A Funnel Chart in JavaScript

In this blog post we will create a funnel chart that demonstrates education enrollment. We will use the JavaScript chart library.

I. Chart Setup.

The Charting library requires a few JavaScript files, which we copy in a folder named Scripts. The files are:

  • config.js
  • MindFusion.Charting.js
  • MindFusion.Common.js
  • MindFusion.Gauges.js
  • require.js

Those files are redistributed with the chart library. If you plan to use different directory structure in your project you must edit the config.js file.

Now we create two files – an HTML page FunnelChart.html and a funnelchart.js file, which will contain the code for the chart. In the FunnelChart.html file we add two references:

<script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/config.js"></script>
<script data-main="funnelchart" src="Scripts/require.js"></script>

One to the config file and the other to the require.js file. Note that the data-main attribute points exactly to the name of the javascript code-behind file that we’ll use to create and customize the chart.

II. Create the Chart

The chart needs a canvas and we add one to the web page:

<canvas id="funnelChart" width="400" height="500"></canvas>

The size determines the size of the chart, the id is important because we’ll use it to access the canvas from code.

The code for each JavaScript chart is in a single method:

define(["require", "exports", 'MindFusion.Charting'], function (require, exports, m) {
    "use strict";
    var Charting = m.MindFusion.Charting;
    var Controls = m.MindFusion.Charting.Controls;
    var Collections = m.MindFusion.Charting.Collections;
    var Drawing = m.MindFusion.Charting.Drawing;

    //create the chart
    var funnelChartEl = document.getElementById('funnelChart');
    var funnelChart = new Controls.FunnelChart(funnelChartEl);

     //chart customization


The chart object is created with the help of the FunnelChart canvas element, which we get from the html page using the id.

III. Data

Data for the funnel chart is a single list with values. That is why we use the SimpleSeries class. It takes two arguments – one list with the data and one with the labels. We initialize the two arrays:

//initialize data and labels
var data = new Collections.List([100, 90, 80, 37, 17, 7]);
var labels = new Collections.List(["Elementary school", "Middle School", "High school", "Bachelor", "Master", "Doc"]);


Then we create the series and assign it to the series property of the funnelChart object.

//assign a series
funnelChart.series = new Charting.SimpleSeries(data, labels); 


IV. Appearance Customization

We don’t need a legend for the chart that is why we set:

funnelChart.showLegend = false;


A chart needs a title and we set one:

funnelChart.title = "Education Enrollment";


MindFusion JavaScript chart library has a flexible styling model, which allows us to customize the pens and brushes of a chart either directly through the theme property or through styles. A combination of both is possible and that’s what we’ll use. First, we will use the PerElementSeriesStyle for coloring the chart element. This style uses each of the Brush-es that were added to it to paint just one element from the chart. If necessary, the control cycles through the provided Brush -es.

var brushes = new Collections.List([	
	new Drawing.Brush("#193e4e"),
        new Drawing.Brush("#5a7444"),
        new Drawing.Brush("#8eb848"),
        new Drawing.Brush("#678b99"),
        new Drawing.Brush("#a1d0d8"),
        new Drawing.Brush("#c5b28a"),
	var seriesBrushes = new Collections.List();


The PerElementSeriesStyle expects a nested list with Brushes – because a chart can have many series with many elements into it. The same is true for the strokes, but we will add just one Brush, because we want all elements to have one common outlinig:

var strokes = new Collections.List([
	new Drawing.Brush("#f2ebcf"),
var seriesStrokes = new Collections.List();


We repeat the process for StrokeThickness-es and then we create the style object:

funnelChart.plot.seriesStyle = new Charting.PerElementSeriesStyle(seriesBrushes, seriesStrokes, serieStrokeThicknesses);


The theme property exposes many fields that help us customize our chart. We adjust the font and change the highlight stroke, which renders when a chart element is selected:

funnelChart.theme.titleFontSize = 18;
funnelChart.theme.titleFontName = "Roboto";
funnelChart.theme.titleFontStyle = Drawing.FontStyle.Bold;
funnelChart.theme.dataLabelsFontName = "Roboto";
funnelChart.theme.dataLabelsFontSize = 14;
funnelChart.theme.highlightStroke = new Drawing.Brush("#ffcc33");


V. Tooltips

We want our chart to render tooltips. The SimpleSeries does not include tooltips by default and we must do some code twisting to make it show them. First, we create a field tooltips, that is assigned to a list with the desired tooltips:

var tooltips = new Collections.List(["32.7%", "29.5%", "26.2%", "12%", "5%", "2%"]);
funnelChart.series.tooltips = tooltips; 


Then we have to override the supportedLabels property of the Series class to make it return LabelKinds.ToolTip in addition to LabelKinds.InnerLabel.

