The Different Ways to Style a Schedule

In this blog post we will look at the different levels of sty‌ling the elements and items of a schedule made with a MindFusion scheduling library. In our sample we use the Java Scheduling Library, but the API members that we use and the cascading levels of styling a schedule are universal across all MindFusion Scheduling components.

I. Top Level: Theme

At the top level of styling you have themes. The scheduling library has a set of predefined themes: Light, Lila, Silver, Standard, Vista, Windows2013. You apply one of the predefined themes this way:


Here is what the calendar looks like styled with the vista theme:

In JavaScript, the themes are defined in CSS styles and you must reference the desired file and set the name of the theme to the calendar instance. In the other libraries, they are built-in and usually are available as members of an enum.

You have the option to create a custom theme, which you can save and apply this way:

calendar.setCustomTheme(new MyTheme());

Another way to apply the custom theme in Java Scheduling is:

calendar.setCustomTheme(new MyTheme());

Here is the look of the calendar with the custom theme:

The custom theme has changed some of the colors, widened the header so that the week days could be seen and set some borders on the cells.

Creating a custom Theme requires that you override a strict set of methods. They are the public members of the Theme class. You should override all of them. Among the methods that style the calendar for each view – getMonthRangeSettings getMonthSettings etc. You could override in detail only the method that is responsible for styling the view you would use – if it is only one. For the rest of the methods you could just write:

private void initialize_MyTheme_ListViewSettings()
	_listViewSettings = super.createListViewSettings();

Every method in the Theme class must be dutifully implemented and all settings set. That comes from the fact that a Theme is the last and topmost styling instrument and it must know how to style any element that might not be explicitly styled down the tree.

The online and offline documentations of the Java Scheduling library come with topics that list in details the styling settings for each of the predefined themes. Our advice is that you get the code of the Theme that looks closest to what you want to have as a structure and modify it.

The sample project that you can download at the bottom of this post implements a custom Theme based on the Vista theme and lists all members in a theme that you must set with all details.

II. View and Item Settings

One level down the tree are the view settings properties. They are available for any view. You can access those settings with the getMonthSettings getMonthRangeSettings etc. methods. Each one of those methods returns the styling settings of a particular view. You should use the one that corresponds to the view you’ve chosen:

//set the view to SingleMonth
//get the styling settings for SingleMonth view

You can style the items, regardless of the view used, with the ItemSettings object:


The *Settings properties define the appearance of items in terms of alignment, spacing, padding, shadow, date format. The coloring of the elements is left to Style instances. Thus, if you want to change the color of items, you will use:

//customize just the items through the itemSettings field
Style itemStyle = new Style();
itemStyle.setBrush(new SolidBrush(Color.white));

This styles all items on the calendar. For styling a particular item, you should use on of the methods listed underneath.

Our calendar now has green header on the current day, the background of events is white and there is a bit of a padding added to the events.

III. Using Events to Style Particular Items

When you want to select items that you want to style based on some distinct characteristics, you can use events. In our sample we handle the itemCreated event, where we check if the start date of an appointment happens to be during the weekend:

// Listen for item creation and for draw events
calendar.addCalendarListener(new CalendarAdapter(){
	//apply custom styling to selected items
	public void itemCreated(ItemEvent e) {

The Java Scheduler provides various events, which are accessible through a CalendarListener and CalendarAdapter instances. We handle the itemCreated event this way:

//color in red events that are scheduled to start on weekends
protected void onItemCreated(ItemEvent e) {

	Item item = e.getItem();
	if(item.getStartTime().getDayOfWeek() == DayOfWeek.Saturday || 
		item.getStartTime().getDayOfWeek() == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
			item.getStyle().setBrush(new SolidBrush(new Color(213, 28, 32)));
			item.getPointedStyle().setBrush(new SolidBrush(new Color(100, 100, 100)));

The ItemEvent class provides the item that was created and you can use the instance to apply any particular styling to the item.

Here is our scheduler, which now colors the items on weekends in red:

In JavaScript, the items have a special field that allows you to assign to them a custom CSS style that you’ve defined. The style will be applied to the particular item only. The field is called ‘cssClass’.

IV. Custom Drawing

When you need to style in a very unique way calendar elements and nothing else helps, you have the option to draw them the way you want. Custom drawing can be made for many parts of the calendar. The available elements are identified as members of the CustomDrawElements enumeration.

