Appointment Scheduler in JavaScript

In this blog post we will build from scratch an appointment schedule for 4 practitioners. Each appointment is logged with the patient name and contact details. Each appointment can be scheduled in one of 4 rooms. We will also implement a check to see if the room that we want to assign to an appointment is free at the particular time.

You can run the sample online from the link below:

I. Project Setup

The first thing we’ll do is to create a DIV element and assign it an id. The JS Schedule library needs and HTML div element where the timetable will be rendered. We create one:

<div id="calendar" style="height: 100%;width: 100%"></div>

You can position the div element wherever you wish. It’s location and size determine the location and the size of the schedule.

Next, we need to reference the Schedule library file. It is called MindFusion.Scheduling. We reference it at the end of the web page, right after the closing BODY tag:

<script src="scripts/MindFusion.Scheduling.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="AppointmentSchedule.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

We will write the JavaScript code for the appointment schedule in a separate JS file, which we call AppointmentSchedule. We have added a reference to it as well.

II. Schedule Settings

In the JavaScript code behind file we first create a mapping to the MindFusion.Scheduling namespace and a reference to the Intellisense file:


var p = MindFusion.Scheduling;

Next, we use the id of the DIV element to create an instance of the Calendar class:

// create a new instance of the calendar
calendar = new p.Calendar(document.getElementById("calendar"));

We set the currentView property of the calendar to CalendarView Timetable:

// set the view to Timetable, which displays the allotment 
// of resources to distinct hours of a day
calendar.currentView = p.CalendarView.Timetable;

We use the timetableSettings property to specify the time range for each day. The starttime and endTime properties set exactly the begin and end of the time interval rendered by the timetable columns. They are measured in minutes, from midnight of the day they refer to. We want the schedule to start from 7 A that is why we set 420 as value to the startTime property – the minutes in 7 hours.

calendar.timetableSettings.startTime = 420;
calendar.timetableSettings.endTime = 1260;

The titleFormat property specifies how the date at each timetable column will be rendered. The format string follows the standard date and time pattern for JavaScript:

calendar.timetableSettings.titleFormat = "dddd d MMM yyyy";
calendar.itemSettings.tooltipFormat = "%s[hh:mm tt] - %e[hh:mm tt] %h (Contact: %d)";

The tooltipFormat follows a custom formatting pattern, used by Js Scheduler. It supports special format strings like:

  • %s for start time
  • %e for end time
  • %h for header e.g. the text of the item header
  • %d for description: the text that was assigned as a description of the appointment.

III. Contacts, Locations and Grouping

The 4 practitioners are instances of the Contact class:

resource = new p.Contact();
resource.firstName = "Dr. Lora";
resource.lastName = "Patterson";
resource.tag = 2;

It is important to add them to the contacts property of the schedule. The rooms where the appointments take place are Location instances: = "Room 112";

The grouping of the data that is rendered by the timetable is done is a method called group:

function group(value) {
	if (value == p.GroupType.GroupByContacts) {
		// add the contacts by which to group to the calendar.contacts collection
	if (value == p.GroupType.GroupByLocations) {
		// add the locations by which to group to the calendar.locations collection
	calendar.groupType = value;

When we’ve created the locations and contacts, we added them to the locations and contacts collections of the schedule property of the Calendar . Grouping of the appointments is done based on the contacts and locations collections of the Calendar (not the schedule ). That is why in the group method we clear the data from the respective collection and add to it all data from the corresponding collection in the schedule Of course, we must set the groupType property to the appropriate GroupType value.

IV. Appointments

When the user selects a range of cells the new Appointment dialog appears automatically. There they can enter all necessary data. We want to implement check if a given room is free when the user tries to create a new appointment in this room. We will do the check in the handler of the itemCreating event. The itemCreating event is raised when the new item has not been ready yet and the ItemModifyingEventArgs object that is provided to the event handler gives the opportunity to cancel the event:


function handleItemCreating(sender, args)
	var appLocation = args.item.location;
	if(appLocation != null )
		if( != "")
			var items = calendar.schedule.items.items();
			for(var i = 0; i < calendar.schedule.items.count(); i++)
				if( items[i].location == null)
				//if the location is the same as the location of another appointment
				//at that time we cancel the creating of the appointment
				if( items[i] == && 
				overlappingAppointments (args.item, items[i]))
					args.cancel = true;
					alert("The room is already taken");

We use a helper method called overlappingAppointments, whose only task is to compare the time range of two items and return true if their time span overlaps – entirely or partially.

/* checks if the time allotted to two different appointments overlaps */
function overlappingAppointments(item1, item2)
	if( item1.startTime < item2.startTime &&
	    item1.endTime < item2.endTime )
		  return false;
	if( item1.startTime > item2.endTime &&
	    item1.endTime > item2.endTime )
		  return false;	
		  return true;	  		

V. Timeline

Our timetable renders one day at a time. When the user wants to add an appointment that is due in 10 days, they will need to do a lot of scrolling. We can solve the problem by adding a date list at the top o the timetable. The list is another Calendar instance and but its currentView is set to CalendarView List.

