Customizing Diagram Link Shape-s in JavaScript and React

In this blog post we will look at 3 different ways of customizing diagram links. They are:

  • Drawing one ShapeNode in the middle of the link.
  • Drawing a rectangle in the middle of a link.
  • Drawing a ShapeNode at conjunction points.

The following image illustrates DiagramLink s created by each of the three methods.

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Running JavaScript Diagram Applications with Electron.js

In this blog post we will demonstrate how to setup a Unix/Linux system to run a sample JavaScript diagram application under Electron.js. We use a Raspberry Pi computer which runs Raspberry Pi OS – the Debian-based OS optimized for the Raspberry Pi hardware.

Here is how our test application looks like:

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Different-size Icons in the Js Diagram NodeListView

In this blog post we will learn how to add a NodeListView control to a Diagram and how to set its ShapeNode -s to a different size. When ShapeNode -s are dragged from the NodeListView the instances that will be created are proprtional in size to the size of the ShapeNode that was dragged. Here is a screenshot of the final application:

I. General Settings

We create an HTML page and add to it references to the MindFusion JavaScript files that represent the diagramming library:

<script src="MindFusion.Common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="MindFusion.Diagramming.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="Controls.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

The last reference is to the Controls JavaScript file, where the code for the application is located.

Then we create two Canvas-es: one is for the NodeListView and the other is for the Diagram The NodeListView component is bound to the canvas element below:

<div style="width: 200px; height: 100%; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden; position: absolute; top: 201px; left: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px;">
    <canvas id="nodeList" width="200"></canvas>
<!-- The Diagram component is bound to the canvas element below -->
<div style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; overflow: auto;"> <canvas id="diagram" width="2100" height="2100">
This page requires a browser that supports HTML 5 Canvas element.

Both the Diagram and NodeListView controls require Canvas elements to render themselves onto.

II. Initializing the Controls

We create the Diagram using the id that we’ve provided to its Canvas in the web page:

// create a Diagram component that wraps the "diagram" canvas
diagram = Diagram.create(document.getElementById("diagram"));
diagram.setBounds(new MindFusion.Drawing.Rect(0, 0, 500, 500));

We set a bigger size to the diagram in order to make it fill the web page.

We create the NodeListView instance the same way we created the diagram:

// create a NodeListView component that wraps the "nodeList" canvas
var nodeList = MindFusion.Diagramming.NodeListView.create(document.getElementById("nodeList"));

Now we need to add the settings that will make the ShapeNode -s different in size when rendered onto the list:


The setIconSize method is used to specify the default size of nodes in the NodeListView When we set the size to null, the control draws each node in the NodeListView with the size that was assigned to it:

function initNodeList(nodeList, diagram)
    // add some nodes to the NodeListView
    var shapes = ["Actor", "RoundRect", "Triangle", "Decision"];
    for (var i = 0; i < shapes.length; ++i)
        var node = new MindFusion.Diagramming.ShapeNode(diagram);
        node.setBounds(new MindFusion.Drawing.Rect(0, 0, (i+1)*10, (i+1)*10));
        nodeList.addNode(node, shapes[i]);

Here we increase the size of wach ShapeNode with 10 points on each itereation. This makes the icons with various size but does not create them with different size when dropped on the diagram. In order to do this we must set:

nodeList.setDefaultNodeSize (null);

setDefaultNodeSize specifies the size of those nodes that are created when a ShapeNode is dropped on the Diagram area. By setting this size to null we tell the control to read the size of the new ShapeNode from the instance in the NodeListView control.

With that our sample is ready. You can download the source code from this link:

JavaScript NodeListView with Various Size Nodes: Download Sample

About Diagramming for JavaScript: This native JavaScript library provides developers with the ability to create and customize any type of diagram, decision tree, flowchart, class hierarchy, graph, genealogy tree and more. The control offers rich event set, numerous customization options, animations, graph operations, styling and themes. You have more than 100 predefined nodes, table nodes and more than 15 automatic layout algorithms. Learn more about Diagramming for JavaScript at

The Different Ways to Style a Schedule

In this blog post we will look at the different levels of sty‌ling the elements and items of a schedule made with a MindFusion scheduling library. In our sample we use the Java Scheduling Library, but the API members that we use and the cascading levels of styling a schedule are universal across all MindFusion Scheduling components.

