ContainerNode fold / unfold animations

In this post we’ll show how to animate container’s fold and unfold operations using some event handling and custom drawing. You can download the complete project here:

The sample code will demonstrate several features of the Diagram control and .NET:

  • use LINQ to collect contained items
  • handle fold/unfold events
  • custom draw from DrawForeground event
  • draw items from custom drawing code

Let’s start by creating some items and containers when the form loads:

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var ctr = diagram.Factory.CreateContainerNode(20, 20, 100, 100, true);
    var node1 = diagram.Factory.CreateShapeNode(30, 35, 15, 15);
    var node2 = diagram.Factory.CreateShapeNode(80, 45, 15, 15);
    diagram.Factory.CreateDiagramLink(node1, node2);


    var ctr2 = diagram.Factory.CreateContainerNode(20, 20, 100, 100, true);

We’ll use LINQ extensions methods to find all items within a ContainerNode, including ones contained recursively in child containers:

List GetDescendents(ContainerNode container)
    var nodes = diagram.Nodes.Where(

    var links = diagram.Links.Where(l =>
        nodes.Contains(l.Origin) ||


Add handlers for ContainerFolded and ContainerUnfolded events that will start animation for the container:

void OnContainerFolded(object sender, NodeEventArgs e)
    var container = (ContainerNode)e.Node;
    StartAnimation(container, true);

void OnContainerUnfolded(object sender, NodeEventArgs e)
    var container = (ContainerNode)e.Node;
    StartAnimation(container, false);

The StartAnimation method stores a list of items that should be redrawn during animation and a few other animation attributes:

void StartAnimation(ContainerNode container, bool fold)
    var bounds = container.Bounds;
    var scaleCenter = new PointF(
        (bounds.Left + bounds.Right) / 2, bounds.Top);

    // collect items that will be unfolded
    animatedItems = GetDescendents(container);

    // animation will also draw this rectangle as background
    ctrBounds = bounds;
    ctrBounds.Size = container.UnfoldedSize;
    ctrBounds.Y += container.CaptionHeight;
    ctrBounds.Height -= container.CaptionHeight;

    // start animation timers
    Animate(scaleCenter, fold);

    if (!fold)
        // temporarily fold back when animating unfold operation
        // so that contained items stay invisible
        container.Folded = true;
        toUnfold = container;

The Animate method starts a timer whose Tick event invalidates the DiagramView and stops the timer when final frame has been reached:

void Animate(PointF scaleCenter, bool scaleDown)
    if (scaleDown)
        frameCounter = maxFrames;
        frameIncrement = -1;
        frameCounter = 0;
        frameIncrement = +1;
    this.scaleCenter = scaleCenter;

    animationTimer = new Timer();
    animationTimer.Tick += OnAnimationTimer;
    animationTimer.Interval = duration / maxFrames;

void OnAnimationTimer(object sender, EventArgs e)
    frameCounter += frameIncrement;
    if (frameCounter == 0 || frameCounter == maxFrames)
        animationTimer = null;
        animatedItems = null;

        if (toUnfold != null)
            toUnfold.Folded = false;
            toUnfold = null;

Add a DrawForeground event handler that applies scale transform proportional to current frame of animation and draws the container’s descendants stored in animatedItems list:

void OnDrawForeground(object sender, DiagramEventArgs e)
    if (animatedItems != null && frameCounter > 0)
        var options = new RenderOptions();
        var g = e.Graphics;

        // apply scale corresponding to current frame
        var scale = (float)frameCounter / maxFrames;
        g.TranslateTransform(scaleCenter.X, scaleCenter.Y);
        g.ScaleTransform(scale, scale);
        g.TranslateTransform(-scaleCenter.X, -scaleCenter.Y);

        // draw container background
        g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, ctrBounds);
        g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, ctrBounds);

        // draw contained items
        foreach (var item in animatedItems)
            item.Draw(e.Graphics, options);

Same technique can be applied to animate collapse and expand operations on tree branches. To implement that, handle NodeExpanded and NodeCollapsed events instead, and collect items reachable recursively from the branch’ root by following outgoing links.

The code above uses MindFusion’s .NET API and can be used with Windows Forms, WPF, Silverlight and ASP.NET diagramming components. The Java API for Android and desktop Swing application will look similar, with setter method calls instead of property assignments.

You can download the trial version of any MindFusion.Diagramming component from this page.


Line Chart With Multiple Axes in WPF

A common scenario when building charts is the ability to render multiple series bound to multiple axes, each one with its own scale. To deal with this issue, MindFusion.Charting for WPF control has added support for multiple axes of all types – X, Y, Y2, X2 and in this post we’ll look how to add and customize them and how to create series bound to a given axis.

