MindFusion presents you the complete solution for all applications that need to render interactive timetables, event schedules or appointment calendars. Fully responsive, highly customizable and easy to integrate JavaScript scheduling library that you can quickly program according to your needs.
Localizing your schedule - all or parts of it - is done through the locale object whose fields you can see listed with the samples of the control. You can translate only the labels that are used by your JavaScript application.
API Overview: LocalizationUse the Resource view to organize the appointments for different members of your team. The view allows you to group the events by contacts or locations. You can also render several timelines and control the number of visible cells and the unit of each timeline.
API Reference: Resource View SettingsThe SingleMonth view brings the classic calendar to your application: one month at a time, users can clearly see their appointments and scheduled events in the calendar cells.
API Reference: SingleMonth View SettingsThe perfect way to organize the day for people whose work day consists of multiple appointments. The Timetable view lets you choose the time intervals and the number of days to be rendered. You can record several events at the same time.
API Reference: Timetable View SettingsIdeal for people who plan their schedule week for week. This view lets you customize the number of days to be rendered on each row, the number of days to display at once and how the days are arranged: a single week at a time or a week on each row of the schedule.
API Reference: WeekRange View SettingsThe MonthRange view renders a number of months at the same time. Cells with events are highlighted. The number of months to render at the same time can be customized.
API Reference: MonthRange View SettingsGroup the events in horizontal or vertical lists by location or contact with the list view. The view also gives you complete control over the time unit of the cells, the total number of cells and the number of visible cells.
API Reference: List View SettingsThe Scheduling library raises both notification as well validation events for all actions performed by the users: item modification and creation, when items are deleted, clicked or double-clicked. The events provide useful information about the actions as well the possibility to cancel them.
API Overview: EventsAll details of a schedule are styled through CSS – from the border lines of the navigation buttons to the background of the whole schedule. This flexible approach provides you with full control over the appearance of your calendars – you can employ any CSS styling technique that you wish to create just the right schedule that you need. The library also comes with a rich set of beautiful predefined styles.
API Overview: CSS ClassesYou can export the whole schedule or items from it – resources, contacts, locations, tasks – into a Json or XML file. The library also lets you import the files back to the schedule. The import/export is done with the call of a single method.
API Overview: Schedule SerializationA quick way to create new appointments and events.
Elegant API design with intuitive member names.
JavaScript intellisense file for all API members is included in the distribution archive.
Numerous settings, customization options and styling possibilities.
You can buy the complete source code of each JS control.
12-month upgrade subscription for each purchased JS component.