RoutingOptions.StartOrientation Property
See Also

Gets or sets the desired orientation of the first segments of routed arrows.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get StartOrientation() As EPrpStartOrientation
Public Property Let StartOrientation( _
    ByVal Value As EPrpStartOrientation _

C++  Copy Code

EPrpStartOrientation get_StartOrientation ()
void put_StartOrientation (
    EPrpStartOrientation value

 Property Value

A member of the EPrpStartOrientation enumeration. The default is soAuto.


For some diagrams it might be desirable that first and last segments of arrows always have a specific direction. E.g. in database ER diagrams arrows usually connect to table rows on the left or right-hand sides of tables; in that case their end segments must be horizontal. StartOrientation specifies what orientation of arrows' first segments to be applied by the routing algorithm.

 See Also