Clipboard Operations
The sample implements clipboard operations on the Calendar control. Select a time cell and start typing to create a schedule item. Right-click on an item to copy it. Right-click on a day cell to paste.

Custom Events
This sample demonstrates how to derive from the Appointment class in order to implement custom schedule events. The sample also shows how to specify that custom objects must be instantiated when a user creates events interactively.

Custom Item Templates
Learn how to create custom templates to style calendar appointments. You can change the calendar views and themes to see how your custom templates look in the different schedules.

Custom Month Calendar
A monthly calendar which is synchronized with 3 smaller calendars to the left, which show the months ahead.

Custom Resource Cells
This sample illustrates how to customize the appearance of cells in a Resource view. Here the borders of the cells are made dotted using a border with a repeating linear gradient.

Custom Timetable Grid
The grid view of WpfPlanner is used here to create a grid that stores data and applies special formatting to the calendar cells.

Dual View
Two calendar instances share the same schedule so that changes in one are reflected on the other. You can change the date in the timetable by selecting a date in one of the monthly calendars.

You can change the view and the relative position of the context menu from the 'View' and 'Position' menus respectively. Right-click on any cell in the view below to highlight this cell and to bring a context menu, aligned with the border of the clicked cell.

This sample illustrates how to customize the appearance of individual cells in the view by supplying custom templates. This particular template associates images, custom colors and text with specific dates. The templated cells also provide a tooltip.

ICalendar Format
The sample uses the DDay.iCal class library to implement save and load of a MindFusion schedule data to the iCalendar format. Use the buttons at the button to save, load or clear the schedule.

Linear Month View
This view demonstrates the Linear cell layout in the SingleMonth and MonthRange views.

List View
Use the 'Tools' menu to enable free dragging. Free dragging allows users to drag items anywhere within a List view. Once dropped the item stays at its drop location.

Minimal Application
The sample teaches you all you need to know about how to implement the schedule in a WPF application, change views and create appointments.

Resource Schedule
This sample demonstrates how to customize a Resource view with various colors and how to associate tooltips with schedule items.

Resource Table
This sample demonstrates a static Resource view, which shows the distribution of resources over a period of time.

Resource Timeline
This sample demonstrates how to integrate the Calendar control with the RangeSelector control.

Resource View
This sample demonstrates the Resource view. Several random appointments are created for each resource at application start. You can expand and collapse the records for a Resource by clicking on the buttons next to it.

Schedule Reports
Create several items for different contacts using the 'Create Appointments' menu item or manually - in the Timetable view, then choose either Print or Preview from the menu to print or preview an automatically generated report.

Stress Test
This sample demonstrates the speed with which the Calendar control can load, display and manipulate appointments. You can create 500 appointments randomly distributed over 10 resources with a click of a button.

Tutorial 2
Learn how to show and customize the single month view. The sample also demonstrates how to create recurring appointments and add them to the schedule.

Tutorial 3
The sample teaches you how to show the appointment form for editing an appointment on item-double click.

Tutorial 4
The sample teaches you how to apply and register a custom class for calendar appointments.

Tutorial 7
The sample shows you how to import and export calendar schedule from/to Microsoft Outlook.