The sample imitates a production chart, where three different scales measure three different values – work output, capital and energy consumption – all of which presumably participate in producing a single unit of a product. On the right side we have a single Y2 axis, which measures the amount of units produced. The X-axis displays the time scale. Let’s look at the chart elements, one by one.

I. The Y-Axes

The Y-axes, as all axes in the chart are an instance of the Axis class and are added to the appropriate collection property. The Axis class defines all types of useful properties needed to customize an axis. We define the three axes in XAML:

        <chart:axis minvalue="0" interval="5" maxvalue="60" labelformat="F0" tick="3" title="kWh/day" titlerotationangle="270" labelstroke="Red" titlestroke="Red"></chart:axis>
        <chart:axis minvalue="0" interval="300" maxvalue="2100" title="Capital (USD)" tick="3" titlerotationangle="270" labelstroke="Purple" titlestroke="Purple"></chart:axis>
        <chart:axis minvalue="100" interval="2.5" maxvalue="130" title="Work Productivity (%)" customlabelposition="AutoScalePoints" axiscrossingpoint="100.0" labeltype="CustomText" tick="3" titlerotationangle="270" labelstroke="Green" titlestroke="Green"></chart:axis>

The property names easily describe what is set: the minimum and maximum values on each of the three axes, the title, the stroke for the labels and the title, the interval and the length of the axis ticks. Let’s note that the type of labels for the last Y-axis is “CustomText” – this means we will specify the labels explicitly rather than allow the control to generate them as with the other two axes – they don’t set a label type and the default value (the auto scale) is rendered.

Here is how we define the labels:

double start = 100.0;

    //130 is the last number at the axis
    while (start <= 130)
        string l = start.ToString("F1") + "%";
        start += 2.5;

II. The Y2 Axis

The Y2-axis is just one and it is entirely declared in XAML:

        <chart:axis minvalue="0" interval="1000" maxvalue="12000" tick="3" labelformat="F0" titlerotationangle="270" title="Units"></chart:axis>

The label format is set with the standard .NET numeric strings – in this case it is a floating number without trailing zeros. In this axis, as well in the other Y-axes you might have noticed that we use the TitleRotationAngle property. This property rotates the title label at an arbitrary angle between 0 and 360. In our case we want the label drawn vertically, to conserve space.

III. The Series

The series are created in code. They specify scatter type because we want each series to have markers at data points. The YAxis property specifies the Y-axis, which a given Series is bound to. Finally, we specify the tool tip type because we want to have a tool tip when the mouse hovers a data point.

 LineSeries series0 = new LineSeries();
 series0.YAxis = chart.YAxes[0];
 series0.ScatterType = ScatterType.Square;
 series0.ScatterFills = new BrushCollection() { Brushes.Pink };
 series0.ScatterStrokes = new BrushCollection() { Brushes.Red };
 series0.Strokes = new BrushCollection() { Brushes.Red };
 series0.ToolTipType = ToolTipType.ChartData;

The data is random generated numbers. We use the Axis.XData and Axis.YData properties to set it.

 for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
        series0.XData.Add(i * 6);
        data1.Add(rand.NextDouble() * 60.0);     

      series0.YData = new DoubleCollection(data1);
      //don't forget to add the series

Last but not least – don’t forget to add the series to the Series collection property of the chart. With that our chart is ready – here is the result:

Charting for WPF: Multiple Axes and Series

Charting for WPF: Multiple Axes and Series

You can download the sample with the chart libraries from here:

WPF Chart With Multiple Axes Sample Download

If you have any questions regarding the chart component use the forum, email or the help desk to contact MindFusion. More information about Charting for WPF, which includes a premium 3D charting library and a Real time charting library optimized to handle huge data sets can be found here.

A Monthly Calendar in Java With Events and Recurring Appointments

This is a step-by-step guide that teaches you how to:

  • Setup the MindFusion Scheduler for Java library to display a single
    month calendar.
  • Attach and handle an event when the user clicks a calendar cell.
  • Create and setup recurrent events/appointments.
  • Perform custom drawing on a specific cell.

The sample builds a monthly calendar, which responds to a user click on a calendar cell by creating a recurrent appointment. The appointment is repeated on each subsequent day of the week for unlimited number of months.

When the user selects a given calendar cell (the 6th day of the month), a special icon appears. The icon is rendered using custom drawing.

