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Q: Should we pay license fees for each end-user of our application?

A: Flowchart.NET is royalty free. You need to purchase only a per-developer license, and do NOT have to pay any per-user or per-system fees.

Q: 20 developers are working on our project, should we buy a license for everybody?

A: You need a license only for developers that use actively the FlowChart.NET programming interface. No license is required for the rest of the developers that need the FlowChart.NET assemblies just to compile / test the project.

Q: Our project is intended for internal use in our organization and not for external (customer) distribution. May we use the Trial version or should we buy a license?

A: You may not use the Trial version for this purpose; you still have to purchase a per-developer license.

Q: If we buy a license with source code, may we build a custom version of the FlowChart.NET assemblies and redistribute them with (as part of) our application?

A: You may redistribute custom builds of the Flowchart.NET assemblies if you keep the metadata associated with the assemblies intact, such as the MindFusion copyright notice, product name, etc.

Q: Regarding this "upgrade subscription", do we have to pay a fee every year or every six months to continue using your component?

A: You do not have to; you can renew your subscription only when you'd like to upgrade to a new version of the control.

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