You tell the control that you want to use custom drawing this way:

//specify that we will use custom drawing	

The custom drawing must be part of the draw method, which is also a member of CalendarListener:

// Listen for item creation and for draw events
calendar.addCalendarListener(new CalendarAdapter(){
//add custom drawing to CellContents
public void draw(CalendarDrawEvent e) {

The event handler method looks like this:

//apply custom drawing to selected items
private void onDraw(CalendarDrawEvent e)
	if (e.getElement() == CustomDrawElements.CellContents)
		DateTime date = e.getDate();		
		//color in light yellow the background of the first 10 days of a month
		if (date.getDay() < 11)
			// Do the custom drawing
			Rectangle2D bounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(
			e.getBounds().getX(), e.getBounds().getY(),
			e.getBounds().getWidth() - 1, e.getBounds().getHeight() - 1);
			new AwtGraphics(e.getGraphics()).fillRectangle(Brushes.LightYellow, bounds);

The Calendar’s drawEvent class gives us useful methods to learn more about the item that is being drawn. In our case we want to draw the cell contents, so we check if draw was called for the cell contents, and if yes, we get the bounds of the element. We need the check, because draw is called for all elements that support custom drawing and we need to identify which one is drawn at the moment.

Thanks to the custom drawing, the monthly schedule now has a light yellow background on the first ten days of the month:

With this our review of the methods to style a schedule is finished. You can download the complete source code of the sample together with all MindFusion libraries used from this link:

How to Style a Java Schedule: Download Project Source Code

You can post questions about Mindusion Scheduling components at MindFusion online forums.

About MindFusion Scheduling Components MindFusion Scheduling components are available for a variety of platforms for web, mobile and desktop programming. All of them include a robust feature set that includes 6 calendar views, predefined themes, various events, predefined forms for creating appointments and recurrence. The components are fully interactive, easy to customize and style and are the ideal choice for any application that needs to implement time management features. You can learn more about MindFusion Scheduling tools at

A Monthly Calendar in Java With Events and Recurring Appointments

This is a step-by-step guide that teaches you how to:

  • Setup the MindFusion Scheduler for Java library to display a single
    month calendar.
  • Attach and handle an event when the user clicks a calendar cell.
  • Create and setup recurrent events/appointments.
  • Perform custom drawing on a specific cell.

The sample builds a monthly calendar, which responds to a user click on a calendar cell by creating a recurrent appointment. The appointment is repeated on each subsequent day of the week for unlimited number of months.

When the user selects a given calendar cell (the 6th day of the month), a special icon appears. The icon is rendered using custom drawing.

Note: In this tutorial we use the words “appointment” and “event” interchangeably. Let’s start:

1. How to Setup the Calendar

All packages of the calendar are included in a single *.jar file – JPlanner.jar In our sample we will reference the following packages:

import com.mindfusion.common.*;
import com.mindfusion.common.Rectangle;
import com.mindfusion.drawing.*;
import com.mindfusion.drawing.awt.AwtImage;
import com.mindfusion.scheduling.*;
import com.mindfusion.scheduling.awt.*;
import com.mindfusion.scheduling.model.*;

For detailed reference about the packages and the classes of the schedule library check the online help.

Here are the first settings for our schedule:

  calendar = new AwtCalendar();
  //set the current time
  DateTime today =;
  //set the current date
  // Select the current date

We create a new calendar and signal that initialization starts. The time and date shown at the application start are the current date and time. We also select the cell with the current date.

Let’s make the calendar show exactly one month:


By default each cell in a single month view has its header size set to 0, which makes the current date show in the center of the cell. As a consequence any events in the cell won’t have space to be rendered.

Java Scheduler: the header takes all the cell's height

Java Scheduler: the header takes all the cell’s height

Since we plan to create appointments on user click, we must push the header to the top and free cell space for drawing the events. This is very easy to do, just set:


Now the header is 20 px. and the rest will be for our appointments.

Java Scheduler: the header is 20px.

Java Scheduler: the header is 20px.

For now we are ready initializing the calendar.