I. Top Level: Theme

At the top level of styling you have themes. The scheduling library has a set of predefined themes: Light, Lila, Silver, Standard, Vista, Windows2013. You apply one of the predefined themes this way:


Here is what the calendar looks like styled with the vista theme:

In JavaScript, the themes are defined in CSS styles and you must reference the desired file and set the name of the theme to the calendar instance. In the other libraries, they are built-in and usually are available as members of an enum.

You have the option to create a custom theme, which you can save and apply this way:

calendar.setCustomTheme(new MyTheme());

Another way to apply the custom theme in Java Scheduling is:

calendar.setCustomTheme(new MyTheme());

Here is the look of the calendar with the custom theme:

The custom theme has changed some of the colors, widened the header so that the week days could be seen and set some borders on the cells.

Creating a custom Theme requires that you override a strict set of methods. They are the public members of the Theme class. You should override all of them. Among the methods that style the calendar for each view – getMonthRangeSettings getMonthSettings etc. You could override in detail only the method that is responsible for styling the view you would use – if it is only one. For the rest of the methods you could just write:

private void initialize_MyTheme_ListViewSettings()
	_listViewSettings = super.createListViewSettings();

Every method in the Theme class must be dutifully implemented and all settings set. That comes from the fact that a Theme is the last and topmost styling instrument and it must know how to style any element that might not be explicitly styled down the tree.

The online and offline documentations of the Java Scheduling library come with topics that list in details the styling settings for each of the predefined themes. Our advice is that you get the code of the Theme that looks closest to what you want to have as a structure and modify it.

The sample project that you can download at the bottom of this post implements a custom Theme based on the Vista theme and lists all members in a theme that you must set with all details.

II. View and Item Settings

One level down the tree are the view settings properties. They are available for any view. You can access those settings with the getMonthSettings getMonthRangeSettings etc. methods. Each one of those methods returns the styling settings of a particular view. You should use the one that corresponds to the view you’ve chosen:

//set the view to SingleMonth
//get the styling settings for SingleMonth view

You can style the items, regardless of the view used, with the ItemSettings object:


The *Settings properties define the appearance of items in terms of alignment, spacing, padding, shadow, date format. The coloring of the elements is left to Style instances. Thus, if you want to change the color of items, you will use:

//customize just the items through the itemSettings field
Style itemStyle = new Style();
itemStyle.setBrush(new SolidBrush(Color.white));

This styles all items on the calendar. For styling a particular item, you should use on of the methods listed underneath.

Our calendar now has green header on the current day, the background of events is white and there is a bit of a padding added to the events.

III. Using Events to Style Particular Items

When you want to select items that you want to style based on some distinct characteristics, you can use events. In our sample we handle the itemCreated event, where we check if the start date of an appointment happens to be during the weekend:

// Listen for item creation and for draw events
calendar.addCalendarListener(new CalendarAdapter(){
	//apply custom styling to selected items
	public void itemCreated(ItemEvent e) {

The Java Scheduler provides various events, which are accessible through a CalendarListener and CalendarAdapter instances. We handle the itemCreated event this way:

//color in red events that are scheduled to start on weekends
protected void onItemCreated(ItemEvent e) {

	Item item = e.getItem();
	if(item.getStartTime().getDayOfWeek() == DayOfWeek.Saturday || 
		item.getStartTime().getDayOfWeek() == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
			item.getStyle().setBrush(new SolidBrush(new Color(213, 28, 32)));
			item.getPointedStyle().setBrush(new SolidBrush(new Color(100, 100, 100)));

The ItemEvent class provides the item that was created and you can use the instance to apply any particular styling to the item.

Here is our scheduler, which now colors the items on weekends in red:

In JavaScript, the items have a special field that allows you to assign to them a custom CSS style that you’ve defined. The style will be applied to the particular item only. The field is called ‘cssClass’.

