FlowChart.TableModifying Event
See Also

Occurs while a Table is being moved or resized.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Event TableModifying

 Event Data





[input] reference to a Table

The table that is being modified.


[input] long

The mouse x position in document coordinates.


[input] long

The mouse y position in document coordinates.


[input] long

The index of the selection handle used to modify the table.


[output] boolean

Specifies whether the user should be allowed to drop the table at the current mouse position.

Dispatch ID: 97


This event is raised after each mouse movement while modifying a table. Setting Confirm to false will change the mouse cursor to a Stop icon, or to your custom icon set via SetMouseCursor. The event is raised once again when the mouse button is released. Setting Confirm to false in that case will cancel the modification and return the table to its original position.

The selection handle index is set to 0, 1, 2, 3 if the table is modified via the corner resize handles; 4, 5, 6, 7 for the side center resize handles or 8 for the move handle.

 See Also