RoutingOptions.CrossingCost Property
See Also

Gets or sets a value added to the total cost of a route which causes a link to cross another link.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get CrossingCost() As Byte
Public Property Let CrossingCost( _
    ByVal value As Byte _

C++  Copy Code

unsigned char get_CrossingCost ()
void put_CrossingCost (
    unsigned char value

 Property Value

A byte value. The default is 4.


This is a penalty value added to the total cost of an evaluated arrow route if it crosses another arrow. The routing algorithm aims to find paths that have a minimal cost, so assigning a greater value to CrossingCost leads to fewer link intersections. At this time CrossingCost processing is implemented only for links with Style set to asPerpendicular.

 See Also