IV. Custom Drawing

When you need to style in a very unique way calendar elements and nothing else helps, you have the option to draw them the way you want. Custom drawing can be made for many parts of the calendar. The available elements are identified as members of the CustomDrawElements enumeration.

You tell the control that you want to use custom drawing this way:

//specify that we will use custom drawing	

The custom drawing must be part of the draw method, which is also a member of CalendarListener:

// Listen for item creation and for draw events
calendar.addCalendarListener(new CalendarAdapter(){
//add custom drawing to CellContents
public void draw(CalendarDrawEvent e) {

The event handler method looks like this:

//apply custom drawing to selected items
private void onDraw(CalendarDrawEvent e)
	if (e.getElement() == CustomDrawElements.CellContents)
		DateTime date = e.getDate();		
		//color in light yellow the background of the first 10 days of a month
		if (date.getDay() < 11)
			// Do the custom drawing
			Rectangle2D bounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(
			e.getBounds().getX(), e.getBounds().getY(),
			e.getBounds().getWidth() - 1, e.getBounds().getHeight() - 1);
			new AwtGraphics(e.getGraphics()).fillRectangle(Brushes.LightYellow, bounds);

The Calendar’s drawEvent class gives us useful methods to learn more about the item that is being drawn. In our case we want to draw the cell contents, so we check if draw was called for the cell contents, and if yes, we get the bounds of the element. We need the check, because draw is called for all elements that support custom drawing and we need to identify which one is drawn at the moment.

Thanks to the custom drawing, the monthly schedule now has a light yellow background on the first ten days of the month:

With this our review of the methods to style a schedule is finished. You can download the complete source code of the sample together with all MindFusion libraries used from this link:

How to Style a Java Schedule: Download Project Source Code

You can post questions about Mindusion Scheduling components at MindFusion online forums.

About MindFusion Scheduling Components MindFusion Scheduling components are available for a variety of platforms for web, mobile and desktop programming. All of them include a robust feature set that includes 6 calendar views, predefined themes, various events, predefined forms for creating appointments and recurrence. The components are fully interactive, easy to customize and style and are the ideal choice for any application that needs to implement time management features. You can learn more about MindFusion Scheduling tools at

JavaScript Diagram Library, V2.8 Released

The new JavaScript library has been released with the following new features:

Fluent API

Builder objects with property setters and shortcut methods for font and brush creation add support for fluent programming style. Static With and instance init methods in DiagramItem, Style and Layout -derived classes return a builder instance that can be used to set up respective new or existing objects.

DiagramLink improvements

  • HeadStroke, HeadStrokeThickness and HeadStrokeDashStyle properties let you customize arrowhead strokes independently of line segments strokes.
  • The AllowSelfLoops property of Diagram class controls whether users are allowed to draw self-loop links.
  • The new Spline element of LinkShape enumeration draws links as interpolating splines that pass through all of their control points.

The new JS Diagram boasts improved DiagramLink-s.

The new JS Diagram boasts improved DiagramLink-s.


A trial version is available for download here:

Download MindFusion Diagram Library for JavaScript, V2.8

About Diagramming for JavaScript Library: Written 100% in JavaScript, this tool is a dynamic, browser based visualization library that uses HTML5 Canvas to draw impressive diagrams, schemes, flowcharts, trees and many more. It is browser independent, easy to use and allows you to integrate interactive diagrams for JavaScript and HTML into any web application. This MindFusion graphing library supports a variety of predefined node shapes, customizable links, rich event set and many appearance options.

The user interaction model includes resizing / moving / selecting and modifying any diagram element. The library boasts an elegant API, which is documented in details, numerous step-by-step guides and tutorials. The Diagramming API also provides TypeScript definitions. Various samples are provided to let you learn quickly how to use the most important features of the library – check them here. The JavaScript diagram builder is not only the perfect choice for creating any type of diagram in the browser – it can also arrange it the way you wish with a mouse click using one of its automatic graph layout algorithms. For more details about the features of the component, please visit the Diagram for JavaScript page.