We first need to add another DIV element that will be used by the constructor of the new Calendar:

Then we create new Calendar object and make it render a list with dates:

datePicker = new p.Calendar(document.getElementById("datePicker"));
datePicker.currentView = p.CalendarView.List;

By default each Calendar renders the current date when it starts. We make it display a succession of 30 days. We want each day to have a prefix that indicates its week day. In addition, we hide the header of the calendar and stop the default “New Appointment” form from rendering when the user clicks on a cell:

datePicker.listSettings.visibleCells = datePicker.listSettings.numberOfCells = 30;
datePicker.listSettings.headerStyle = p.MainHeaderStyle.None;
datePicker.listSettings.generalFormat = "ddd d";
datePicker.useForms = false;

How do we “wire” the selected date in the timeline to the active date in the timetable? We handle the selectionEnd event and there we assign the selected date from the timeline as the active date of the timetable:

function handleSelectionEnd(sender, args) {
	var startDate = args.startTime;
	var endDate = args.endTime;

	// show the selected date range in the timetable
	while (startDate < endDate) {
		startDate = p.DateTime.addDays(startDate, 1);

A timetable renders those dates, that are added to its dates property. We add just one date – the date that was selected in the list.

Let’s not forget to call the render method once we’ve finished all customizations on both Calendar render the calendar control

//render the timeline control

VI. Styling

The general styling of the two Calendar instances is done with one of the predefined themes of the Js Scheduler library. First, we need to add a reference to the CSS file, where it is defined. We’ve chosen the “pastel” theme, which is defined in pastel.css:

Then we need only to set its name as a plain string to the theme property of the two Calendar instances:

calendar.theme = "pastel";
datePicker.theme = "pastel";

There is one more styling that we want to do: we want the appointments of each practicioner to be colored in a different color. We inspect the styling o the appointment element in the browser and find out that the styling of the items is set by the class mfp-item. We create 4 different sub-classes of mfp-item for the 4 practitioners:

.itemClass0 .mfp-item
			background-color: #03738C !important;
			color: #fff !important;
		.itemClass1 .mfp-item
			background-color: #03A6A6 !important;
			color: #fff !important;

Then we need to assign the correct class to the appointments. We will do this with the cssClass property of Item We handle the itemCreated event where we get information for the appointment that was created:


function handleItemCreated(sender, args)
	var contact = args.item.contacts.items()[0];
	if(contact != null )
		args.item.cssClass = "itemClass" + contact.tag;


The easiest way to assign the correct CSS class to the item is to assign data that will help us generate the correct style name. We use the tag property of Contact and assign each practitioner an id that mirrors the last letter in the CSS class we should assign to the appointments associated with this contact.

With that our appointment application is finished. You can download the full source code with the libraries and styles used from this link:

Appointment Schedule in JavaScript: Source Code Download

About MindFusion JavaScript Scheduler: MindFusion Js Scheduler is the complete solution for all applications that need to render interactive timetables, event schedules or appointment calendars. Fully responsive, highly customizable and easy to integrate, you can quickly program the JavaScript scheduling library according to your needs. Find out more at

Binding the Java Planner to Microsoft SQL Server Using JDBC

In this blog post we will bind to an MS SQL database called bookings. There we will select all data from a table named booking_data. The data is DateTime values. We will use the values to change the background of corresponding calendar cells in a simple Java application. The Java application renders a single-month calendar built with MindFusion Scheduler for Java library.

I. MS SQL EXPRESS Server Configuration

We download and install MS SQL EXPRESS server from The installation also includes an application called “Sql Server Configuration Manager”. We start that application and click on the “SQL Services” tab. There we need to make sure that two services are running:

  • SQL Server
  • SQL Server Browser

You start these services by pressing the arrows in the toolbar at the top. If you cannot do this you need to change the Start Mode for this service. Double click it and in the Properties dialog that appears click on the “Service” tab. There you will find the “Start Mode” property and change it to “Manual”. Once you’ve done this you can start, stop or pause the service from the toolbar icons.

SQL Server Config Manager: Services

In order to start an SQL Server Service you might have to change its Start Mode to “Manual”.

Then we click on the “SQL Native Client” node and we select the “Client Protocols” tab. We make sure the TCP/IP Protocol is enabled.

SQL Server Config Manager: Enable TCP/IP

Make sure the TCP/IP protocol is enabled for the JDBC connection to succeed

The next step is to download Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio from

Once we install it and start it we can create a new database called bookings. We right click on the Databases menu and choose “New Database”. We call it “bookings”. Then we expand the tree under “bookings” and right click on the “Tables” node. A window opens where we can define the columns for our new table. We add two columns:

  • id of type integer, which we set at primary key by right-clicking on it.
  • booked_date of type DateTime which will hold the dates that are booked.
Create a new table using MS SQL Server Management Studio

MS SQL Server management Studio: the dialog for defining a new table

After we are done we choose save and at this point we can provide a name for our table. We call it booking_data. With the table defined we right-click on it and choose “Edit Top 200 Rows”. There we add just three days (Jan 16th, Jan 22nd, Jan 26th) all of which in the current month. The data is auto-saved.