Note: In this tutorial we use the words “appointment” and “event” interchangeably. Let’s start:

1. How to Setup the Calendar

All packages of the calendar are included in a single *.jar file – JPlanner.jar In our sample we will reference the following packages:

import com.mindfusion.common.*;
import com.mindfusion.common.Rectangle;
import com.mindfusion.drawing.*;
import com.mindfusion.drawing.awt.AwtImage;
import com.mindfusion.scheduling.*;
import com.mindfusion.scheduling.awt.*;
import com.mindfusion.scheduling.model.*;

For detailed reference about the packages and the classes of the schedule library check the online help.

Here are the first settings for our schedule:

  calendar = new AwtCalendar();
  //set the current time
  DateTime today =;
  //set the current date
  // Select the current date

We create a new calendar and signal that initialization starts. The time and date shown at the application start are the current date and time. We also select the cell with the current date.

Let’s make the calendar show exactly one month:


By default each cell in a single month view has its header size set to 0, which makes the current date show in the center of the cell. As a consequence any events in the cell won’t have space to be rendered.

Java Scheduler: the header takes all the cell's height

Java Scheduler: the header takes all the cell’s height

Since we plan to create appointments on user click, we must push the header to the top and free cell space for drawing the events. This is very easy to do, just set:


Now the header is 20 px. and the rest will be for our appointments.

Java Scheduler: the header is 20px.

Java Scheduler: the header is 20px.

For now we are ready initializing the calendar.


2. Handling User Clicks.

User clicks are handled with the dateClick event. We need an instance of the CalendarAdapter and there we associate the dateClick event with a method – onDateClicked. The event is fired when a date is selected.

 calendar.addCalendarListener(new CalendarAdapter(){
            public void dateClick(ResourceDateEvent e) {


3. Create an Appointment and a Recurrence.

The first part of our event handler method is:

protected void onDateClicked(ResourceDateEvent e) {

    int dayIndex = e.getDate().getDayOfWeek();

    Appointment item = new Appointment();

Here we create an Appointment and set its start and end date to the date which was clicked. The ResourceDateEvent keeps data about the date, the resource, if any and other useful information. The header text is the text, which will be rendered at the appointment. The style object contains appearance data for the cell and we use the setBrush
method to change the background of the appointment.

The second part of the method creates the Recurrence object:

      recurrence = new Recurrence();

The recurrence is once a week. There’s additional work to be done when we set the day of the week with setDaysOfWeek. The method accepts as an argument one of the DaysOfWeek enumeration values and we have to convert the index of the day to such value.

private int getDayOfWeek ( int i ) {

        switch (i) {
            case 1:
                return DaysOfWeek.Monday;
            case 2:
                return DaysOfWeek.Tuesday;
            case 3:
                return DaysOfWeek.Wednesday;
            case 4:
                return DaysOfWeek.Thursday;
            case 5:
                return DaysOfWeek.Friday;
            case 6:
                return DaysOfWeek.Saturday;

        return DaysOfWeek.Sunday;


Finally, let’s add the item with the recurrence pattern to the schedule items collection:


4. Custom Drawing a Cell’s Header

The last thing that needs to be done is to draw the icon on the special 6th day of each month. We will perform item drawing and we add to the calendar initialization code this line:


Now we are ready to handle the draw event:

   //add a listener for custom draw
       calendar.addCalendarListener(new CalendarAdapter()
            public void draw(DrawEvent e) {

Below is the first part of the handler method:

 private void onDraw(DrawEvent e)
 if(e.getDate().getDay() == 6 )
                java.awt.Image img = null;

                try {
                    // Read the image file from an input stream
                    InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(
                            new FileInputStream("../cake.png"));
                    img =;

                } catch (IOException ioe) {

Here we read an image from an InputStream. The calendar method for drawing images requires mindfusion.scheduling.AwtImage and we must convert the java image:

AwtImage awtImage = new AwtImage(img);

Then we get the bounds of the drawing area and render the image:

   //gets the bounds of the drawing area
    Rectangle r = e.getBounds();
   //draw the image
   e.getGraphics().drawImage(awtImage, e.getBounds().getLeft(), e.getBounds().getTop(), 32, 32);


The image is 32 x 32 pixels and gets clipped in the appointment.

Java Scheduler: the appointment's height is not enough.

Java Scheduler: the appointment’s height is not enough.

We’ll have to resize the item header to give it more space:


And now everything works just fine:

MindFusion Java Calendar: Month View with Events

MindFusion Java Calendar: Month View with Events

The sample is available for download from here:

Monthly Calendar in Java with Recurrent Appointments and Events

About Scheduling for Java Swing: A programming class library written entirely in Java that lets you build the most sophisticated schedules, calendars and task managers fast and easy. The component boasts a comprehensive feature set that includes custom-typed events, undo/redo functionality, scrolling, tool tips and much more. You can choose among six view styles, which are easy to change and customize. The appearance of each schedule is completely customizable and supports themes, user-assigned mouse cursors and a variety of font, pen and brush options.