Object.defineProperty(m.MindFusion.Charting.SimpleSeries.prototype, "supportedLabels", {
            get: function () { return m.MindFusion.Charting.LabelKinds.InnerLabel | m.MindFusion.Charting.LabelKinds.ToolTip; },
            enumerable: true,
            configurable: true


Finally, we must return the appropriate tooltip and the appropriate label, when asked. This is done by overriding the getLabel method of the SimpleSeries class.

m.MindFusion.Charting.SimpleSeries.prototype.getLabel = function (index, kind) {
	if ((kind & m.MindFusion.Charting.LabelKinds.ToolTip) != 0 && this.tooltips)
		return this.tooltips.items()[index];
	if (this.labels == null)
		return null;
	return this.labels.items()[index];


With that the work on our funnel chart is done and we can enjoy the result:

A Funnel chart in JavaScript

A Funnel chart in JavaScript

Complete source code including the libraries is available for direct download from the link below:

Download the Funnel Chart Sample

About MindFusion JavaScript Chart Library: MindFusion JS Chart is an interactive library for charts and gauges written purely in JavaScript. It supports all common chart types, multiple series, custom data,financial charts, funnel charts, a large selection of gauges and rich styling capabilities. The elegant architecture of the library allows you to create dashboards, charts with multiple different types of series in a single plot, unlimited number of axes, reusable styling themes, various oval and linear gauges. The innovative approach to data lets you define your own data classes by implementing a single interface.
The library also boasts a rich event set, zoom, pan, dragging of the legend and a set of many popular gauges. It is designed and implemented to provide JS developers with the perfect tool to create beautiful, interactive dashboards fast and easy. Download trial directly at http://mindfusion.eu/JavaScript.Chart.zip Get your license today at http://www.javascript-chart-buy.html

JavaScript Chart Library, V1.1 Released

The new version of the JavaScript Chart library contains the following new features:


Funnel charts are often used to represent stages in a sales process and show the amount of potential revenue at each stage. In MindFusion.Charting for JavaScript funnel charts can be created by utilizing the FunnelChart or FunnelRenderer classes. FunnelChart inherits from the base Chart class and offers additional customization through its segmentSpacing and bottomBase properties.

Funnel chart in JavaScript

Funnel chart in JavaScript

Theme XML serialization
Themes now can be serialized to and from XML through the use of the respective loadFrom and saveTo methods.


Download the latest version directly from here:

Download JavaScript Chart Library, V1.1 Trial

Technical support is available at the JS Chart forum, per email at support@mindfusion.eu or at the HelpDesk. Either way MindFusion attentive support team would be glad to answer your questions.

About MindFusion JavaScript Chart Library: MindFusion JS Chart is an interactive library for charts and gauges written purely in JavaScript. It supports all common chart types, multiple series, custom data,financial charts, funnel charts, a large selection of gauges and rich styling capabilities. The elegant architecture of the library allows you to create dashboards, charts with multiple different types of series in a single plot, unlimited number of axes, reusable styling themes, various oval and linear gauges. The innovative approach to data lets you define your own data classes by implementing a single interface.
The library also boasts a rich event set, zoom, pan, dragging of the legend and a set of many popular gauges. It is designed and implemented to provide JS developers with the perfect tool to create beautiful, interactive dashboards fast and easy. Download trial directly at http://mindfusion.eu/JavaScript.Chart.zip Get your license today at http://www.javascript-chart-buy.html

MindFusion Releases Xamarin Charts

MindFusion Xamarin Chart has been released with the complete set of features needed to create and customize a wide selection of charts. The control boasts a variety of chart types like radar, polar, line, bubble, bar, column, doughnut, step, scatter etc. Part of the library are also a dashboard component and a component for financial charts.

3D Xamarin Chart

3D Xamarin Chart

Each chart type exposes numerous options to be customized in order to answer fully the requirements of the user. The control is packed with many samples that demonstrate different aspects of a chart type and offer ready-to-use code. The API is documented in details, with helpful tutorials and guides.

The chart component supports flexible data interface, which allows any data source to be used as a provider of chart data as long as it implements the Series interface. Predefined are a set of the most common data sources like XML, numeric lists, DateTime values, SQL database fields.

The innovative approach to styling lets developers control each aspect of the chart’s looks. They can alter the styling on the tiniest elements or concentrate on the bigger picture and create a global theme which can be reused.

Xamarin Bubble Chart

Xamarin Bubble Chart

The component is free to try without feature restrictions for a period of 60 days. Each license includes 12 month upgrade subscription. You can find out more about MindFusion Xamarin chart component at http://mindfusion.eu/xamarin-chart.html

About MindFusion: MindFusion has provided quality software tools for thousands of organizations and individuals for over a decade. With focus on lean software design and excellent technical support, MindFusion has been preferred by many Fortune 500 companies and world-known names from all industries and fields of business. MindFusion programming components are easy to use, with plenty of options to be customized and make development much faster and successful.