MS SQL Server management Studio: Table Edit

MS SQL Server Management Studio: here is how you edit the table data

The next step is to create a new user that will connect to this database. We click the “Security” node on the navigation tree and then “Logins”. Right-click and we choose “New Login”. In the dialog that opens we provide username and password. In order to do that we need to have the Login method set to “SQL Server authentication”. In the next tab “Server Roles” the new user must have “public” role. Then in “User Mapping” we tick the “bookings” database. In the Securables tab in the “Grant” grant column for the user we tick the “Connect SQL” permission. Then we close the dialog.

Grant SQL Connect to a DB User

Grant the new user the right to perform an SQL connection.

We get back to the bookings database and right-click on it. We choose “Properties” and from the dialog we click on the “Permissions” menu. There we select the user we’ve just created and in the Grant column of the underlying table we grant her the “Select” permission.

Granting User Permissions

Grant the DB user ‘Select’ permission to perform the required SQL query

With that the setup of our server and user is ready.

II. JDBC Driver & MS SQL Express Connection Properties

We download Microsoft’s JDBC Driver for MS SQL Server from this link: and extract it. Next we create a new Java project. For this project we’ve used IntelliJ IDEA but any other Java IDE will do. In the project tree to the right we create a subfolder that we call “libs”. There we copy the jar of JDBC driver from the folder where we extracted it. Microsoft provides two versions of the driver depending on the JRE that you use. In our case we choose the version for JRE 10, which is called mssql-jdbc-7.0.0.jre10.jar. Next we right-click on the name of our project and select “Open Module Properties”. In the dialog we choose the “Modules” menu and there we click on the “Dependencies” tab and select the mssql-jdbc-7.0.0.jre10.jar module.

Configuring IntelliJ Project Modules

Configuring the IntelliJ Project to include the JDBC driver module

We click on the src folder of the project and add a new class, which we call In it we write the method establishConnection. This method is responsible for connecting to the MS SQL database “bookings”. Here is the code that makes the connection:

private void establishConnection() throws ClassNotFoundException

Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement pst;

try {
// db parameters
String sql = "SELECT booked_date FROM booking_data";

String userName = "mindfusion";
String password = "mf123";

String url = "jdbc:sqlserver://DESKTOP-NV9S0TU\\SQLEXPRESS;databaseName=bookings;";

conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userName, password);

pst = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery();

If you’ve followed strictly the steps we’ve outlined so far at this point you would successfully connect to your MS SQL Server with the credentials you’ve set up following the guide so far.

III. The Schedule Application

We download MindFusion Java Swing Scheduler from and unzip it. We copy JPlanner.jar in the libs folder of the project and add it as a project dependency from the “Open Module Settings” menu. Then we define a Calendar variable and assign it to a new instance of the Calendar class.

public MainWindow() throws ClassNotFoundException
setSize(368, 362);
setTitle("MindFusion.Scheduling Sample: Minimal Application");

calendar = new Calendar();


private Calendar calendar;

At the end of the method we call establishConnection and connect to the MS SQL Server.

IV. Styling the Calendar Dates

The aim of our sample application shall be to color those cells of the calendar that correspond to the dates we’ve read from the database. In order to do this we use the DateStyle class that sets some useful appearance properties to a range of cells that are specified with the setFrom and setTo methods. We use setBrush to change the background of the cell.

while ( {
Date date = rs.getDate("booked_date");

DateStyle dStyle = new DateStyle();
dStyle.setFrom(new DateTime(date));
dStyle.setTo(new DateTime(date));
Style style = new Style();
style.setBrush(new SolidBrush(;



Finally we add the style to the DayStyles collection of the calendar.

Here is the final application:

Scheduling application in Java Swing with MS SQL Server JDBC Connection

MindFusion Java Swing application with the Scheduling library and MS SQL Server

You can download the project together with the MS SQL Server JDBC driver library and the scheduling library from this link:

Download JPlanner Sample Application That Uses MS SQL Server JDBC Connection

About MindFusion Scheduling for Java Swing: The library provides extensive feature-set for creating and customizing all sorts of calendars, task lists, time-management tables, resource allocation tables and other. It boasts various options for customizing appearance and numerous events for handling user actions. The distribution archive includes a lot of samples and extensive documentation. Learn more at

Interactive Event Timetable in JavaScript

This blog post describes the main steps on how to create a schedule table, which shows the allocation of college rooms to different courses. Users can filter the courses by lecturer(s).

