Features of Diagramming for ActiveX
A comprehensive list with the most important features of the control divided into sections. You can find further details about the component's features at the "API Overview" section in the online help. If you need a feature that is currently not supported, you can request it here.
The FlowChartX control
- Redistribution is royalty free
- A native 64-bit version available
- Is digitally signed
- Is written in C++ using ATL and WTL
- Can be purchased with source code
User interaction
- Several user interaction modes
- Scrolling and zooming
- Additional Overview control
- Automatic scrolling while dragging objects with the mouse
- Alignment to grid
- Node alignment guides
- Multiple selection
- Tool-tips
- Docking points can be defined for nodes
- Undo / redo

- Clipboard operations

- Programmatic access to the diagram objects and selections
- Numerous properties for customizing appearance and behavior
- Numerous utility methods
- Rich event set
Store and retrieve diagrams into/from
- Files on disk
- OLE streams
- ASCII strings
- XML documents
- To screen using the Windows GDI or GDI+
- Printing and print preview
- Integrate diagrams into VSVIEW reports
- Create metafile or bitmap images
Import and export
- Export images in BMP, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG formats
- Export metafiles
- Import Visio 2003 VDX files

- Export Visio 2003 VDX files

- Export SVG files

- Lock diagram elements
- Read-only mode supported
- Tables can be scrolled
- Expand / collapse object hierarchies
- In-place text editing
- Dynamic positioning of arrows relative to linked nodes
Only in Diagramming for ActiveX Professional Edition
Diagram elements
- More than 100 predefined node shapes
- Shapes can be rotated
- Tables with unlimited number of rows and columns
- Table cells can span several rows and columns
- Arrows can comprise multiple segments
- Arrow segments can be straight lines or curves
Automatic layout
- Directional tree layout
- Radial tree layout
- Spring-Embedder graph layout
- Fractal tree layout

- Layered graph layout

- Grid graph layout

- Annealing graph layout

- Circular graph layout

- Route arrows to avoid crossing nodes

- Decision flowchart layout

- Nodes can display images and text
- Various text alignment styles
- Text can be laid-out in polygonal areas
- Customizable fonts and colors
- Ability to define custom node shapes
- Custom painting of nodes
- Shadows
- User-assigned mouse cursors
- Z order
- Rich choice of pen and brush styles
- Transparent nodes
- Invisible nodes
- Anti aliasing and smoothing
- Semi transparency
Hierarchical grouping
- Attaching objects (nodes/tables) to other objects
- Attaching objects to arrow control points
- Attaching objects to arrow segments
- Link nodes to nodes
- Link tables rows to table rows
- Link table rows to nodes
- Link nodes to tables
- Unconnected arrows
Auxiliary Controls
- Ruler control