A list of online samples that demonstrate various features of MindFusion interactive library for JavaScript and HTML.
This sample shows how to arrange the Diagram by using the TreeMapLayout algorithm. Choose different options to assign weights and note how the layout changes.
This sample page shows how to build a class inheritance diagram. Classes are represented by instances of the TableNode class. Each property of the class prototype is listed in a TableNode cell. Finally, the diagram is arranged using the TreeLayout algorithm.
The sample offers users everything they need to build a diagram interactively in the browser using JavaScript. There is a NodeListView control to the left and an overview window above it. The main surface is the drawing panel of the diagram, where users can drag nodes, connect them, resize them or type in some text. You can test the multiple selection capabilities of the control and the countless format options, which are exposed in the toolbar at the top. When you are ready building the diagram you can test the diagram serialization features with the Save and Load buttons.
Dynamically built tree
This sample page shows how to build a tree dynamically and apply the automatic tree layout algorithm.
Layered Layout
This sample creates a random graph and arranges it using the LayeredLayout algorithm.
Stock Shapes
This sample shows all predefined node shapes and their string identifiers.
The NodeListView control
The sample demonstrates how to build a tree by dragging nodes from the NodeListView control.
The FractalLayout algorithm
This sample creates a random graph and arranges it using the FractalLayout algorithm.
Auxiliary controls
This sample demonstrates the auxiliary controls available with JavaScript Diagram: NodeListView, Overview and ZoomControl.
Anchor points
This sample shows how to define custom anchor-point patterns and assign them to boxes.
Table nodes
This sample shows how to build table nodes that have multiple cells and use cell spanning and how to connect them.
Container nodes
This sample shows how to build container nodes and how to connect the containers as well their children nodes.
Tutorial: build a diagram dynamically
Demonstrates how to dynamically build a diagram from Json data.
Tutorial 2
Demonstrates how to dynamically build a diagram from Json data. JSDiagram provides a method to arrange diagram elements in tree-like hierarchies.
Learn how to animate the creation of a flowchart and customize the animation and easing types.
The sample demonstrates how to build a simple Gantt chart using the lane grid provided with the control.
Tutorial 3
Learn how to create a custom node class that exposes some new properties in addition to the ones defined by DiagramNode.
Tutorial 4
Learn how to extend "Tutorial 3" with clipboard and undo/redo functionality.