I. Initial Setup

We start by copying the JavaScript scheduler files that we’ll use in the directory of our project. These are:

  • MindFusion.Scheduling.js – represents the Js Scheduler library
  • MindFusion.Scheduling-vsdoc.js – provides Intellisense support
    standard.css – in a subdirectory “themes”, this is the CSS theme styling of the resource table
  • planner_lic.txt – paste your license key here to disable the trial version label.

We create then 2 more files specifically for our application:

  • ResourceView.html – the web page of the application
  • ResourceView.js – the JavaScript code that implements the dynamic features of our application.

II. The HTML Page

In the head section of our web page we first create a reference to the theme file:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="themes/standard.css">

At the end of the web page, just before the closing </body> tag we add a reference to the Scheduling.js file that contains the scheduling features and the ResourceView.js files that we’ll write for the application:

<script src="MindFusion.Scheduling.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="ResourceView.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

The calendar library requires an HTML <div> element, which is used to render it. We add one:

<div id="calendar" style="height: 100%; width: 100%;">&nbsp;</div>

It is important that you add an id to this <div> because we need to reference it in the JS code behind file.

III. Basic JavaScript Settings

At the top of the JavaScript code-behind file we add a reference to the Intellisense file. We also create a mapping to MindFusion.Scheduling namespace:

var p = MindFusion.Scheduling

Then we create the calendar object. We need a reference to the <div> element that will render it:

// create a new instance of the calendar
calendar = new p.Calendar(document.getElementById("calendar"));

For this sample we will use the ResourceView The currentView property specifies that. In addition, we set the count of visible cells in the calendar to 7. That is done through the resourceViewSettings property of the calendar

// set the view to ResourceView, which displays the distribution of resources over a period of time
calendar.currentView = p.CalendarView.ResourceView;

// set the number of visible cells to 7
calendar.resourceViewSettings.visibleCells = 7;

The itemSettings proeprty lets us customize the items in the schedule We use titleFormat and tooltipFormat to specify how the title and tooltip of each item will be rendered. Both properties use special format strings:

  • %s – the start date will be rendered
  • %e – the end date of the item will be rendered
  • %d – the details of the item will be rendered.

You can specify the way dates and time are formatted by adding the desired format in brackets:

// show hours on items
calendar.itemSettings.titleFormat = "%s[HH:mm] - %e[HH:mm] %h";
calendar.itemSettings.tooltipFormat = "%d";

Then we set the theme of the calendar to standard, whose css file we referenced in the web page:

calendar.theme = "standard";

and we make one more adjustment – the name of contacts will be taken from the last name of the person. Possible valies are “F”, “M” and “L” – for first, middle and last name.

calendar.contactNameFormat = "L";

IV. Resources

When the calendar initially loads there are several contacts and locations available. The objects that represent them are instances of the Contact and Location classes. After we create them we add them to the contacts and locations collections of the calendar schedule.

var resource;

// Add professor names to the schedule.contacts collection.
resource = new p.Contact();
resource.firstName = "Prof. William";
resource.lastName = "Dyer";

resource = new p.Location(); = "Room D";

Now, when the user creates a new course they will see the Contact and Location in the Options pane of the “Create Item” form:

V. Items

The items are instances of the Item class. They represent the classes of the different lecturers. We use the startTime and endTime properties of Item to specify when the class takes place. The subject property gives the name of the class:

//always start with the current date
var date =;

item = new p.Item();
item.startTime = p.DateTime.addHours(date.addDays(1), 14);
item.endTime = p.DateTime.addHours(item.startTime, 1);
item.subject = "Classical Mechanics";

We use the location and contacts properties to set where the lecture takes place and who teaches it. Note that the contacts property is of type collection and we can assign several lecturers to one class:

item.location = calendar.schedule.locations.items()[0];

We get the location and the contact from the schedule’s lists with locations and contacts We must also set the details of the item – they will be rendered as a tooltip, if you remember. We want the tooltip to show the two names of the lecturer and the location. Here is how we must define it:

item.details = item.contacts.items()[0].firstName + " " +
item.contacts.items()[0].lastName + " - " +;

We must add the item to the items collection of the schedule we render the calendar render the calendar


VI. Events

When users create new items we must set their details to tell the name and the location of the new class. We handle the itemCreating event to do this:

// attach handler - creating an item

function handleItemCreating(sender, args) {
    handleItemModified(sender, args);
    if (args.item.contacts.count() > 0) {
        //the details field is used by the tooltip
        args.item.details = args.item.contacts.items()[0].firstName + " " +

        if (args.item.location != null)
            args.item.details += " - " +;


The itemCreating event provides an instance of the ItemModifyingEventArgs class as a second argument to the handler method. There we use the item property that tells us which item is being modified. We then take the desired contact and Location information from the contacts and location properties of the item.

When a new course item is dragged to another location we must change its color accordingly. We do this by handling the itemModified event.

