Highly interactive, highly customizable
Now your JavaScript application can handle screen typing the way a native mobile application does.
Keyboard Layout
Extended, compact and standard layout modes. A KeyboardLayout tool helps you create and arrange custom keyboard according to your needs.
Key Images
You can use image files instead of symbols on keyboard keys.
The keyboard uses CSS styles for customizing the appearance. A set of 9 predefined keyboard themes is packed with the control.
Keyboard Language
A special property reglulates the type of input language the keyboard accepts. Currently the supported languages are eight: German, English, French, Korean, Spanish, Portugese, Russian and Bulgarian.
Key-press Dispatch
Key press is simulated by changing the text of the element that currenyl has the input focus. A special event is raised when the users presses a key.
Online Creator
The online creator tool allows you to create any type of custom keyboard with any layout you choose and any symbols, digits or literals that you want.