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Diagramming for .NET MAUI, V1.2

Outstanding diagrams for any platform, on any device.
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Easy to build, fast to run

A native .NET MAUI diagram library designed to build, style and customize any type of flowchart, process diagram, hierarchy, schema, graph, table relationship chart and much more.

.NET MAUI Diagram Library: TreeView Nodes

Diagram Shapes and Links

The library offers a rich set of ore than 100 predefined node shapes. You can also define custom shapes that meet the specific needs of your application. In addition to stock shapes, you can use table nodes, which support cell spanning and container nodes.

Diagram links can be straight lines or curves and can have multiple segments. Each link can render multiple labels, whose position and alignment are custom-set. Links can be created not only between nodes, but also between table rows. You can also create links that do not connect elements.

Online Shape Designer

Table of all predefined shapes in MindFusion .NET MAUI Diagram


The diagram library provides various options to allow or stop the user of modifying the diagram objects or create new ones. Separate diagram elements can be locked and the whole diagram can be made read-only. Users can edit text dynamically. Tables can be scrolled and hierarchy branches expanded and collapsed. The position of diagram links can be changed manually.

User Interaction

When it comes to intuitive and seamless user interaction, the MAUI diagram surely knows its job. Users can scroll and zoom or pan the whole diagram through hand gestures. You can choose among several interaction modes and enable multiple selection for diagram elements. A background grid can be rendered, which allows elements to snap to grid points.

The Diagram Library API

The control allows programmatic access to each diagram element. Numerous properties are available to customize the appearance and behavior of each flowchart object. Graphs boast a rich set of methods for finding paths and cycles. Various events are raised to notify the developer of any change on the diagram and provide a way to handle or cancel the action.

API Overview

.NET MAUI Diagram Control: The NodeList
.NET MAUI Diagram: Automatic Layout Algorithms

Automatic Layouts

Layout algorithms act like magic: they can transform how your flowchart looks with a call of a single method. MindFusion .NET MAUI diagram boasts more than 20 automatic layouts and each one of them offers a variety of options for fine-tuning and customization. You can easily apply each one and experiment until you find the perfect arrangement for your graph.

Graph layout algorithms in diagram controls.

Appearance and Styles

From the top-layer of styling with themes to the tiniest appearance setting - you have full control over how your diagram looks. In addition to fill, stroke and font properties for all diagram elements, the library offers node effects, shadows, transparent and invisible nodes. If that's not enough, you can use custom painting to completely overhaul how your nodes look and get rendered.

MindFusion.Pack of Diagramming Controls

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