// attach handler - modifying an item

The diferent background color of the items is achieved by custom CSS classes. We use the cssClass property of the Item class. The CSS styles are defined in the <HEAD> section of the web page:

 .mfp-planner.standard .itemClass1 .mfp-item {
            background-color: 	#0c71af;

.mfp-planner.standard .itemClass2 .mfp-item {
            background-color: #f81e1e;

The handler method checks the new location and assigns the appropriate CSS style:

function handleItemModified(sender, args)
    // you don't have to check any other conditions like dragging to another room, 
    // as it will stay the same color if you make other changes (other than dragging to a different room)
    if (args.item != null){
        switch ( {
            case "Room A":  //we can also implement it with for
                args.item.cssClass = 'itemClass1';
            case "Room B":
                args.item.cssClass = 'itemClass2';
            case "Room C":
                args.item.cssClass = 'itemClass3';
            case "Room D":
                args.item.cssClass = 'itemClass1';
            case "Room E":
                args.item.cssClass = 'itemClass2';
            case "Room F":
                args.item.cssClass = 'itemClass3';
                args.item.cssClass = 'itemClass1';

The item property of the args parameter of the handler method provides access to the item that was modified.

VII. Filtering Professors

We want to add one last feature to our application. We want the user to be able to render courses only by a given professor.

We first add checkboxes with the names of the lecturers. Each checkbox has the same handler method for the click event:

<input id="dyer" checked="checked" name="subscribe" type="checkbox" value="Dyer>
<label for=">Prof. William Dyer

<input id="fletcher" checked="checked" name="subscribe" type="checkbox" value="Fletcher">
<label for="fletcher">Prof. Ann Fletcher</label>

The handler method needs to look at two cases. The first case is when the class is taught by a single professor. In this case we cycle through all items and make the item visible or not depending on whether the check box with the name of the professor is checked:

// if there is at least one present professor from the lecture professors, the lecture will not disappear
function handleClick(cb) {
for (var i = 0; i < calendar.schedule.items.count(); i++) {
        var item = calendar.schedule.items.items()[i]; //we iterate through every element
        if (item.contacts.count() == 1) {
            if (item.contacts.items()[0].lastName == cb.value)
                item.visible = cb.checked;

In the second case we look at courses that are taught by more than one lecturer. In this case we show the item if the checkbox with the name of at least one of the lecturers is selected:

else if (item.contacts.count() > 1) {
for (var j = 0; j < item.contacts.count() ; j++) {
                if (item.contacts.items()[j].lastName == cb.value) { // the checked/unchecked professor is in the contacts of this item
                    if (cb.checked == true) item.visible = true; // if there is a check, the item must be visible
                    else { // if there is no check, we see if there is at least one professor in the list of contacts of the item
                        item.visible = professorPresent(item);


Finally we repaint the calendar:

// repaint the calendar

Here the professorPresent method checks if at least one of the check boxes with professors that are present as lecturers in the item that we provide as argument are selected:

// return true if even 1 professor from the item's contacts is present, false otherwise
function professorPresent(item) {
    for (var j = 0; j < item.contacts.count() ; j++) {
        var checkBoxId = item.contacts.items()[j].lastName.toLowerCase();
        var checkBox = document.getElementById(checkBoxId);
        if (checkBox!= null && checkBox.checked == true) {
            return true;
    return false;

And that’s the end of this blog post. Here is a link to download the complete source code of this application:

Download The Sample Resource View Application

About MindFusion JavaScript Scheduler: MindFusion Js Scheduler is the complete solution for all applications that need to render interactive timetables, event schedules or appointment calendars. Fully responsive, highly customizable and easy to integrate, you can quickly program the JavaScript scheduling library according to your needs. Find out more at

Interactive Calendar With Events In JavaScript

In this blog post we will create a Google-like interactive monthly calendar where users will be able to create, edit and delete appointments in real time. We
will use the JavaScript Scheduler. Here is a screenshot of the finished application:

JavaScript Schedule That Mirrors the Google Calendar Features

JavaScript Schedule That Mirrors the Google Calendar Features

And you can run the sample online from this link.

I. Project Setup

We need a reference to the following file to start development:

  • MindFusion.Scheduling.js
  • light.css

The JavaScript file provides the scheduling functionality. The CSS file is responsible for the styling of our calendar. We create a subfolder named “themes” and we place the light.css file there.

We create an HTML file, a blank web page called GoogleSchedule and in the head section we place a reference to the CSS file:

<link href="themes/light.css" rel="stylesheet">

The reference to the JavaScript file goes at the bottom of the page, right before the closing body tag.

<a href="http://MindFusion.Scheduling.js">http://MindFusion.Scheduling.js</a>

We need a element that will represent the calendar, we create one in HTML code and assign it an id:

<div id="calendar" style="height: 100%; width: 100%;"></div>

We want the calendar to take the whole page, that’s why width and height are 100%.