A detailed list with the features of the tool is available at the Scheduling for Java Swing features page. The trial version includes a variety of samples and you have plenty of sample code to study. Online documentation with useful tutorials is also available.

The library is royalty-free, source-code is also available. You can see a list of the current prices here. Check the discount page for a list of the available discounts.

Display Petri nets using MindFusion diagram component.

In this post we show how to build a Petri net using MindFusion.Diagramming for WinForms. Petri nets are used to model and study distributed systems. A net contains places, transitions and arcs. A place represents possible state of the system, and a transition represents the change from one state to another. Arcs connect places to transitions and show the flow direction.

First, create a new .NET Windows Forms project and add a Model.cs file to it where we’ll define Petri net model classes

public class Net
	public List Places { get; set; }
	public List Transitions { get; set; }
	public List Arcs { get; set; }

	public Net()
		Places = new List();
		Transitions = new List();
		Arcs = new List();

public class Node
	public string Label { get; set; }

public class Place : Node
	public int Tokens { get; set; }

public class Transition : Node

public class Arc
	// Arcs run from a place to a transition or vice versa,
	// never between places or between transitions.

	public Arc(Place input, Transition output)
		Input = input;
		Output = output;

	public Arc(Transition input, Place output)
		Input = input;
		Output = output;

	public Node Input { get; private set; }
	public Node Output { get; private set; }

	public int Multiplicity { get; set; }

Now we can create a simple Petri net:

Net CreateSampleNet()
	var net = new Net();

	var p1 = new Place { Label = "P1", Tokens = 1 };
	var p2 = new Place { Label = "P2", Tokens = 0 };
	var p3 = new Place { Label = "P3", Tokens = 2 };
	var p4 = new Place { Label = "P4", Tokens = 1 };

	net.Places.AddRange(new[] { p1, p2, p3, p4 });

	var t1 = new Transition { Label = "T1" };
	var t2 = new Transition { Label = "T2" };

	net.Transitions.AddRange(new[] { t1, t2 });

	var a1 = new Arc(p1, t1);
	var a2 = new Arc(t1, p2);
	var a3 = new Arc(t1, p3);
	var a4 = new Arc(p2, t2);
	var a5 = new Arc(p3, t2);
	var a6 = new Arc(t2, p4);
	var a7 = new Arc(t2, p1);

	net.Arcs.AddRange(new[] { a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7 });

	return net;

Next, drop a DiagramView and Diagram objects on the form which we’ll use to visualize the net. Add the following method to create diagram elements representing the model objects, and run LayeredLayout to arrange them:

void BuildDiagram(Net net)
	var nodeMap = new Dictionary<node, diagramnode="">();

	var placeBounds = new RectangleF(0, 0, 16, 16);
	var transBounds = new RectangleF(0, 0, 6, 20);

	foreach (var place in net.Places)
		var node = diagram.Factory.CreateShapeNode(placeBounds);
		node.Text = place.Label;
		node.TextFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Far;
		node.Shape = Shapes.Ellipse;
		node.Tag = place.Tokens;
		node.CustomDraw = CustomDraw.Additional;
		nodeMap[place] = node;

	foreach (var trans in net.Transitions)
		var node = diagram.Factory.CreateShapeNode(transBounds);
		node.Text = trans.Label;
		node.TextFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Far;
		node.Shape = Shapes.Rectangle;
		nodeMap[trans] = node;

	foreach (var arc in net.Arcs)
		var link = diagram.Factory.CreateDiagramLink(
			nodeMap[arc.Input], nodeMap[arc.Output]);
		link.Tag = arc.Multiplicity;
		link.HeadShape = ArrowHeads.PointerArrow;

	var layout = new LayeredLayout();
	layout.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
	layout.StraightenLongLinks = true;

We will use the DrawNode custom draw event to render marks associated with each place. Another possibility is to create a custom node class and override its Draw method.

void OnDrawNode(object sender, DrawNodeEventArgs e)
	var node = e.Node;
	var g = e.Graphics;

	if (node.Tag is int)
		var tokens = (int)node.Tag;
		var cx = node.Bounds.Width / 2;
		var cy = node.Bounds.Height / 2;

		if (tokens == 1)
			float r = cx / 2;
			DrawMark(cx, cy, r, g);
		else if (tokens == 2)
			float r = 2 * cx / 5;
			DrawMark(cx / 2, cy, r, g);
			DrawMark(3 * cx / 2, cy, r, g);
		else if (tokens == 3)
			float r = cx / 3;
			float y2 = 4 * cy / 3;
			DrawMark(cx, 2 * cy / 5, r, g);
			DrawMark(cx / 2, y2, r, g);
			DrawMark(3 * cx / 2, y2, r, g);

void DrawMark(float x, float y, float r, IGraphics g)
	g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Black, x - r, y - r, r * 2, r * 2);

