Running JPlanner Samples with Apache NetBeans IDE

In this blog post we will show you how to open the sample projects that come with the MindFusion Scheduling library for Java Swing with Apache NetBeans IDE.

The samples for MindFusion JPlanner are available from two sources:

  • The download archive, which contains all samples in seperate folders. Each sample links to the planner *.jar file.
  • The samples page where the samples can be downloaded separately. Each sample contains the *.jar file of the scheduling library.

By default the sample folders cannot be opened as projects in NetBeans. You should import them with File -> Import Project -> Eclipse Project.

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New Release for the Free JS Chart Library

MindFusion Free JS Chart has a new release with the following new features:

– All Series can accept now simple JavaScript array-s as arguments instead of Collections.List instances
– The ToolTip class is greatly extended with many new properties that allow you to customize the apparance and position of tooltips
– The Color.knownColors field lists all standard CSS color names
– Brush and Pen instances can be created with simple strings that specify the HTML code of the color as argument instead of Color objects.
– The yLabelAlignment property of BiaxialChart specifies horizontal alignment of Y-axis labels.
– Texts are now properly underlined when FontStyle.Underline is set.

Free JS Chart is MindFusion charting library that is offered free of charge for commercial use. No attribution is required.

More about MindFusion Free JS Chart at

Binding the Java Planner to Microsoft SQL Server Using JDBC

In this blog post we will bind to an MS SQL database called bookings. There we will select all data from a table named booking_data. The data is DateTime values. We will use the values to change the background of corresponding calendar cells in a simple Java application. The Java application renders a single-month calendar built with MindFusion Scheduler for Java library.

I. MS SQL EXPRESS Server Configuration

We download and install MS SQL EXPRESS server from The installation also includes an application called “Sql Server Configuration Manager”. We start that application and click on the “SQL Services” tab. There we need to make sure that two services are running:

  • SQL Server
  • SQL Server Browser

You start these services by pressing the arrows in the toolbar at the top. If you cannot do this you need to change the Start Mode for this service. Double click it and in the Properties dialog that appears click on the “Service” tab. There you will find the “Start Mode” property and change it to “Manual”. Once you’ve done this you can start, stop or pause the service from the toolbar icons.

SQL Server Config Manager: Services

In order to start an SQL Server Service you might have to change its Start Mode to “Manual”.

Then we click on the “SQL Native Client” node and we select the “Client Protocols” tab. We make sure the TCP/IP Protocol is enabled.

SQL Server Config Manager: Enable TCP/IP

Make sure the TCP/IP protocol is enabled for the JDBC connection to succeed

The next step is to download Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio from

Once we install it and start it we can create a new database called bookings. We right click on the Databases menu and choose “New Database”. We call it “bookings”. Then we expand the tree under “bookings” and right click on the “Tables” node. A window opens where we can define the columns for our new table. We add two columns:

  • id of type integer, which we set at primary key by right-clicking on it.
  • booked_date of type DateTime which will hold the dates that are booked.
Create a new table using MS SQL Server Management Studio

MS SQL Server management Studio: the dialog for defining a new table

After we are done we choose save and at this point we can provide a name for our table. We call it booking_data. With the table defined we right-click on it and choose “Edit Top 200 Rows”. There we add just three days (Jan 16th, Jan 22nd, Jan 26th) all of which in the current month. The data is auto-saved.

MS SQL Server management Studio: Table Edit

MS SQL Server Management Studio: here is how you edit the table data

The next step is to create a new user that will connect to this database. We click the “Security” node on the navigation tree and then “Logins”. Right-click and we choose “New Login”. In the dialog that opens we provide username and password. In order to do that we need to have the Login method set to “SQL Server authentication”. In the next tab “Server Roles” the new user must have “public” role. Then in “User Mapping” we tick the “bookings” database. In the Securables tab in the “Grant” grant column for the user we tick the “Connect SQL” permission. Then we close the dialog.

Grant SQL Connect to a DB User

Grant the new user the right to perform an SQL connection.

We get back to the bookings database and right-click on it. We choose “Properties” and from the dialog we click on the “Permissions” menu. There we select the user we’ve just created and in the Grant column of the underlying table we grant her the “Select” permission.

Granting User Permissions

Grant the DB user ‘Select’ permission to perform the required SQL query

With that the setup of our server and user is ready.

II. JDBC Driver & MS SQL Express Connection Properties

We download Microsoft’s JDBC Driver for MS SQL Server from this link: and extract it. Next we create a new Java project. For this project we’ve used IntelliJ IDEA but any other Java IDE will do. In the project tree to the right we create a subfolder that we call “libs”. There we copy the jar of JDBC driver from the folder where we extracted it. Microsoft provides two versions of the driver depending on the JRE that you use. In our case we choose the version for JRE 10, which is called mssql-jdbc-7.0.0.jre10.jar. Next we right-click on the name of our project and select “Open Module Properties”. In the dialog we choose the “Modules” menu and there we click on the “Dependencies” tab and select the mssql-jdbc-7.0.0.jre10.jar module.

Configuring IntelliJ Project Modules

Configuring the IntelliJ Project to include the JDBC driver module

We click on the src folder of the project and add a new class, which we call In it we write the method establishConnection. This method is responsible for connecting to the MS SQL database “bookings”. Here is the code that makes the connection:

private void establishConnection() throws ClassNotFoundException

Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement pst;

try {
// db parameters
String sql = "SELECT booked_date FROM booking_data";

String userName = "mindfusion";
String password = "mf123";

String url = "jdbc:sqlserver://DESKTOP-NV9S0TU\\SQLEXPRESS;databaseName=bookings;";

conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userName, password);

pst = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery();

If you’ve followed strictly the steps we’ve outlined so far at this point you would successfully connect to your MS SQL Server with the credentials you’ve set up following the guide so far.