JS Chart: Getting Started

This is step-by-step tutorial on how to setup a JavaScript chart using MindFusion JS Chart library. In the sample here we will use a pie chart but the steps are applicable to any type of chart with small modifications.

The video for this tutorial is uploaded on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kc1nNe4p770

I. The Web Page

Basically, our sample consists of an HTML file and a Scripts folder, which will hold all used *.js files. In the web page that will hold the control we add two JS references.

The first one is the config file:

<script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/config.js">

We will define our chart in a PieChart.js file that we will place in the Scripts folder.

In the body of the file we create a div that holds a canvas.

The canvas renders the chart and we will access and use it in the JavaScript file. That’s why it is important that the canvas has an id.

II. Setup of the *.JS File

In the PieChart.js file we create a single method that will be responsible for building and customizing the chart:

define(["require", "exports", 'MindFusion.Charting'], function (require, exports, m) {

The first few lines define variables used to reference various chart namespaces:

var Charting = m.MindFusion.Charting;
var Controls = m.MindFusion.Charting.Controls;
var Collections = m.MindFusion.Charting.Collections;
var Drawing = m.MindFusion.Charting.Drawing;

III. General Chart Settings

We create the chart from the canvas in the HTML file.

var pieChart = new Controls.PieChart( document.getElementById('pieChart'));

Then we set a title for the chart and we increase the font size for the title:

pieChart.title = "Corporate Sales";
pieChart.theme.titleFontSize = 24;	

IV. Series

The pie chart holds a single PieSeries.. For it we need data, inner and outer labels.
The data is a list with numbers:

var values = new Collections.List([20, 30, 10, 40, 35]);

The labels are a list with strings. Here is how we create the series:

pieChart.series = new Charting.PieSeries( values, null, new Collections.List(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]));

If you run the chart now you’ll see the pie with labels painted in a light green color.


So, we need

V. Styling

The styling includes brushes for the pie pieces:

var brushes = new Collections.List([
new Drawing.Brush("#081b67"),
new Drawing.Brush("#cc2020"),
new Drawing.Brush("#7D7D7D"),
new Drawing.Brush("#67a6c7"),
new Drawing.Brush("#d0d0d0")
var seriesBrushes = new Collections.List();

a single pie pen:

var pens = new Collections.List([
     new Drawing.Brush("#ffffff")
var seriesPens = new Collections.List();

a thickness for the pie pen:

var thicknesses = new Collections.List([

var seriesThicknesses = new Collections.List();

and a DashStyle for it:

var dashStyles = new Collections.List([
var seriesDashStyles = new Collections.List();

We could have set different pens, thicknesses and DashStyle for each pie piece, but we want all the pieces to be outlined with a single pen.

Note that those settings are of type array and are nested in another array. That is because the styling might apply to multi-series charts and each array is responsible for styling the elements of each series.

In our sample we style the pie chart with a PerElementSeriesStyle object, which we assign to the seriesStyle property:

pieChart.plot.seriesStyle = new Charting.PerElementSeriesStyle(seriesBrushes, seriesPens, seriesThicknesses, seriesDashStyles);

VI. Legend

The legend needs to be styled – the background, border and title need to be specified and customized to make it look better.

The legend title is a property of the chart.

pieChart.legendTitle = "Period";

The styling settings for a legend can be accessed through the theme property:

pieChart.theme.legendBackground = new Drawing.Brush("#ffffff");
pieChart.theme.legendBorderStroke = new Drawing.Brush("#cecece");
pieChart.theme.legendBorderStrokeThickness = 1.0;
pieChart.theme.legendTitleFontSize = 16;

The legend label is read from the title of each series in the chart. In our case we use:

pieChart.series.title = "2016";

With this our chart is complete. A hint: if you want to make the pie labels from inner to outer, you just need to change the position of the null value in the PieSeries constructor.

JS Pie Chart

JS Pie Chart

Download Sample

MindFusion JS Chart is an interactive library for charts and gauges written purely in JavaScript. It supports all common chart types, multiple series, custom data,financial charts, a large selection of gauges and rich styling capabilities. The elegant architecture of the library allows you to create dashboards, charts with multiple different types of series in a single plot, unlimited number of axes, reusable styling themes, various oval and linear gauges. The innovative approach to data lets you define your own data classes by implementing a single interface.
The library also boasts a rich event set, zoom, pan, dragging of the legend and a set of many popular gauges. It is designed and implemented to provide JS developers with the perfect tool to create beautiful, interactive dashboards fast and easy. Download trial directly at http://mindfusion.eu/JavaScript.Chart.zip Get your license today at http://www.javascript-chart-buy.html

Surface Chart in WPF with Data Biding and Colour Map

This is a step-by-step guide on how to build a surface chart using MindFusion WPF Surface Chart control. The data is set with data binding. After we build the chart we’ll adjust some properties and preview how they affect the chart appearance.