II. Create and Customize the Scheduler

Now we are ready to do the real JavaScript programming of the calendar library. We create an empty JS file called “GoogleSchedule.js” and add a reference to it in the web page, at the bottom:

<a href="http://GoogleSchedule.js">http://GoogleSchedule.js</a>

In this JavaScript file we first create a mapping to the MindFusion.Scheduling namespace:

var p = MindFusion.Scheduling;

Then we create a Calendar instance using the Calendar DOM element from the web page:

// create a new instance of the calendar 
var calendar = new p.Calendar(document.getElementById("calendar"));

We set the calendar view to CalendarView .SingleMonth, which means the calendar shows one month at a time. We also set the theme that we referenced in the CSS file:

calendar.currentView = p.CalendarView.SingleMonth;
calendar.theme = "light";

Another customization we make – we use the itemSettings.titleFormat property to add a prefix before each event subject. The prefix is the start time of this event. here is how you set it:

calendar.itemSettings.titleFormat = "%s[hh:mm tt] %h";

Finally, we render the calendar:

//visualize the calendar

III. Custom Form

By default, the form that renders when the user clicks on a cell or selection of cells in the calendar allows edit of the dates, but not hours. We will render our custom form, derived from BaseForm to change that. Our form will offer the users a list with hours for the selected dates.

We create a new, empty JavaScript file “TimeForm.js”. There we override the constructor of the BaseForm:

 TimeForm = function (calendar, item, type)
{, calendar, item);

	this._id = "TimeForm";
	this._type = type;
	this.headerText = "Appointment";

As you can see from the constructor each BaseForm provides data for the calendar and the item that is created or edited. We will use that information later on. We create a prototype of our form and assign the constructor:

TimeForm.prototype = Object.create(p.BaseForm.prototype);
TimeForm.prototype.constructor = TimeForm;

TimeForm will be a simple one – it just renders a text area and two combo boxes with the possible hours for the start and end of the appointment. The combo boxes require a list with the members to be rendered. We create a list as a global variable:

var hoursList;

Then, in a new method we fill the list with the hours from 12 to 1, divided in intervals of 30 minutes:

// create an array of objects to fill the hours drop-down
TimeForm.prototype.getHourLabels = function ()
	hoursList = [];
	hoursList.push({ value: 0, text: "12:00am" });
	hoursList.push({ value: 1, text: "12:30am" });
	let index = 1;
	for(var i = 1; i < 12; i++)
		hoursList.push({ value: index+1, text: i.toString() + ":00am" });
	    hoursList.push({ value: index+2, text: i.toString() + ":30am" });
		index += 2;
	//add the first afternnon hours
	hoursList.push({ value: index + 1, text: "12:00pm" });
	hoursList.push({ value: index + 2, text: "12:30pm" });
	index += 2;
	for(i = 1; i < 12; i++)
		hoursList.push({ value: index+1, text: i.toString() + ":00pm" });
	    hoursList.push({ value: index+2, text: i.toString() + ":30pm" });
		index += 2;
	return hoursList;

The next step is to override the drawContent function of BaseForm:

TimeForm.prototype.drawContent = function ()

	var content = this.getContent();

First, we create the text area:

var row = this.row();
	row.innerHTML = this.localInfo.subjectCaption;
	// create a text-area for the item subject
	var textArea = this.createTextArea({ id: "subject", initValue: this.item.subject, events: { keydown: this._areaKeyDown} }); = "200px";

	row = this.row();

Before the text area we place a label with “Subject” on it. The createTextArea method requires several parameters. The first one is the id, then the initial content to be rendered and the events. We want the text area to be 200px wide. The row element places a row of controls in the BaseForm. We use it every time we want to start a new row with elements.

The text area reads its initial content from the value of the subject field in the item object that we receive as reference. After that we create a new row with elements: the drop-down with the hours for the start time:

       // create a drop-down list for start hours
	row = this.row();
	row.innerHTML = "Start Time";

	var control = this.createDropDownList({ id: "start_time", items: this.getHourLabels(), initValue: this.getStartTimeIndex(), addEmptyValue: false }); = "200px";

	row = this.row();

The code is almost identical to the code for the text area, but here we call the getHourLabels method that returns the array with time values. There is one other new method: getStartTimeIndex(). It’s task is to check the start time of the item and to set the initial value of the drop-down control to that time.

Here is the method:

// get the index of the current item's index to set the value of the startTime drop-down:
TimeForm.prototype.getStartTimeIndex = function ()
	if (this.item != null && this.item.startTime != null)
		let index  = this.item.startTime.__getHours() * 2;
		if(this.item.startTime.__getMinutes() > 0)
		return index;		
	return -1;

The method checks the hour value of the start time and multiplies it by two because for each hour we show two values in the drop-down: 9:00 and 9:30. If the user has selected half an hour we increment the index with 1.
We use almost the same code to create the endTime drop-down control, so we won’t discuss it here. You can check its code from the download with the source code files for this sample.