2. Handling User Clicks.

User clicks are handled with the dateClick event. We need an instance of the CalendarAdapter and there we associate the dateClick event with a method – onDateClicked. The event is fired when a date is selected.

 calendar.addCalendarListener(new CalendarAdapter(){
            public void dateClick(ResourceDateEvent e) {


3. Create an Appointment and a Recurrence.

The first part of our event handler method is:

protected void onDateClicked(ResourceDateEvent e) {

    int dayIndex = e.getDate().getDayOfWeek();

    Appointment item = new Appointment();

Here we create an Appointment and set its start and end date to the date which was clicked. The ResourceDateEvent keeps data about the date, the resource, if any and other useful information. The header text is the text, which will be rendered at the appointment. The style object contains appearance data for the cell and we use the setBrush
method to change the background of the appointment.

The second part of the method creates the Recurrence object:

      recurrence = new Recurrence();

The recurrence is once a week. There’s additional work to be done when we set the day of the week with setDaysOfWeek. The method accepts as an argument one of the DaysOfWeek enumeration values and we have to convert the index of the day to such value.

private int getDayOfWeek ( int i ) {

        switch (i) {
            case 1:
                return DaysOfWeek.Monday;
            case 2:
                return DaysOfWeek.Tuesday;
            case 3:
                return DaysOfWeek.Wednesday;
            case 4:
                return DaysOfWeek.Thursday;
            case 5:
                return DaysOfWeek.Friday;
            case 6:
                return DaysOfWeek.Saturday;

        return DaysOfWeek.Sunday;


Finally, let’s add the item with the recurrence pattern to the schedule items collection:


4. Custom Drawing a Cell’s Header

The last thing that needs to be done is to draw the icon on the special 6th day of each month. We will perform item drawing and we add to the calendar initialization code this line:


Now we are ready to handle the draw event:

   //add a listener for custom draw
       calendar.addCalendarListener(new CalendarAdapter()
            public void draw(DrawEvent e) {

Below is the first part of the handler method:

 private void onDraw(DrawEvent e)
 if(e.getDate().getDay() == 6 )
                java.awt.Image img = null;

                try {
                    // Read the image file from an input stream
                    InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(
                            new FileInputStream("../cake.png"));
                    img =;

                } catch (IOException ioe) {

Here we read an image from an InputStream. The calendar method for drawing images requires mindfusion.scheduling.AwtImage and we must convert the java image:

AwtImage awtImage = new AwtImage(img);

Then we get the bounds of the drawing area and render the image:

   //gets the bounds of the drawing area
    Rectangle r = e.getBounds();
   //draw the image
   e.getGraphics().drawImage(awtImage, e.getBounds().getLeft(), e.getBounds().getTop(), 32, 32);


The image is 32 x 32 pixels and gets clipped in the appointment.

Java Scheduler: the appointment's height is not enough.

Java Scheduler: the appointment’s height is not enough.

We’ll have to resize the item header to give it more space:


And now everything works just fine:

MindFusion Java Calendar: Month View with Events

MindFusion Java Calendar: Month View with Events

The sample is available for download from here:

Monthly Calendar in Java with Recurrent Appointments and Events

About Scheduling for Java Swing: A programming class library written entirely in Java that lets you build the most sophisticated schedules, calendars and task managers fast and easy. The component boasts a comprehensive feature set that includes custom-typed events, undo/redo functionality, scrolling, tool tips and much more. You can choose among six view styles, which are easy to change and customize. The appearance of each schedule is completely customizable and supports themes, user-assigned mouse cursors and a variety of font, pen and brush options.

A detailed list with the features of the tool is available at the Scheduling for Java Swing features page. The trial version includes a variety of samples and you have plenty of sample code to study. Online documentation with useful tutorials is also available.

The library is royalty-free, source-code is also available. You can see a list of the current prices here. Check the discount page for a list of the available discounts.

Reporting for Silverlight V1.4 and Scheduling for Silverlight, V3.4

MindFusion has released new versions for two of its Silverlight controls – Scheduler and Reporter. Below are details about the new features:

WebForms Scheduler by MindFusionWhat’s New in Scheduler for Silverlight, Version 3.4

Interactive Recurrence Rescheduling
Recurrences can be rescheduled interactively by holding down the RescheduleRecurrenceKey while dragging a recurrent item. The control tries to preserve the current pattern of the recurrence when possible. Otherwise, the recurrence may be modified to accommodate to the new start and end times of the modified item. Interactive rescheduling is not registered in the undo history.

New Theme
A new built-in theme is available in the Silverlight Scheduling control – the Light theme. It is available through the ThemeType enumeration.