Finally, set some appearance properties and call the methods above to build the diagram:

public MainForm()

	diagram.ShadowsStyle = ShadowsStyle.None;
	diagram.DiagramLinkStyle.Brush = new MindFusion.Drawing.SolidBrush(Color.Black);
	diagram.ShapeNodeStyle.Brush = new MindFusion.Drawing.SolidBrush(Color.White);
	diagram.ShapeNodeStyle.FontSize = 10f;
	diagram.ShapeNodeStyle.FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;

	var textAbove = new[]
		new LineTemplate(-100, -100, 200, -100),
		new LineTemplate(200, -100, 200, 0),
		new LineTemplate(200, 0, -100, 0),
		new LineTemplate(-100, 0, -100, -100)
	Shapes.Ellipse.TextArea = textAbove;
	Shapes.Rectangle.TextArea = textAbove;

	var net = CreateSampleNet();

The final result is displayed below.
Petri net diagram

The complete sample project is available for download here:

For more information on Petri nets, see this Wikipedia article:

All MindFusion.Diagramming libraries expose the same programming interface, so most of the sample code shown above will work with only a few modifications in WPF, ASP.NET, Silverlight and Java versions of the control.


Nested DataRanges in MindFusion Report Application

In this tutorial we are going to build a report with nested data ranges. In our case, we are going to retrieve all categories from the sample Norhtwind database. For each category we will get all products in it, which is the nested data range.

I. Preparing the Project

We create a new WinForms project and add a new DataSet from the Nortwind database. We choose all fields from the Categories and Products tables. Then we add a new item from the menu “Project -> Add -> New Item -> MindFusion Report” from the dialog that appears.

Adding the MindFusion Report item.

Adding the MindFusion Report item.

Drag and drop the nwindDataSet, CategoriesTableAdapter and ProductsTableAdapter on the report form. Finally, in the code behind fill the two adapters:


II. The Categories DataRange

We create the first data range by right clicking on the newly created report. There we see “Create Data Range from Data Source”. We choose the categories table and two fields – CategoryName and Picture. When the data range is generated we resize the picture to make it bigger.

Create DataRange context menu.

Create DataRange context menu.

III. Running the Report

We would use MindFusion ReportViewer to preview what we’ve done so far. We drag it from the Toolbox and place it on the form, which shows when the application runs. We compile the project and see that the Report1 class that we’ve created appears in the Toolbox, under the Data tab. This means we can create instances of our report just by drag and drop. We drag the Report1 icon and drop it on Form1. We have a report11 instance, which we assign to the Report property of the ReportView in the property grid.

Dragging the Report1 item.

Dragging the Report1 item.

Finally, we run the report:


IV. The Nested DataRange

It’s time to create the second DataRange. We right-click the Report1 form and choose again “Create DataRange from Data Source.” This time we choose the Products table and we choose ProductName, UnitsInStock and UnitPrice fields. This time we check the “Generate Header” checkbox at the bottom. The second DataRange is ready. Nesting it is very easy. We resize the first DataRange to make it wider and just drag and drop the second DataRange in it. What is important is to set the MasterDetailRelation property. It must be the name of the relation between the two tables that provide data for the two DataRange-s. We can see it by clicking on the nwindDataSet -> “Edit DataSet with Designer. There we click on the relation between or two tables and see it is called “CategoriesProducts”. We place this name as a value to the MasterDetailRelation property.

Master detail relationship between the Products and Categories table.

Master detail relationship between the Products and Categories table.

V. Run the report

We run the report and see that everything is in place: the categories are listed with their picture, each category lists all its products.

VI. Style Adjustments

Finally let’s add some appearance optimizations that will make the report look better and thus be easier to read. First, we make the background of the Category label darker.

Then we make the product lines with alternating colors. This is done in the property grid for the dataRange2 object -> AlternatingBackground property.

We add a light gray border to the first data range with the Border property editor and we add a bottom margin of 30 mm. Here is the final look of the report:

Nested DataRange-s: the final report.

Nested DataRange-s: the final report.

You can download the sample from this link:

Download Nested DataRanges MindFusion Reporting Sample

More about MindFusion Reporting for WinForms component can be found here.