Our form needs two buttons – Save and Cancel. We create them in the drawButtons method:

// override BaseForm's drawButtons method to create form buttons
TimeForm.prototype.drawButtons = function ()
	var thisObj = this;

	var btnSave = this.createButton({
		id: "btnSave",
		text: this.localInfo.saveButtonCaption,
		events: { "click": function click(e)
			return thisObj.onSaveButtonClick(e);

	var btnCancel = this.createButton({
		id: "btnCancel",
		text: this.localInfo.cancelButtonCaption,
		events: { click: function click(e)
			return thisObj.onCancelButtonClick(e);

	var buttons = this.row();

	return buttons;

The BaseForm.createButton() method is similar to the methods that create text area and drop-down lists. We specify here that we will handle the click event for the two buttons. We place the buttons in a new row. Note that you don’t have to call the createButtons function anywhere – it is called automatically by BaseForm.

What happens when the user presses “Save”? Well, we’ll have to read the data from the hour drop-down controls and adjust the start and end time of the newly created Item:

TimeForm.prototype.onSaveButtonClick = function (e)
	// update the item with the form data
	 // update the item with the form data
   var startIndex = +this.getControlValue("start_time");
   var startTime = * 0.5);

   var endIndex = +this.getControlValue("end_time");
   var endTime = * 0.5);

   // if end time is specified, decrease it by one day
   if (endIndex != 0 && this.item.endTime.hour == 0)

   // check for inconsistent start/end time
   if (startTime.valueOf() > endTime.valueOf())
         endTime = startTime.clone().addHours(1);

   // apply changes 
   this.item.subject = this.getControlValue("subject"); 
   this.item.startTime = startTime;
   this.item.endTime = endTime;

   // if a new item is created, add it to the schedule.items collection
   if (this.type === "new")

   // close the form

   // repaint the calendar

First, we get the value of the startTime drop-down list and we calculate the amount of time to add to the startTime of an Item. A new Item always has a startTime at midnight. Then, we check the number of days the user has selected and calculate how many hours the event actually takes. We assign end time to a copy of the start time and add the calculated event duration to the value. Finally, if the event is new – we add it to the collection of item sin the schedule, if it’s old – we correct its data. Then we close the form and repaint the calendar.

IV. Using the Custom TimeForm

In order to use our custom form we have to add a reference to it in the HTML page, as we did with the other two files:

<script src="TimeForm.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Then we edit the GoogleSchedule.js file First, we need to disable the built-in forms with the useForms property.

// disable this built-in forms for item creation and modification
calendar.useForms = false;

Then we have to handle the onSelectionEnd and onItemDoubleClick events to render our form. First, we wire up the events:

// handle the itemDoubleClick event to show the custom form for item editing

// handle the selectionEnd event to show the custom form for item creation

Then we render the forms, below is the code that shows the TimeForm when a new item is created:

function handleSelectionEnd(sender, args)
	// create a new item with the start and end time of the selection
	var item = new p.Item();
	item.startTime = args.startTime;
	item.endTime = args.endTime;
	// create and show the custom form
	var form = new TimeForm(sender, item, "new");

We copy the start and end time of the selection from the event arguments. Then we use them in the constructor of the BaseForm.

And that’s the end of this tutorial. Here is a link to download the complete source code of the sample:

Download the Google Calendar in JavaScript Sample

About MindFusion JavaScript Scheduler: MindFusion Js Scheduler is the complete solution for all applications that need to render interactive timetables, event schedules or appointment calendars. Fully responsive, highly customizable and easy to integrate, you can quickly program the JavaScript scheduling library according to your needs. Find out more at

Ticket Booking System (Continued)

In part I of the Ticket Booking System blog post we discussed the controls used in the software and how we generate and arrange the hall seats. Now let’s get deeper into the details on how we retrieve the data and how we customize the controls.

We use the Entity Framework and the Entity Data Model wizard to connect to our MS SQL database and retrieve the ticket data. Here is the model of the database:

Event Booking Software: MS SQL Database Model

Event Booking Software: MS SQL Database Model

I. The Database

We have a table for the event type (ballet, concert, opera etc.), a table for the events (Swan Lake ballet, Mozart concert, La Traviata oepra etc.), a table for the performances (an event with a date) and a table for the tickets that were sold. The performance table has a column for the base price of the tickets. The hall is divided into 3 sections according to the price of the tickets – the Performance table stores the price for the cheapest category. The other two categories are calculated according to the base price.