Silverlight Scheduler: The Light Theme

Silverlight Scheduler: The Light Theme

New Members

Several new properties and events have been added to the control:

The trial version of Silverlight Scheduler is available for direct download from here:

MindFusion Scheduling for Silverlight, V3.4 Trial Download

The component is also available on Nuget. To install the component, run the following command in the Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package MindFusion.Scheduling.Silverlight

WPF Reporting ToolWhat’s New in Silverlight Reporter, V1.4

Report Parameters

Parameters can now be added to a report through the new Parameters collection of the Report class. The parameters provide name, description and value and can be of any type, including expression. For more information about parameters, check the Report Parameters topic.


MindFusion Silverlight reports can now display UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN-13, and QR barcodes. The barcodes are represented by the new Barcode report item.

Silverlight Reporter: Barcode Report Items

Silverlight Reporter: Barcode Report Items


  • Report items can be searched by name through the new FindItem method.
  • Fixed an issue with horizontal data ranges.
  • Items in data range headers and footers can now bind to the data source of the data range.
  • New sample illustrating the Barcode report items.

You can download the trial version directly from here:

Reporting for Silverlight, V1.4 Trial Download

The component is also available on Nuget. To install the component, run the following command in the Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package MindFusion.Reporting.Silverlight

Technical support is available on the MindFusion discussion board, per email at or at the Help Desk. Your questions and comments are always welcomed by MindFusion friendly and competent support team.

About MindFusion Scheduler for Silverlight: MindFusion.Scheduling for Silverlight provides your web application with a host of useful features for creating, customizing, importing and exporting calendars, time tables, appointment schedules. What’s more, the component includes a full-features Gantt chart with an activity chart and a resource chart. Unleash your creativity with the vast set of appearance options and enjoy the freedom to create calendars where every single detail is customizable and can be controlled by you. Implement professional Gantt diagrams and bring project planning features to your web software with a few mouse clicks. The library is packed with many samples, tutorials and extensive documentation to help you started. The licensing scheme is very attractive with various discount options and great savings for multiple licenses as well for small companies – check it here.

About Reporting for Silverlight: An intuitive programming component that integrates into any Silverlight application with ease and provides the full range of reporting features needed to render, customize and save business reports. The control ships with a versatile report viewer, optimized to display quickly even the largest reports and packed with a single-button import/export functionality to PDF, Excel as well full-featured print and print preview options. Impress the end-user with elegant charts and unlimited number of pictures. MindFusion reports can host any Silverlight component so you can efficiently change your reports as the requirements of the end user evolve. More on MindFusion Silverlight Reporter here.

MindFusion.WinForms Pack 2014.R3

MindFusion is pleased to announce the release 2014.R3 of the Pack for WinForms component suite. Here is an overview of the new features:


Export to Visio 2013 files
The new Visio2013Exporter class lets you export the contents of Diagram and DiagramDocument objects to Visio 2013 VSDX files. You must add a reference to the MindFusion.Diagramming.Export.Visio.dll assembly beforehand. Further details on how to use the Visio2013Exporter can be found in the forum or the online help.

Headers and Footers in PDF
You can now add a header and a footer to all exported to PDF pages. Their content and font are customizable – use HeaderFormat, HeaderFont, FooterFormat and FooterFont to do it.

The PdfExporter

The PdfExporter


New Holiday Providers
You can use one of the new holiday providers, added to the MindFusion.HolidayProviders.dll assembly – FranceHolidayProvider, GermanyHolidayProvider, RussiaHolidayProvider, and UKHolidayProvider.


  • A new Drawing event enables custom drawing of calendar elements before their default rendering.
  • Improved support for partial databinding.


Export to XLSX (Office Open XML) format
Use the new ExcelExporter class to export MindFusion.Spreadsheet Workbook objects to Excel. To export a workbook to XLSX, create an instance of the ExcelExporter class and call its Export method, passing the Workbook object as parameter.

Export to ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) format
The new CalcExporter class lets you export MindFusion.Spreadsheet Workbook objects to the OpenDocument format. To export a workbook, create an instance of the CalcExporter class and call its Export method, passing the Workbook object as parameter.

Export to XHTML and MHTML format
Two new classes – HtmlExporter and MhtmlExporter – let you export MindFusion.Spreadsheet Workbook objects to (X)HTML and MHTML files. To export a workbook, create an instance of the respective exporter class and call its Export method, passing the Workbook object as parameter.

Export to XHTML.

Export to XHTML.

