zoomer = new ZoomControl();
zoomer.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(70, 50));

We use the setView() method to associate the zoom control with the diagramView. The BorderLayout algorithm helps us arrange the controls. First, we apply it on the JFrame ContentPane and then we align the zoom control to the right. Finally, we add the JScrollPane to the center, which lets it use all the available space left by the zoomer:

getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
this.add(zoomer, BorderLayout.EAST);
this.add(_scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);

IV. Creating the Tables

We first read the data for the DB columns and then for each table in the database we create a diagram TableNode.

ArrayList tableData = DBMetaData.getColumnsMetadata(tableName);

We use the Factory class of the diagram library:

Dimension tableSize = new Dimension(50, 30);
TableNode _table = diagram.getFactory().createTableNode(10, 10, 50, tableData.size() * 8, 4, tableData.size());
_table.setCaption("" + tableName + "");

The createTableNode() method that we use takes as arguments the location of the table node, its width and height and the count of rows and columns. We use HTML formatting to make the caption of the table bold. For caption and for id of the tableNode we use the name of the table.

Since we need to use HTML styling on text in the diagram nodes we must specify:


Let’s add some more customization on the table nodes:

_table.setCaptionFormat(new TextFormat(Align.Center, Align.Center));
_table.setBrush(new SolidBrush(new Color((int)204, (int)224, (int)255)));

The caption is aligned in the center and we increase slightly the default caption height. Then we allow users to resize table columns with the mouse and we change the table shape from rectangle to a rectangle with rounded edges. Finally, we color the table nodes with a light blue brush.

Note that once Factory creates a node it gets added to the DiagramNodes collection of the control automatically.
Now let’s populate the table with data:

int rowIndex = 0;

for(DBColumn column: tableData)
    _table.getCell(1, rowIndex).setText("" + + "");
    _table.getCell(2, rowIndex).setText(column.type);
    _table.getCell(3, rowIndex).setText(column.size);

    //if the column is a primary key - set an image. If not, leave it empty.
        try {

            File pathToFile = new File("res/key.png");
            Image image =;

        } catch (IOException ex) {



Here we cycle through all DBColumn objects that we have created using the database metadata. In each row in the table node we write the name of the database field, the data type and the data size. Note that we start with the second column (index 1) because the first one is reserved for an image of the primary or foreign key, if applicable. So far we have gathered information only for the primary key.

Since we want the image to occupy the first column we must make some adjustments to the TableNode and its size:

//adjust the size of the tables and columns.
Rectangle2D.Float t_size = _table.getBounds();
_table.resize(t_size.width + 7, t_size.height);

First we use resizeToFitText to make the table auto calculate the size it needs based on the text it holds. This, unfortunately would not include space for the image, so we must correct it manually. We resize the first column with 7 pixels to allow the image to fit and we increase the size of the table as well. Then we call resizeToFitImage() to let the TableNode update its new size.

With that we finish the first part of our tutorial. Part II will walk you through the steps to create the relationships among the nodes and arrange the database diagram using the automatic layout algorithms provided with the Java Diagram library. Here is our diagram so far:

Java Database Schema: Tables

Java Database Schema: Tables

You can download the complete sample from this link. The sample contains the sakila MySQL database with a PDF file with instructions how to install it if you haven’t already. You will need to have an installed and running MySQL server. Remember to change the login data in the file to match your login credentials.

The second part of this tutorial is here.

About Diagramming for Java Swing: MindFusion.Diagramming for Java Swing provides your Java application with all necessary functionality to create and customize a diagram. The library is very easy to integrate and program. There are numerous utility methods, rich event set, more than 100 predefined shapes. The tool supports a variety of ways to render or export the diagram, advanced node types like TreeView nodes, hierarchical nodes, tables, container nodes and many more. There are 15 automatic layouts, various input / output options and fully customizable appearance. A detailed list with JDiagram’s features is uploaded here. You can check the online demo to see some of the functionality implemented.

Diagramming for Java Swing is royalty free, there are no distribution fees. Licenses depend on the count of developers using the tool – check here the prices.