II. Events

We keep a class variable for the EventsTicketsEntities, which we initialize in the Form1 constructor:

public partial class Form1 : Form
   EventsTicketsEntities records;
   double basePrice;

   public Form1()
      records = new EventsTicketsEntities();

The events are instances of the Appointment class of the Calendar. Here is the method that we use to create the Appointment-s based on the data from the database:

private void loadEvents()

  List performances = records.Performances.ToList();     

  foreach (Performance p in performances)
      Appointment app = new Appointment();
      app.StartTime = (DateTime)p.Date;
      app.EndTime = app.StartTime.AddHours(2.0);           
      app.HeaderText = "";
      app.DescriptionText = p.Event.Title;
      app.Tag = p.Event.EventType_Id;
      app.Style.Brush = getBrush((int)app.Tag);


We read all records in the Performances table and create an Appointment for each one. The start date of the event is the field from the database. We add to it 2 hours as duration, otherwise the event wouldn’t show up. The brush of the Appointment depends on the type of the event. The appointment does not show any text, but the event title serves as a description. As a rule the calendar control renders an Appointment‘s description as a tooltip when the user hovers the item.

The schedule item description is rendered as a tooltip

The schedule item description is rendered as a tooltip

III. Hall Seats

In order to identify the location of a seat we assign an instance of the Seat structure as an Id to the ShapeNode that represents the seat.

public struct Seat
  public Seat (int row, int column)
     this.Row = row;
     this.Place = column;

  public int Row
     get; set; 

 public int Place
       get; set;


We also include a rowStart parameter in the CreateSection method. The parameter keeps track of the total count of seats being generated. This allows each seat to have a unique row number:


void CreateSection(int rowStart, int[] seatsPerRow,
    float topY, float seatWidth, float seatHeight,
     float xPadding, float yPadding, float arcRadius)
        seat.Id = new Seat(rowStart + r, s);
        seat.Tag = calcSeatCoeff((Seat)seat.Id);	


The Seat tag of the ShapeNode is calculated based on its location in the hall. It is the coefficient, which multiplied by the base price for this performance gives us the final price for this seat.

Each time a new performance is selected on the calendar, our application must refresh the seat info. Here is the method that takes care of the seat colors:

//clears the X sign at an occupied seat
private void updateSeats( double basePrice )
  foreach( var seat in diagram.Nodes)
     (seat as ShapeNode).Text = "";
     if (seat.Tag != null)
        seat.Brush = getSeatBrush(basePrice * (double)seat.Tag);

The method calculates the price of the seat and checks the color that corresponds to this price. Whenever a seat is clicked, the application marks it as selected. This is done by drawing an “X” as text on the ShapeNode using a large Font size:

Seat seatInfo = (Seat)seat.Id;
TICKETS_SOLD _ticket = new TICKETS_SOLD() { };
_ticket.Id = records.TICKETS_SOLD.ToList().Count;
_ticket.Performance_Id = (int)calendar.Tag;
_ticket.Row_Index = seatInfo.Row;
_ticket.Seat_Index = seatInfo.Place;

catch (DbEntityValidationException ex)
    seat.Text = "X";

We create a new TICKETS_SOLD record, which contains a unique Id for the sold ticket, an Id for the performance, and the location of the seat (row and column). There is something more to that. When the user tries to click on a seat that is already sold we want to warn him that it is not possible to buy the seat. This is done by having a special node that stays hidden and shows up for a few seconds only to warn the user:

private void generateOccupiedNode()
    float x = diagram.Bounds.Left + diagram.Bounds.Width / 2 - 50;
    float y = diagram.Bounds.Top + diagram.Bounds.Height / 2 - 30;

    RectangleF nodeBounds = new RectangleF(x, y, 100, 60);
    ShapeNode node = diagram.Factory.CreateShapeNode(nodeBounds);
    node.Brush = new MindFusion.Drawing.SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(100, 206, 0, 0));            
    node.Font = new Font("Arial", 26);
    node.TextBrush = new MindFusion.Drawing.SolidBrush(Color.Black);
    node.Visible = false;
    node.Shape = Shapes.RoundRect;
    node.Id = "Occupied";


The seat is rendered in the middle of the diagram’s visible area and has a semi – transparent background. We use a timer to track the seconds when the node is displayed:

private void diagram_NodeClicked(object sender, NodeEventArgs e)
   ShapeNode seat = e.Node as ShapeNode;
   if(seat != null)
       if(seat.Text == "X")
           ShapeNode warning = (ShapeNode)diagram.FindNodeById("Occupied");

          if(warning != null)
             warning.Text = "This Seat is Occupied!";
             Timer timer = new Timer();
             timer.Interval = 2500;
             timer.Tick += Timer_Tick;
             warning.Visible = true;

We then find the node and make it invisible again:

private void Timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    ShapeNode warning = (ShapeNode)diagram.FindNodeById("Occupied");
    warning.Visible = false;

With this we have covered the basic methods that build the Event Ticket Reservation Software. Here is the final version:

Event Booking System in WinForms

Event Booking System in WinForms

The full source code of the application together with the sample database is available for direct download from here:

Event Ticket Booking System – Download

The sample uses the Diagramming and Scheduling controls from the MindFusion WinForms Pack. If you have questions regarding the sample or the components do not hesitate to post them on the MindFusion discussion board.