III. The Schedule Application

We download MindFusion Java Swing Scheduler from and unzip it. We copy JPlanner.jar in the libs folder of the project and add it as a project dependency from the “Open Module Settings” menu. Then we define a Calendar variable and assign it to a new instance of the Calendar class.

public MainWindow() throws ClassNotFoundException
setSize(368, 362);
setTitle("MindFusion.Scheduling Sample: Minimal Application");

calendar = new Calendar();


private Calendar calendar;

At the end of the method we call establishConnection and connect to the MS SQL Server.

IV. Styling the Calendar Dates

The aim of our sample application shall be to color those cells of the calendar that correspond to the dates we’ve read from the database. In order to do this we use the DateStyle class that sets some useful appearance properties to a range of cells that are specified with the setFrom and setTo methods. We use setBrush to change the background of the cell.

while ( {
Date date = rs.getDate("booked_date");

DateStyle dStyle = new DateStyle();
dStyle.setFrom(new DateTime(date));
dStyle.setTo(new DateTime(date));
Style style = new Style();
style.setBrush(new SolidBrush(;



Finally we add the style to the DayStyles collection of the calendar.

Here is the final application:

Scheduling application in Java Swing with MS SQL Server JDBC Connection

MindFusion Java Swing application with the Scheduling library and MS SQL Server

You can download the project together with the MS SQL Server JDBC driver library and the scheduling library from this link:

Download JPlanner Sample Application That Uses MS SQL Server JDBC Connection

About MindFusion Scheduling for Java Swing: The library provides extensive feature-set for creating and customizing all sorts of calendars, task lists, time-management tables, resource allocation tables and other. It boasts various options for customizing appearance and numerous events for handling user actions. The distribution archive includes a lot of samples and extensive documentation. Learn more at

JavaScript Chart Library, V1.1 Released

The new version of the JavaScript Chart library contains the following new features:


Funnel charts are often used to represent stages in a sales process and show the amount of potential revenue at each stage. In MindFusion.Charting for JavaScript funnel charts can be created by utilizing the FunnelChart or FunnelRenderer classes. FunnelChart inherits from the base Chart class and offers additional customization through its segmentSpacing and bottomBase properties.

Funnel chart in JavaScript

Funnel chart in JavaScript

Theme XML serialization
Themes now can be serialized to and from XML through the use of the respective loadFrom and saveTo methods.


Download the latest version directly from here:

Download JavaScript Chart Library, V1.1 Trial

Technical support is available at the JS Chart forum, per email at or at the HelpDesk. Either way MindFusion attentive support team would be glad to answer your questions.

About MindFusion JavaScript Chart Library: MindFusion JS Chart is an interactive library for charts and gauges written purely in JavaScript. It supports all common chart types, multiple series, custom data,financial charts, funnel charts, a large selection of gauges and rich styling capabilities. The elegant architecture of the library allows you to create dashboards, charts with multiple different types of series in a single plot, unlimited number of axes, reusable styling themes, various oval and linear gauges. The innovative approach to data lets you define your own data classes by implementing a single interface.
The library also boasts a rich event set, zoom, pan, dragging of the legend and a set of many popular gauges. It is designed and implemented to provide JS developers with the perfect tool to create beautiful, interactive dashboards fast and easy. Download trial directly at Get your license today at http://www.javascript-chart-buy.html

JavaScript Diagram Library, V2.8 Released

The new JavaScript library has been released with the following new features:

Fluent API

Builder objects with property setters and shortcut methods for font and brush creation add support for fluent programming style. Static With and instance init methods in DiagramItem, Style and Layout -derived classes return a builder instance that can be used to set up respective new or existing objects.

DiagramLink improvements

  • HeadStroke, HeadStrokeThickness and HeadStrokeDashStyle properties let you customize arrowhead strokes independently of line segments strokes.
  • The AllowSelfLoops property of Diagram class controls whether users are allowed to draw self-loop links.
  • The new Spline element of LinkShape enumeration draws links as interpolating splines that pass through all of their control points.
The new JS Diagram boasts improved DiagramLink-s.

The new JS Diagram boasts improved DiagramLink-s.


A trial version is available for download here:

Download MindFusion Diagram Library for JavaScript, V2.8

About Diagramming for JavaScript Library: Written 100% in JavaScript, this tool is a dynamic, browser based visualization library that uses HTML5 Canvas to draw impressive diagrams, schemes, flowcharts, trees and many more. It is browser independent, easy to use and allows you to integrate interactive diagrams for JavaScript and HTML into any web application. This MindFusion graphing library supports a variety of predefined node shapes, customizable links, rich event set and many appearance options.

The user interaction model includes resizing / moving / selecting and modifying any diagram element. The library boasts an elegant API, which is documented in details, numerous step-by-step guides and tutorials. The Diagramming API also provides TypeScript definitions. Various samples are provided to let you learn quickly how to use the most important features of the library – check them here. The JavaScript diagram builder is not only the perfect choice for creating any type of diagram in the browser – it can also arrange it the way you wish with a mouse click using one of its automatic graph layout algorithms. For more details about the features of the component, please visit the Diagram for JavaScript page.