Step-by-step guide on how to build a 3D surface  or scatter chart

Step-by-step guide on how to build a 3D surface or scatter chart

I. General Settings

We start with a new WPF project and add the libraries needed for the WPF surface chart: MindFusion.Charting.Wpf and MindFusion.Licensing. We create a mapping to the charting namespace like that:


If you have installed the control or MindFusion WPF Pack with toolbox integration you’ll just need to drag and drop the surface chart control.

Drag and drop the surface chart control

Drag and drop the surface chart control

Next step is to declare the Surface Chart. We do this in XAML:

<chart:surfacechart x:name="surfaceChart" effect3d="ShaderEffect" scatterfacesize="1" showsurface="True" showwireframe="True" showscatters="False" title="ScatterChart3D" sidewallthickness="0.5" interpolationtype="Bezier" gridtype="Horizontal" scale="200" groundlevel="0">

We use a ShaderEffect to make the chart more beautiful. The ShowSurface property means the control shall draw a surface but will not draw a wireframe or scatters – we’ll change that later. The SideWallThickness sets how the walls will look – we make them modestly thick. If we don’t set a GridType it will be more difficult to read the chart, so we set a horizontal grid. Scale determines how the chart will be zoomed and GroundLevel sets the location of the bottom or ground wall.

II. Data Binding

We’ll use a single series in the chart and we initialize it in XAML as well:

<chart:surfaceseries x:name="series1">

For the purpose of this sample we create just a List of Point3D objects, which will be the data source. We do this in code.

List Data = new List();
Point3D point3D;

for (int i = 0; i < 360; i+=10)
double angle_rad = i / 180.0 * Math.PI;

for (int r = 0; r <= 10; r++)
double radius = r * 0.2;
double x = radius * Math.Cos(angle_rad);
double z = radius * Math.Sin(angle_rad);

point3D = new Point3D(x, radius, z);

We generate the points using the algorithm for a cone. Now let’s bind the data list to the chart’s properties.

surfaceChart.DataSource = Data;
series1.XDataPath = "X";
series1.YDataPath = "Y";
series1.ZDataPath = "Z";

The DataPath properties specify the names of each data bound property.

Now that we know our data we must set the minimum and maximum value of all three chart axes to make sure data is rendered correctly:

surfaceChart.XAxisSettings.MinValue = -2;
surfaceChart.XAxisSettings.Interval = 0.4;
surfaceChart.XAxisSettings.MaxValue = 2;
surfaceChart.YAxisSettings.MinValue = 0;
surfaceChart.YAxisSettings.MaxValue = 2;
surfaceChart.YAxisSettings.Interval = 0.4;
surfaceChart.ZAxisSettings.MinValue = -2;
surfaceChart.ZAxisSettings.MaxValue = 2;
surfaceChart.ZAxisSettings.Interval = 0.4;

Each axis exposes MinValue, MaxValue and Interval properties, which are used to define the scale.

III. Colours

The colours for a surface chart are set with the Fills property. In a surface chart, if you use a gradient brush, each point will read its color mapped to the matching position on the gradient. If you want more details, you can use the TextureType and ColorMapList properties to specify the colour map. In our sample we use XAML and add a gradient brush:

 	<lineargradientbrush startpoint="0,0" endpoint="0,1">
<gradientstop color="#D2D9A3" offset="0">
<gradientstop color="#023E73" offset="0.33">
<gradientstop color="#8A188C" offset="0.66">
<gradientstop color="#F24B6A" offset="1.0">

IV. Customizations

We can show a wire frame by setting ShowWireFrame to “true”. If we want to show scatters, we’d better turn off ShowSurface and set ShowScatters to true. A wire frame can be show no matter the surface type. You can combine all of them – scatters, wire frame and surface.

InterpolationType lets you choose among various types of interpolation. Choosing None means that the control shall simply connect the 3D points.

An important property is PointMergeThreshold – it indicates the smallest difference at which a point that comes too close to another point won’t be drawn. If we set it to 0 or a negative number all points will be drawn.

Here is a selection of images of charts with different combination of surface properties turned on: wire frame, surface, scatters.

By turning a single property you can completely change the appearance of a 3D surface chart

By turning a single property you can completely change the appearance of a 3D surface chart

You can download the sample directly from this link:

Download MindFusion Surface Chart Tutorial

Learn more about the WPF Chart & Gauge control here.