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Diagramming for JavaScript, V4.6

The library that creates the diagrams that you wish to see in your web application.
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Your diagram in any browser with native JavaScript, React, Vue, Angular or Blazor

MindFusion Diagramming for JavaScript not only offers a variety of features. It also offers a variety of web platforms to choose from.

"I've just ordered and can't wait to begin integrating into my project! Trying to write my own custom library for diagramming has been killing me - with this I'm excited to get back on the road to progress."
Mr. Kevin Sheahan, Killbox

Decision Flowchart in JavaScript

The JavaScript Diagram Component

The diagram tool is written 100% in JavaScript and uses the HTML5 Canvas element for drawing. The component has no third-party dependencies when running on modern browsers. If necessary, you can use Js Diagram with jQuery or Microsoft Ajax® to support older browsers and browser versions (pre IE11).

Video Tutorial: Getting Started with JS Diagram
Tutorial: Adding Custom Shapes at Link Segments

Impressive Variety of Diagram Items

Whether you want to create a workflow diagram, process scheme, genealogy tree or draw a graph - MindFusion JavaScript graphing library keeps a long list of predefined node shapes for you to choose from. You even have the ability to define your own node shapes. Every node can have labels or images as a background. Connectors also support an amazing variety of customization options – they can be straight lines or curves, start and end with various arrowhead shapes, change color and position. MindFusion JavaScript component lets you design the best web based flowchart and leaves no place for compromises.

Online Shape Designer

Step-by-step Guide: Create a Custom Node Type.
Online Sample: JavaScript Diagram Stock Shapes.

A BPMN Diagram in JavaScript
Event Sequence Diagram in JavaScript

Rich User Interaction Functionality

Building interactive diagrams for JavaScript and HTML is done fast and easy with this MindFusion library. The users of your web application can create, resize, select, move and modify nodes and links as they wish. Diagramming for JavaScript handles equally well both mouse as well touch events for a truly platform and browser independent application. You can choose among several user interaction modes that control how your flowchart responds to user actions in the browser. If your diagram is viewed in iOS Safari, the component handles one- and two-finger touch events for item creating, modification, diagram scroll and zoom.

Online Documentation: User Interaction.
Online Sample: Adding Undo/Redo Functionality and Clipboard Operations to a JavaScript Diagram.

Elegant API

Successful programming for the web requires knowledge, passion and commitment. And the right tools. MindFusion JavaScript flowchart Library seriously aspires to be one of them. It provides you with programmatic access to each element of your diagram. There are methods for changing the appearance of the items, for controlling the allowed actions performed by the user and many events. The API is documented in details, various code samples, feature examples and tutorials are provided to help you get started.

Online Documentation: Programming Interface Overview.

A Chain of Responsibility Diagram in JavaScript
Diagramming for JavaScript: TreeMap Layout

Powerful Automatic Layout Algorithms

Automatic graph layout algorithms are the perfect way to give the perfect look of any workflow diagram, org chart, graph, class hierarchy or any other flowchart scheme you have on your mind. JsDiagram layouts are applied fast and easy - with a single method call. Each algorithm provides numerous customization properties that let you tailor it according to the needs of your web application.

Online Documentation: Laying Out The Diagram.
Online Sample: Layered Layout, Animated Tree Layout.
Graph Layout Algorithms in Diagram Controls.

Irresistible Looks

For today's web applications good looks are essential and MindFusion JavaScript tool boasts powerful styling options for a flowchart that impresses with appearance as much as functionality. When talking about diagram design, the control makes everything possible - you can choose the pens and brushes for nodes and links, customize the background and polish the diagram appearance with the various glass or aero effects.

Online Documentation: Diagram Appearance.
Online Sample: Animated Diagrams in JavaScript.

Interactive Diagram in JavaScript and HTML: Styling
Diagram Library for React

Diagram Library for React

The diagramming library includes React DiagramView component. It renders a Diagram instance assigned to "diagram" prop as its model. Currently the following properties can be set from JSX too: allowInplaceEdit, autoResize, backBrush, behavior, defaultShape, enabled, linkHeadShapeSize, linkShape, roundedLinks, routeLinks, showAnchors, showGrid. All diagram events can be handled through JSX syntax as well.

Install Diagramming for React from npm

Support for Vue and Angular

The diagram library is packed with modules for Vue and Angular, which allow you to use it with these frameworks. The components, together with sample projects are part of the Js Diagram archive and are also available from npm.

Install Diagramming for Angular from npm
Install Diagramming for Vue from npm

The Diagram Library for Angular and Vue
Diagram Library for TypeScript

TypeScript Support

For those of you who want to use TypeScript, the JavaScript diagram library provides TypeScript definitions of the API in the jsdiagram.d.ts file located in the downloadable archive. There are several samples that demonstrate the TypeScript API and will help you learn quickly how to implement your preferred flowchart with the MindFusion diagram library and TypeScript.

Install Diagramming for JavaScript from npm

Support for Blazor

MindFusion.Diagramming.Blazor allows integrating the JavaScript diagramming API into Blazor applications. It contains a set of .NET wrapper classes, that use Blazor's JSInterop API to create and manipulate the client-side objects. The package provides easy access from C# code to the most of the MindFusion.Diagramming functionality, including different node types, layouts and styling. Additional UI components such as Overview, NodeListView, ZoomControl and Ruler are included too.

Install Diagramming for Blazor from NuGet

The Diagram Library for Blazor on NuGet

Additional Components

Bring in extra features and convenience to the user with just a few lines of code.
JavaScript Diagram: Overview Control


The perfect tool for large diagrams that require plenty of scrolling.

Zoom and Pan JavaScript Diagrams


Zoom and span the diagram with a step of your choice.

Js Diagram: NodeListView Control


Allows drag and drop of the nodes, including custom node types.

"First of all, the product is the best in the market - and I have researched this. Secondly, I received outstanding support from MindFusion even during the trial! I really like the straightforward licensing model which makes Mindfusion's products an ideal platform for commercial applications."

Mr. Mark Horbal, independent developer

More testimonials >>

Why Choose MindFusion Js Diagram?

Speed up the development process, get better results with less effort.
Excellent Customer Support

Quick Support

Support questions are usually answered within hours of being received.

JavaScript Diagram

Various Samples

Numerous samples demonstrate all features of the library.

JavaScript Scheduler: Detailed API Reference

Detailed Documentation

All API members have comprehensive description with sample source code.

JS Diagram: Elegant API

Easy-to-use API

Elegant API design with intuitive member names.

Detailed Documentation


JavaScript intellisense file for all API members is included in the distribution archive.

JavaScript Diagram Library: Documentation

Tailored To Your Needs

Numerous settings, customization options and styling possibilities.

Detailed Documentation

Affordable Licenses

Team licenses, attractive discounts and competitive prices.

Source Code

Source Code

You can buy the complete source code of each JS control.

Upgrade Subscription

Upgrade Subscription

12-month upgrade subscription for each purchased JS component.

MindFusion Pack for JavaScript

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