Advanced Item Drawing
Dmonstrates how to implement full-featured item viewers. The viewers render the items with rounded corners, support semitransparency, display icons in the items' headers, formatted text in the items' descriptions, a clock showing the items' start time and more.

Advanced Viewers
Demonstrates how to utilize custom item viewers in order to show tree views in items that represent hierarchical tasks. The sample also implements drag and drop of tree nodes between items and context menu.

Demonstrates how to implement clipboard operations with the Planner.NET control. The sample uses the timetable view and shows a context menu.

Custom Events
Learn how to derive from the Appointment class in order to implement custom schedule events. The sample also shows how to specify that custom objects must be instantiated when a user creates events interactively (by typing) and how to perform additional drawing over the custom events.

Custom Grouping
Custom grouping is the ability to define a secondary resource individually for each primary resource. If a worker is assigned ore than one task at a time, the conflicting tasks will be marked with red.

Custom Viewers
This sample demonstrates how to use custom viewers to completely override default item rendering.

CustomDraw Elements
A demonstration of the different elements that can be custom-drawn according to the view type. The options are members of the CustomDrawElements enumeration.

Planner.NET demonstration application that shows many of the component's features including views, formatted text, handling user actions and more.

Drag and Drop
The sample shows how easy it is to implement drag and drop of calendar appointments using the control API. It is a timetable with a list of icons that create calendar items when dragged and dropped at the schedule.

Dual View
Demonstrates how to synchronize a timetable and a month view so that when an item is added to the timetable, the style of the respective day cell in the month view is changed.

The Scheduling library offers Area and Glass effects, which can be customized. There are also many other available preset effects as shown in this sample.

Full Year
The ListView is used here to create a calendar for the whole year. Users can type in appointments for the day and drag them around the schedule.

Google Calendar
This sample illustrates how to use the visualization settings and custom drawing to achieve a specific appearance, in this particular case - a calendar with a theme similar to Google's calendar.

Demonstrates how to highlight cells in various views when the user clicks on them with the mouse, and how to obtain the bounding rectangle of cells and display a context menu relative to them.

MindFusion *HolidayProvider classes are a convenient way to render all registered holidays for a particular country. The sample shows you how to use them.

Implements saving and loading a Planner.NET schedule data to and from the iCalendar format.

Demonstrates how to use the new info headers feature in the Timetable view. The sample also demonstrates how to setup and render formatted text, containing simple html tags using the MindFusion.Common tools.

Demonstrates the new Linear cell layout in the SingleMonth and MonthRange views.

List View
A demonstration of the list view that can be horizontal or vertical and holds appointments in a list for the respective day. The items can be dragged around and snapped to different time units: minute, hour, day etc.

The sample shows you how to localize the UI of your schedule and render the menus and forms in a different language.

Shows how to assign one Schedule instance to more than one Calendar views, thus realizing an MDI (Multiple-document) user interface.

Milestone Items
This sample demonstrates the Milestone item mode implemented in the List view. The milestone items use custom item viewer in order to draw as rhombuses.

Min App
A basic application that shows you everything you need to do and know in order to create a schedule with Planner.NET

Multiple Grouping
You can group items in a Resource view by applying two criteria in a row. The sample shows you how.

Multiple Resource Selection
Illustrates how to implement simultaneous selection across several resources in a Resource view. In the header of each resource row there is a custom-drawn check box which indicates whether the cells of the corresponding resource will be selected whenever the users draws a selection in the view.

The Recurrence class is used to define the repetition patterns of schedule items, such as appointments and events. This program uses it to define appointments that follow a custom recurrence pattern.

Resource Timeline
This sample demonstrates how to integrate the Calendar control with the RangeSelector control.

This is the Resource view with various predefined resources for each contact. You can expand/collapse individual sections or use the Resource form to edit a resource.

Demonstrates various techinques while custom drawing in a Resource view. The sample also shows how to render rotated texts and custom labels in the timelines and rows headers.

There are several stock dialogs coming with Planner.NET. This sample demonstrates how to use them to quickly implement MS Outlook-like event editing.

Demonstrates how to synchronize the contents of two independent Calendar controls through the use of events.

Tutorial 1
The tutorial shows you how to render a timetable in a WinForms application. You can easily change the view to another one.

Tutorial 2
This tutorial shows you how to create recurring appointents and uses the WeekRange view.

Tutorial 3
Here you learn how to render the appointment form for creating and editing events.

Tutorial 4
Demonstrates how to create a class for custom appointments and how to handle clicked event for items.

Tutorial 6
Teaches you how to create appointments programatically and how to create schedule reports.

Tutorial 7
Demonstrates how to implement export and import to/from MS Outlook with the Schedulilng control.

Implements unlimited scrolling in the WeekRange view, very similar to the one present in MS Outlook.