FlowChart.MouseMove Event
See Also

Raised periodically while the user moves the mouse.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Event MouseMove

 Event Data





[input] long

The x coordinate of the current mouse position.


[input] long

The y coordinate of the current mouse position.

Dispatch ID: 72


If enabled, this event is raised periodically while the user moves the mouse. Because it might produce some unnecessary overhead, the event firing is disabled by default. You can enable/disable it through the FireMouseMove property. The parameters of the event are expressed in document coordinates.


Suppose you need to display some text, associated with a diagram node, as a message in the status-bar of your application. The status-bar should be updated while the user moves the mouse around. To implement this functionality you might handle the event as follows:

VB6  Copy Code

Private Sub fc_MouseMove(ByVal docX As Long, ByVal docY As Long)

    Dim obj As Object
    Dim b As box

    'get the object under the mouse pointer
    obj = fc.ObjectFromPoint(docX, docY, True, False)

    If obj Is Nothing Then

        'clear the status bar message
        statusBar.Panels(1).Text = ""
        Exit Sub

    End If

    'if it is a box ...
    If TypeOf obj Is box Then

        b = obj
        statusBar.Panels(1).Text = b.UserString

    End If

End Sub

 See Also