RoutingOptions.Anchoring Property
See Also

Gets or sets a value specifying whether the ends of routed arrows should be aligned to the anchor points of nodes.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get Anchoring() As EAnchoring
Public Property Let Anchoring( _
    ByVal Value As EAnchoring _

C++  Copy Code

EAnchoring get_Anchoring ()
void put_Anchoring (
    EAnchoring value

 Property Value

A member of the EAnchoring enumeration. The default is ancIgnore.


By default the routing algorithm ignores anchor points. To make it align arrow ends to the points specified in the AnchorPattern property of nodes, set Anchoring to ancKeep or ancReassign. ancKeep specifies that the routing algorithm should not change the positions of arrow end points. ancReassign lets the routing algorithm choose new end points for an arrow from the ones specified in the AnchorPattern of its origin and destination nodes.

 See Also