FlowChart.ObjectModified Event
See Also

Occurs when an item is moved or resized.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Event ObjectModified

 Event Data





[input] reference to a diagram item

A reference to the item that is moved or resized.


[input] long

The index of the grab handle used to carry out the modification.

Dispatch ID: 76


Occurs when an item is moved or resized. The index of the grab handle used to carry out the modification is passed as value of selHandle. Corner handles indices are 0..3 counted clockwise starting from the upper-left; those correspond to resizing a node both horizontally and vertically. Side handle indices are 4..7 counted clockwise starting from the top; those correspond to resizing a node either vertically or horizontally. The center handle index is 8; it is used for moving nodes, without resizing. For arrows, the handle index corresponds to the control point of an arrow, used to modify arrow's segment.

 See Also