FlowChart.Scroll Event
See Also

Raised when a user scrolls the document area.


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Public Event Scroll

 Event Data





[input] long

The x coordinate of the new scroll position.


[input] long

The y coordinate of the new scroll position.

Dispatch ID: 73


Raised when a user scrolls the document area. The x and y parameters provide the new values of ScrollX and ScrollY properties.

Scrolling can be performed interactively: through the scrollbars; by panning via ALT + dragging the mouse; via keyboard arrow keys. To enable scrolling through keyboard interface, set the KbdActive property to true and KbdBehavior to kbScrollView.

This event is not raised if the scroll position is changed programmatically.


The sample below keeps a special node always into view by moving it when the diagram is scrolled.

VB6  Copy Code

Private Sub fc_Scroll(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long)

    specialBox.MoveTo(x + 20, y + 20)

End Sub

 See Also