Moving cell ranges
You can move cells and cell ranges programmatically as well interactively. In order to move a column/row programmatically you should call one of the Move overloads of the of the ColumnCollection or RowCollection classes respectively, and specify the column/row to move and the desired location. To move columns or rows interactively, select the columns or rows entirely, click on any of the selected column or row headers and drag.

Find and replace
You can now use a variety of methods to search and replace texts. For searching, use the Find and FindAll methods. For replacing text use Replace and ReplaceAll. The new FindReplaceForm class (contained in the MindFusion.Spreadsheet.WinForms.StandardForms.dll assembly) can be used to facilitate search and replace operations inside a workbook.

Improved in-place editing
In-place formula editing has been extended with automatic literal, string, cell and cell range coloring
and context-sensitive tooltip information for functions.

In-place editing.

In-place editing.


  • The parameters of the Export methods of some exporters have been reordered to improve consistency. Now the Worksheet/Workbook being exported is always the first argument.
  • The HyperlinkForm constructors now require an addition argument of type Workbook.
  • New PageOrientation property added to the PdfExporter class.


Layout serialization has been added to the DockControl.

The trial version is available for direct download from this link:

Download MindFusion.WinForms Pack 2014.R3

If you run into problems with any of the components, please let us know. We shall be glad to assist you. MindFusion is proud with its excellent technical support – the majority of the questions are answered within hours of receiving them.

About MindFusion.WinForms Pack: A set of five WinForms programming components that provide your application with a rich choice of diagramming, charting, scheduling, mapping, reporting and gauge features. The tools are very easy to implement and use. They boast intuitive API and various step-by-step tutorials to get you started. Both online and offline documentation is available.

A sample browser presents you with all the samples for each control to let you easily navigate to what you need. You can check some of the features of each component right now if you look at the online demos:

Visit the features – page of the components for more information about their capabilities:

You can check the prices and licensing scheme here. All components are royalty-free.

MindFusion Pack for ASP.NET 2014.R1

We have just released MindFusion.WebForms Pack 2014.R1. The diagramming component in the pack offers several new features – here is an overview:

diagram16x16Diagramming for ASP.NET

Import of Visio 2013 files
The new Visio2013Importer class can import *.vsdx files, created by Visio 2013. It is part of the MindFusion.Diagramming.Import.Visio.dll assembly and you must reference it if you want to use the importer. The Import method has various overloads, which let you choose how the Visio diagram is imported – as a whole diagram whose content is merged from all imported pages or as a DiagramDocument, whose pages correspond to the Visio drawing pages. Each Visio connector and node shape in the original diagram is represented by a matching DiagramLink and DiagramNode object in the resulting flowchart.

Canvas mode improvements

  • The HandlesStyle property of nodes is now supported in Canvas mode.
  • Dynamic links are now supported in Canvas mode.
  • You can apply layout algorithms to the content of a ContainerNode by calling its arrange method.
  • and more.

Java mode improvements

  • RoundedLinks and RoundedLinksRadius properties are now supported in Java mode.
  • AutoSnapLinks is now honored in Java mode; links drawn interactively snap to a nearby node from a distance.
  • createFontEx method added to ScriptHelper creates bold, italic and underlined fonts.
  • as well other improvements.


Several new predefined shapes are available in the Shapes class – RightTriangle, Decagon, Trapezoid, Star4Pointed, Star5Pointed, Star6Pointed, Star7Pointed, Star16Pointed, Star24Pointed, Star32Pointed, Donut and Plaque.

The new predefined node shapes.

The new predefined node shapes.

The trial version is available for download from this link:

Download MindFusion Pack for WebForms, 2014.R1

About MindFusion.WebForms Pack: A set of WebForms components that add great variety of features to your ASP.NET application with a few mouse clicks. The pack contains advanced components for diagramming, scheduling, charting and UI (Accordion, ColorPicker, TabControl, Window, WindowHost, DockControl, Button, Slideshow, Zoom and more). Each tool boasts easy to learn and use API and is quickly integrated into any web application that targets the ASP.NET platform. The controls support numerous options for styling, data import / export, user interaction and offer rich event set. There are plenty of samples and step-by-step tutorials as well detailed documentation.

Use the features page for each of the tools to find out more about its capabilities and
the numerous ways it can boost your performance and speed up the development of your application:

Visit the buy page for details on the licensing scheme and prices. If you have questions please contact us. We shall be happy to assist you.